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1 Leadership of CfE. 2 Viewforth High School  Fife’s smallest High School  Fife’s most unsuitable buildings  Highest FMR in Fife  Almost 67% pupils.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Leadership of CfE. 2 Viewforth High School  Fife’s smallest High School  Fife’s most unsuitable buildings  Highest FMR in Fife  Almost 67% pupils."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Leadership of CfE

2 2 Viewforth High School  Fife’s smallest High School  Fife’s most unsuitable buildings  Highest FMR in Fife  Almost 67% pupils in SIMD 1-3  Set in a leafy area midst deprivation

3 3 Viewforth High School  Not MUCH going for us?  Nothing could be further from the truth!

4 4 Viewforth High School  Pupils Proud of the school  Community confident in what we do  Parents trust us

5 5 Our Biggest Strength?

6 6 Our Common Belief We change lives!

7 7 CfE - A wonderful opportunity  Skills for learning, life and work  Success or failure hangs on a positive experience in S3.  S5 most important year for qualifications. S4 exams taken “en route”.

8 8 Traditional S3 Curriculum – 30 period week  English and Maths - 4 periods per wk  PE (2), RE, SE  6 Subjects 3 periods per wk

9 9 The HINGE question  “Why do youngsters have to be doing the same amount for each subject whether it is their first choice of their last?” ANSWER  Ease of timetabling  Equal treatment for all subjects

10 10 A Radical Thought  How can we arrange for youngsters to do more of the subjects they enjoy?

11 11 The Viewforth S3 model – 35 period week  English and Maths 4 periods per wk  SE and RE get 1 period  5 Columns of 3 periods - Core  5 Columns of 2 periods – Enrichment –One column reserved for Duke of Edinburgh or ASDAN Key Steps Awards

12 12 Breadth and Depth is S3 at Viewforth  The SAME subjects can be chosen as BOTH core and enrichment.  Pupils can opt for 2,3,5 or 6 periods per week of the SAME subject!  Pupils experience between 11 and 16 subjects per week.  Fast Track to Highers in S4

13 13 Personalisation and Choice in S3  Personal Support – “Review of Learning and Planning the Next Steps”  All S2 Parents and Pupils invited for 30 minute interview with DHT to complete the course choice form.

14 14 Key Points Discussed  Which subjects do you think you would like to study in S4?  S3 curriculum then built in discussion with the DHT. –5 periods for main choices. –3 or 2 periods for other subjects  Breadth of curriculum ensured

15 15 Entering the Senior Phase  S3 Leads to an integrated Senior Phase  This year we piloted in 2 columns  From May 2014 will be extended to all columns (Separate SE, RE & PE)

16 16 The Integrated Senior Phase  One single Course Choice form used for Higher, N5 and N4.  Pupil and Parent interviews  Subjects and levels chosen from a COMMON menu.

17 17 The Senior Phase Course Choice Form  Five Columns of 6 periods and 1 of 5  Highers and Advanced Highers get 6 periods  N5 and N4 courses 5 Periods

18 18 Pupil Pathway – 1 : Typical S4 Pupil N5/N4 1 2 3 4 5 6 PE/RE/SE

19 19 Pupil Pathway – 2 : Fast Track S4 Pupil Higher N5/N4 1 2 3 4 5 6 PE/RE/SE

20 20 Pupil Pathway – 3 : “Able” S5/6 Pupil AH/H Higher PE/RE/SE 1 2 3 4 5 6

21 21 Pupil Pathway – 4 : Typical S5/S6 Pupil AH/H N5/N4 PE/RE/SE 1 2 3 4 5 6 N5 UNIT

22 22 Outcomes 1. Pupils better prepared for the Senior Phase Attainment Raised? Fast Track pupils did well I2 2. Less disruption in S3 and S4 classes 3. More pupils staying on into S5 & S6

23 23 Outcomes 2 4.Pupils more engaged in learning 5.Parents more involved 6.More Positive destinations? 7.A TIRED but HAPPY staff!

24 24 We Don’t have all the answers!  Learning is about more than structures and frameworks  We need to do more on …… Employability, Partnership working, community interfacing, social equity and ……..

25 25 We are happy to share!  Viewforth High School, Kirkcaldy

26 26 Our Common Belief  We change lives!  Time will tell!

27 27

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