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SECONDARY SCHOOL 2015-2016. Overview  Administrative organisation s1 – s6  Reports  Learning Support / SEN  Coordinators, Conseillers, Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "SECONDARY SCHOOL 2015-2016. Overview  Administrative organisation s1 – s6  Reports  Learning Support / SEN  Coordinators, Conseillers, Communication."— Presentation transcript:


2 Overview  Administrative organisation s1 – s6  Reports  Learning Support / SEN  Coordinators, Conseillers, Communication  School rules  FAQs  Questions

3 1. Secondary School: Structure First cycle: s1-s2-s3 Second cycle: s4-s5 Third cycle: s6-s7 3 Cycles

4  DE  EL  ES  EN  FR  NE  CZ  SWALS 7 SECTIONS

5  33 periods  Teacher / subject  Classroom / subject FIRST CYCLE : 1-2-3 S1

6 33 obligatory periods The languages L1 – 5p L2 – 5p L3 - 2p S1: The Subjects The arts ART – 2p MUS – 2p EP – 3p REL/MOR – 2p The sciences MAT – 4p SCH – 3p SCI – 4p ICT – 1p

7 TIMETABLE LUNDIMARDIMERCREDIJEUDIVENDREDI 08.30 09.15 P1 09.20 10.05 P2 10.10 10.55 P3 11.15 12.00 P4 12.00 12.50 P5 12.55 13.45 P6 Pause midi 13.50 14.35 P7 14.40 15.25 P8 15.30 16.15 P9


9 Students can choose options  Latin 2p (Everyone)  Ancient Greek (Greek students only)  ONL Irish (Irish students only) S2

10 Students can choose options Latin 2p (continued from s2) or ICT 2p and / or complementary courses o Extra Sport 2p o Theatre 2p o Dance 2p Also, SCH is taught in L2. S3

11 CHOICES of options / complementary courses: January/February:  CHANGES by September 4th, 2015 CHOICES / CHANGES

12  MAT 4/6  SCI -> BIO + PHY + CHI  SCH -> HIS + GEO SECOND CYCLE : s4-s5 S4

13  Many options  Options  Appro courses  Complementary courses  BAC in S7 THIRD CYCLE : s6-s7 S6

14 Reports Mark + comment for every subject Whole marks only in s1/s2/s3 4 reports  November (X)  January (marks)  April/May (X)  June (marks)  Class councils in December and June

15 Subject10-87654-0Comment L1 EnglishXExcellent progress, well done! L2 DeutschXHervorragende Mitarbeit, konzentriere dich auf die Grammatik. April / November Report

16 January / June Report

17 TYPES OF SUPPORT  LS (LEARNING SUPPORT)  1p / week  often limited period (6 weeks)  teacher requests support for students  support groups (not individual support)  if needed, please contact subject teacher  SEN ( SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS)  individual support  often involves medical certificate  serious learning difficulties  often limited to 1 year  If needed, please contact


19 ROLE OF COORDINATORS  Coordinator S1/2/3: Stephanie BRAUER  Coordinator S4/5: Carmela DOMINGUEZ CUESTA  Cordinator S6/7: Luc BLOMME Please contact us for anything to do with timetables (choice of options, change of L2, subjects missing …)

20 ROLE Of COUNSELORS Counselor Please check the website to find out who is counsellor for s1 and inform them in the case that your child is absent your child has a problem at school

21 SCHOOL RULES  Document ( - informations générales)  Document “Questions et réponses”  Carte de sortie ROUGE ORANGE  Etude

22 COMMUNICATION  Agenda  Site ( POUR INFORMATION  Email   S.Brauer (bureau C116): 02/6294727

23 FAQs Canteen Badge: Children receive a letter in June, badge is sold in class Registration: Email is sent in June in May

24 FAQs Casiers Children receive a letter to parents in June, explaining enrolment deposit etc.

25 FAQs First day of school in September 8h15-8h30: Children meet their class teachers in the area in front the canteen. The teachers are holding up boards indicating the class (S1DEA, S1ELA …). For further information (schedule for the first few days) please see CALENDAR.


27 We wish you an excellent start in secondary school in 2015-2016

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