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Altai Super WiFi Training WiFi Network Planning

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1 Altai Super WiFi Training WiFi Network Planning
Professional Services Altai Technologies Limited

2 Module Outline Basic WiFi Technology Wireless Network Planning
Coverage Planning Site Survey Wireless Backhaul Link

3 Basic WiFi Technology

4 WiFi Standard 11b 11g 11a 11n HT 20 11n HT 40 Frequency band 2.4GHz
2.4 or 5 GHz Maximum Data Rate 11Mbps 54Mbps 130Mbps 300Mbps Usage Access Bridging Both

5 Wireless Operation Modes
Bridge Access Point CPE Indoor Access Point Internet 1 2 3 4 Repeater Access Point (AP Mode) – 2.4GHz for laptop access Repeater Mode – 2.4GHz for wireless in and wireless out CPE Mode – 2.4GHz for wireless in and Ethernet out Bridge Mode – 5GHz for wireless backhaul link

6 Wi-Fi Spectrum 802.11b/g/ng are operating at 2.4GHz
Different countries have different spectrum allocated for Wi-Fi To minimize the overlapping, it is recommended to have a separation 25MHz, i.e. 5 channels. Example of Separate Channels at 2.4GHz are 1, 6, 11

7 Available Channel Number
Wi-Fi Spectrum 802.11a, na are operating at 5GHz All 5GHz channels are “non-overlapping” channels. Operation Radio Spectrum (GHz) Available Channel Number 802.11a 5180MHZ MHZ 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64 5500MHZ MHZ 100,104,108,112,116,120, 124,128,132,136,140 802.11na (HT20) 802.11na (HT40ext CH+1) 5180MHZ MHZ 36,44,52,60 5500MHZ MHZ 100,108,116,124,132 802.11na (HT40ext CH-1) 5200MHZ MHZ 40,48,56,64 5520MHZ MHZ 104,112,120,128,136

8 Wireless Network Planning

9 Wireless Network Planning
Determine the coverage area and requirement Preliminary determine number of sites and locations Taking photos Determine power supply and backhaul determine a preliminary pole location Perform site survey (Site Info stored in the database) Conduct a coverage survey (Optional) May need to re-determine the pole, or even, site location

10 Wireless Network Planning
Site acquisition & Installation Go back and determine antenna configuration should be changed, or more sites are required Site configuration & acceptance test OK Determine if the coverage and service meet the requirements. No Yes Keep maintenance

11 Wireless Network Requirements
Target Coverage Area Dimension of the area on a map User distribution Building/Trees distribution and height Anticipated Number of Users Potential subscribers Can take reference to no of schools, mobile phone subscriber number, WiMax users Wireless Application Voice over IP Surveillance camera or web surfing Wired Backhaul Uplink and downlink bandwidth Availability and extensibility location Installation Site Possible site acquisition Power availability

12 Coverage Area Estimation
In sub-urban area, we assumed cell radius of A8n to be 0.35 km In dense-urban area, we assumed cell radius of A8n to be 0.25 km In sub-urban area, we assumed cell radius of A8Ein to be 0.60 km In dense-urban area, we assumed cell radius of A8Ein to be 0.40 km

13 Network Capacity (A8Ein)
Estimated maximum throughput per user is 1 Mbps An average of 20 Mbps throughput per A8Ein 20 concurrent users at maximum traffic for the A8Ein Typical activity ratio is 20% 100 concurrent users per A8Ein Oversell ratio is 4 100 x 4 = 400 subscribers per A8Ein

14 Site Survey Site information Stored in a database for reference
Site Location Site Location Details Site Photo Photo of each sector view

15 Site Survey N Example Site Map Example Site Configuration
B D C Example Site Map Configuration Bearing Downtilt Sector A 10 5 Sector B 70 5 Sector C Sector D Example Site Information Example Site Configuration

16 Site Acquisition Site Negotiation Power Supply and Wired Network Link
Antenna Installation Planning Site Confirmation Installation Layout and Construction Plan Site Information Database

17 Site Installation (A8Ein)
North 0.7m 0.7m A 1 m Side-View 3 0.8m 1 m Side-View 3 >1.7 m Rooftop Height  25m Pole base 1m x 1m x 0.125m Rooftop

18 Coverage Planning

19 Calculate Downtilt The cell coverage could be confirmed by downtilt
Assume h : antenna height d : distance  : downtilt angle The down tilt angle is:  = arc-tan( h / d) Example 1: h = 20m, d = 500m  = 2.3  Example 2: h = 80m, d = 500m  = 9  h d

20 Case Study – Scenario 1 Case
Antenna at 20/F rooftop ( h = 80m), A8Ein vertical beam width is 12  Scenario 1 If the user needs to focus on the area of 500m location: then, d = 500m, h = 80m = 9  Note: d1 = 290m d2 = 1,479m h d d1 d2

21 Case Study – Scenario 2 Case
Antenna at 20/F rooftop ( h = 80m), A8Ein vertical beam width is 12  Scenario 2 If the user needs to cover up to 500m, but most the WiFi clients are located close to the radio site, then, d2 = 500m, h = 80m - Downtilt = 9  + 6  = 15  Note: d = 298m d1 = 198m h = 9  d d1 d2

22 Angle Meter Depends on Antenna height Antenna vertical beam-width
Distance required WiFi Users Distribution Angle Meter

23 East Palo Alto, USA Objective Problem Solution
Community Interact Program providing Internet access to non-profit and charity organizations Problem Original mesh AP supports less than 2Mbps with latency problems Solution Community Wireless selects Altai as the replacement product 12 BTS deployed in an area of 7 sq. km Blanket 70% of East Palo Alto City Provide coverage to over 35,000 residents

24 East Palo Alto, CA, USA

25 Estimated Coverage

26 Hub Site Locations Hub 2 2 km Hub 1

27 Location of the Test Site
B6 B7 B8 B9 Site 11 B4 Hub 2 Turbo 11a switch B2 Hub 1 Internet switch

28 Site 1: Predicted/Planned Coverage
Predicted Coverage Measured Coverage 0.32 mile Site 1

29 Site 2: Predicted/Planned Coverage
0.32 mile Predicted Coverage Measured Coverage

30 Site Survey

31 Field Measurement in Hangzhou
Site 2 Site 1

32 Site Location Zhong Shan Road North North Building Height  75m
Lower Rooftop (19/F) P2 Upper Rooftop Zhong Shan Road North Two site locations P1

33 Site 1 Antennas A8

34 Northwest (Wulin Square) South (Zhong Shan Road North)
View from Site 1 C (280°) D (310°) B (220°) Northwest (Wulin Square) West A (150°) South (Zhong Shan Road North)

35 Site 1, Sector A Zhongshan Road North

36 Site 1, Sector A (upward) Seeing the building from Fengqi Road (at 250m distance) Site 1

37 Wireless Backhaul Link

38 WiFi Bridge 5GHz External Antenna A2 WiFi Bridge 802.11na 5GHz Switch
A8Ein Super WiFi 802.11b/g/ng 2.4GHz A2 WiFi Bridge 802.11na 5GHz Switch A2 WiFi AP 802.11b/g/ng 2.4GHz Triple play enabled by Altai City-wide WiFi Typical applications over city-wide WiFi include voIP, online gaming, video streaming with support of fast handoff B5 Ultra Bridge 5GHz Bridge Switch A8-Ein Super WiFi 802.11b/g/ng 2.4GHz

39 WiFi Bridge External Antenna Options for A8Ein and A2e
High gain directional antenna: 20dBi WiFi Bridge Requirements Clear Line of Sight (LOS) Fine tuning antenna alignment Configuring bridge distance in web admin Common Bridge Distance: 5~10km B5 Bridge Ultra Long Distance: 20~80km

40 Coverage Mapping

41 Coverage mapping Coverage mapping is important step to examine the result of the network planning. Measure the DL RSSI of different AP along the path in specified area. Tools for WiFi Coverage mapping InSSIDer with GPS

42 Coverage mapping result example

43 Coverage mapping Result of the coverage mapping is used to
Adjust the down tilt, direction, height and transmit power of AP Determine if additional sites required to add to improve the network coverage. Coverage test is always encouraging before site acquisition of new sites to confirm the new sites coverage Setup A8Ein in the new sites temporary with tripod and do coverage mapping.

44 Thank You

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