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Teaching Fiction to a group of F.4 Students Scarlett Lo 50533064 Louisa Leung92907880.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Fiction to a group of F.4 Students Scarlett Lo 50533064 Louisa Leung92907880."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Fiction to a group of F.4 Students Scarlett Lo 50533064 Louisa Leung92907880

2 Outline Part I – Lesson plan Part II - Pre-reading Part III – Micro-teaching –Task 1 : Guess who is talking to Willy Wonka ? –Task 2 : What do you think about the characters ? –Task 3 : Which character do you like ? –Follow-up activity Part IV – Rationale

3 Lesson Plan Name of Fiction Target Students Students Background Objective Lesson Duration Charlie and the Chocolate Factory F.4 students tackling SBA (School-based Assessment) Low reading motivation and low English standard to provide integrated skills on reading print-fiction for characters discussion A double period

4 Pre-reading: identifying characters Main Characters are : Willy Wonka Charlie Bucket Violet Beauregarde Veruca Salt Augustus Gloop Mike Teavee He / she is :  A famous chocolate factory owner  A lucky boy of a poor family  A gum-chewer  A girl coming from a rich family  A fat boy who loves eating  A boy who likes to dog nothing but watch TV Click to the film website for Identifying main charactersIdentifying main characters

5 Task 1 : Who is talking to Willy Wonka ? Work in a group of 4 Each group has part of a dialogue / lyrics extracted from the fiction In each dialogue, only one main character is mentioned The character is talking to either Wonka or the parents Guess which character is talking

6 “The great big greedy nincompoop! How long could we allow this beast To gorge and guzzle, feed and feast On everything he wanted to? However long this pig might live, We’re positive he’d never give Even the smallest bit of fun Or happiness to anyone So what we do in cases such As this, we use the gentle touch, And carefully we take the brat And turn him into something that Will give great pleasure to us all – A doll, for instance, or a ball, Or marbles or a rocking horse.” Appearance Remark

7 “Just so long as it’s gum, just so long as it’s piece of gum and I can chew it, then that’s for me! Come on, Mr. Wonka, hand over this magic gum of yours and we’ll see if the thing works.” “Now, Violet, don’t let’s do anything silly.” “I want the gum! What’s so silly?” “I would rather you didn’t take it, you see, I haven’t got it quite right yet. There are still one or two things …” “Oh, to heck with that!” “Don’t!” hint Personality

8 “Hey, Mummy! I’ve decided I want a squirrel! Get me one of those squirrels!” “Don’t be silly, sweetheart, these all belong to Mr. Wonka.” “I don’t care about that! I want one. All I’ve got at home is 2 dogs and 4 cats and 6 bunny rabbits and 2 parakeets and 3 canaries and a green parrot and a turtle and a bowl of goldfish and a cage of white mice and a silly old hamster! I want a squirrel!” “All right, my pet, Mummy’ll get you a squirrel just as soon as she possibly can.” “But I don’t want any old squirrel! I want a trained squirrel!”

9 “But could you send things by television if you wanted to, as you do chocolate?” “Of course I could!” “And what about people? Could you send a real live person from one place to another in the same way?” “Good heaven, child, I really don’t know … I suppose it could … yes, I’m pretty sire it could … of course it could … I wouldn’t like to risk it, though … it might have some very nasty results … ” “I’m pretty sure it could … of course it could … Look at me! I’m going to be the first person in the world to be sent by television!”

10 “There goes our friend Augustus Gloop! D’you see him? He’s getting into the first truck with his mother and father!” “ You mean he’s really all right? Even after going up that awful pipe?” “He’s very much all right. And look! There goes Miss Violet Beauregarde, the great gum-chewer! It seems as though they managed to de-juice her after all. And how healthy she looks! Much better than before!” “But she’s purple in the face!” “Good gracious! Look at poor Veruca Salt and Mr. Salt and Mrs. Salt! They‘re simply covered with garbage!” “And here comes Mike Teavee! Good heavens! What have they done to him? He’s about ten feet tall and thin as a wire!” “They’ve overstretched him on the gum-stretching machine, how very careless.” “But how dreadful for him!”

11 Task 2: What do you think about the characters? Discuss in groups: 3 adjectives to describe the characters; What they are dreaming to do (Fill in the table)

12 CharacterAdjectiveDreamPresent you will give Willy Wonka Augustus Gloop Veruca Salt Violet Beauregarde Mike Teavee Charlie Bucket Task 2: Fill in the boxes of the table below

13 CharacterAdjectiveDreamPresent you will give Willy Wonka Insecure, cunning, Lonely To have a child go on running the factory Augustus Gloop Greedy, fat, impetuous To eat everyday Veruca Salt Spoiled, headstrong, Impulsive To own everything she wants Violet Beauregarde Competitive, haughty, rebellious To chew gum as long as she can Mike Teavee Imaginative, impetuous, TV-addicted To do nothing but watch TV Charlie Bucket Sympathetic, Sensible, caring To get full in his stomach

14 Task 3 : Which character do you like most ? Suppose you are a friend of the character, what present will you give to the character ? Why ? Do you like the character ? Why ?

15 CharacterAdjectiveDreamPresent you will give Willy Wonka Insecure, cunning, Lonely To have a child go on running the factory A family Augustus Gloop Greedy, fat, impetuous To eat everyday Veruca Salt Spoiled, headstrong, Impulsive To own everything she wants Violet Beauregarde Competitive, haughty, rebellious To chew gum as long as she can A chewing gum or a prize cup Mike Teavee Imaginative, impetuous, TV-addicted To do nothing but watch TV A PS2 machine Charlie Bucket Sympathetic, Sensible, caring To get full in his stomach A bottle of weight losing pill A cage Money or chocolate

16 Follow-up activity Your favourite character would like to visit Hong Kong for a day. Please plan an itinerary suitable for him/her. –Write your plan in no less than 100 words –Tell us your plan in class

17 The Rationale of the Lesson Design Task based Learning content appropriate Meeting students’ needs Achieve Communicative Competence Mobilize Learners’ Prior Communicative Competence Print Fiction listed in HKEAA Film version available Form 4 Students need to practice skills to tackle with SBA

18 The Tasks Tasks used Extracted Dialogue/Lyrics Personality identification Itinerary Writing ( Individual work ) Benefit of the tasks Induction - learn from examples to theories Discovery Learning leads to Deep Levels of thinking Peer learning Interactive learning engages students’ attention Application of learning in real Tasks

19 The End

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