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Published byTimothy Martell Modified over 10 years ago
ORIENTATION TO EFFECTIVE SITE SUPERVISION PART 1: CPS SCHOOL COUNSELOR PRACTICUM & INTERNSHIP PROGRAM PROTOCOLS Barbara Karpouzian, Director, Office of School Counseling and Postsecondary Advising (OSCPA) Lisa De Gregorio, Lead Elementary Counseling Specialist, OSCPA Dr. Diana Camilo, Elementary Counseling Specialist, OSCPA Whitney Triplett, Lead Secondary Counseling Specialist, OSCPA Webinar: 12/04/2014
●Foundation of CPS School Counselor Practicum/Internship Program ●Site Supervisor Application Process and Guidelines for Supervision in 2015-2016 ●Practicum/Internship Student Placement Application and Process for Placement in CPS in 2015-2016, including CPS School Counselor Internship Security Clearance Packet ●Important Reminders and Timelines ●Resources For More Information TOPICS
● Mission and Vision of the Office of School Counseling and Postsecondary Advising (OSCPA) ● School Counselor Practicum/Internship Program and Goals; Commitment to equity and access ● CPS Board Report 11-1116-ED3 Legal Considerations ● University Partners ●Alignment with REACH Framework for School Counselors, Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities FOUNDATION OF THE SCHOOL COUNSELOR PRACTICUM/INTERNSHIP PROGRAM
SITE SUPERVISOR APPLICATION ●Print a copy of confirmation page for your records ●Site Supervisors previously approved to supervise a placement must reapply to be eligible for placement in 2015-2016 ●Online Site Supervisor Application Window for placements in 2015-2016: September 22 nd – November 10 th, 2014 ●Online application requires upload of current SY Evidence- Based School Counseling Implementation Plan
●Be an Illinois Professional Licensed Educator (PEL) with a School Counselor Endorsement with a minimum of 2 years experience. ●Be committed to providing weekly direct supervision of the student. ●Have the support of your Principal. ●In order to be an approved Supervisor, there is a 2 Part Mandatory Orientation Webinar Training in CPS University with brief quizzes that must be successfully completed by January 31, 2015 in order to maintain approval status on Citywide Approved Site Supervision Profiles List. ●Required webinars vary depending on past experience as an Approved Site Supervisor. They include: Part 1: CPS Protocols; (Required each year of all applicants) Part 2: The Supervisor/Supervisee Experience. (Required of new applicants) ELIGIBILITY
●To provide a more quality experience to Student Interns, OSCPA strives for a supervisor/supervisee ratio of 1:1. A maximum of two Supervisor Applications per school will be accepted for consideration; Supervision arrangements will be decided internally at a school’s discretion. ●Approval to be a Site Supervisor is unique to the individual applicant—it cannot be extended to others in the counseling department. ●Approval to be a Site Supervisor is valid for one school year. However, those wishing to renew their approval will need to reapply, only completing information needed to update their profile. ●It is recommended that you talk early with any staff in your building currently enrolled in a school counseling program to discuss their site supervision needs so you can apply to be accepted into the Site Supervision pool, if necessary. ●No applications will be considered past the deadline. APPROVAL
●Office of School Counseling & Postsecondary Advising does NOT identify placement sites for interns. Schools with an approved Supervisor(s) will be able to screen and extend offers of placement according to the school’s protocol, which can include a meeting, interview, submittal of resume, etc. as long as the intern is attending an approved university partner school and has received a notice of acceptance in the School Counselor Internship Program. ●Ensure that a Student Intern has successfully passed security clearance and has been approved by OSCPA prior to discussing a placement. Request that he/she provides the Notice of Acceptance. GUIDELINES FOR SECURING A PLACEMENT
●Schools are required to make an offer of supervision to an intern candidate and notify other intern candidates of the status of internship placement within 3 school days of the completion of the school’s screening. ●Upon accepting a placement, Student Interns must submit a Notice of Placement Decision that requires Principal, Supervisor, and Student signatures to OSCPA within 5 school days for review and approval so that updates can be made to the Citywide Approved Site Supervision Placement Profiles. GUIDELINES CONTINUED
●OSCPA will make the final determination of intern application and security clearance approval and all practicum/internship placement assignments, issuing a Notice of Final Approval if applicable. ●All CPS protocols must be followed. Every school counselor intern in CPS must be processed through OSCPA. Any violation in our university partner agreements can result in loss of privilege to mentor interns and/or dismissal from placement arrangement. GUIDELINES CONTINUED
Quick Guide Flow Chart Form K12-S1 Security Clearance Packet Form K12-S2 Notice of Program Acceptance Form K12-S3 Notice of Placement Decision Form K12-S4 Notice of Placement Final Approval SITE SUPERVISION APPLICATION & APPROVAL PROCESS
●Per our university agreement, universities will advise CPS Liaison and CPS school administrator of any serious site supervision performance issue that could endanger the emotional or physical welfare of the intern and/or negatively impact the Intern’s ability to achieve the objectives of the Practicum/Internship Program. ●CPS Liaison, CPS school administrator, and University Partner will collaborate to determine the best course of action and to develop a corrective action plan, if necessary. NECESSARY CORRECTIVE ACTIONS
Quick Guide Flow Chart Form K12-S1 Security Clearance Packet Form K12-S2 Notice of Program Acceptance Form K12-S3 Notice of Placement Decision Form K12-S4 Notice of Placement Final Approval STUDENT PLACEMENT APPLICATION & APPROVAL PROCESS
●In addition to the online application that requires a resume upload, the student must submit a hard copy of the Security Clearance Packet to: School Counselor Practicum/Internship Program c/o Talent Office 42 W. Madison Avenue, Chicago, IL 60602 ●The School Counselor Practicum/Internship Security Clearance Packet consists of: ○Acknowledgement of CPS Confidentiality and School Counselor Practicum/Internship Policies ○CPS TB test result and criminal background check authorization forms ○Proof of professional liability insurance STEP ONE: APPLICATION AND SECURITY CLEARANCE PACKET SUBMITTAL CPS TALENT OFFICE MUST RECEIVE ALL HARD COPY SECURITY CLEARANCE PACKETS COMPLETED IN FULL BY JANUARY 19 TH, 2015. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE PROCESSED.
●The School Counselor Practicum/Internship Security Clearance Packet can be obtained from: internship-practicum-program internship-practicum-program University Placement Coordinators ●Current CPS employees planning to complete practicum/internship experiences in CPS should also complete and submit this packet. However, current and active CPS Employees do NOT need to complete the TB test or criminal background check. ●Refer to step-by-step instructions on cover page of packet. ●Student Intern candidates should follow the submission guidelines and deadlines set by their university as well as TB Test and Criminal Background Check Results submittal guidelines and timeframes detailed in the packet. ●Keep a copy of the completed Security Clearance packet for your records. APPLICATION AND SECURITY CLEARANCE PACKET SUBMITTAL CONTINUED
Form K12-S1 ●Confidentiality Agreement ●TB Test Results ●Acknowledgement Form ●Fingerprinting Results ●Proof of Insurance *Complete the Security Clearance Packet watermarked as ‘2015-2016’ CPS SECURITY CLEARANCE PACKET
●Each intern candidate will receive information about their acceptance status in the Notice of School Counselor Practicum/Internship Program Acceptance (Form K12-S2). The e-mail will also include the Notice of School Counselor Practicum/Internship Placement Decision (Form K12-S3) attached, which is later submitted to OSCPA for final approval once a placement has been secured. ●Student Interns are eligible to seek placement in CPS only once acceptance status has been issued. CPS schools/Site Supervisors will request a copy of the Notice of Acceptance before discussing any placement arrangements. ●Student Interns are responsible for identifying a placement site(s) that is best suited to meet their needs. OSCPA posts the Citywide Approved Site Supervision Placement Profiles List on Choose Your Future, which is updated weekly to show placement sites still available. Students contact the approved Site Supervisors directly to discuss candidacy and complete any screening process that the school requests, i.e. interview or submittal of documentation. STEP TWO: NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE ISSUANCE
●To access the list of approved placement sites online, please click here: internship-program ●Schools are required to notify intern candidates of the status of placement and supervision offer within 3 school days of the completion of school’s screening process. If a candidate refuses an offer, Student Intern should continue to seek placement with other approved Site Supervisors per the Citywide Approved List posted on Choose Your Future website. NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE ISSUANCE CONTINUED
●If an offer of internship placement and supervision is extended by a school site, the Student Intern must contact the school site directly to refuse or accept an offer within 3 school days of receipt. ●The Student Intern will submit the Notice of School Counselor Practicum/Internship Placement Decision (Form K12-S3) to School Counseling & Postsecondary Advising following the instructions on the document within 5 school days of officially accepting an offer for supervision and placement. This form should include required signatures of Principal, Professional Educator Licensed School Counselor Site Supervisor, and Student. ●If an approved student decides not to seek placement in CPS, the Notice of Practicum/Internship Placement Decision Form should still be submitted to notify OSCPA so records and databases can be updated accordingly. STEP THREE: NOTICE OF PLACEMENT DECISION SUBMITTAL
The School Counselor Practicum/ Internship Placement Program closes May 22 nd, 2015. OSCPA will not process Notice of Placement Decision forms after this date. NOTICE OF PLACEMENT DECISION
●Once the Notice of Placement Decision has been received and reviewed, OSCPA will e-mail a Notice of School Counselor Practicum/Internship Placement Final Approval (Form K12-S4) e-mail to the Student Intern, university liaison identified on application, school placement Site Supervisor, and school Principal upon CPS approval. It will include information about any relevant professional development scheduled, if available. ●The Student Intern and approved Site Supervisors should also complete any required documentation from the university regarding confirmed placements at this time. STEP FOUR: NOTIFICATION OF FINAL APPROVAL ISSUANCE
●Upon completion of field experience, both practicum/internship student and Site Supervisor will complete an evaluative survey of work performance and the general placement experience. ●Goals: ○ To assist in improving the School Counselor Practicum/Internship Program ○ To ensure exposure to quality evidence-based academic, personal-social, and college and career programming within CPS for Student Interns ○ To generate data and accountability measures STEP FIVE: EVALUATION AND REFLECTION SURVEY
●For students attending universities that offer practicum and/or internship course during summer, you may be eligible to apply for summer placement at identified CPS school sites offering summer programs. Verify your eligibility with your university. ●A separate application will be made available to University Coordinators and on Choose Your Future in Spring 2015. ●As placement sites are limited in the Summer, Student Interns are only able to rank their top three requests from list of sites available. SUMMER PLACEMENT
●For Site Supervisors to be initially eligible, they must have a minimum of 2 years experience as Professional Educator Licensed School Counselor. ●To provide a more quality experience to Student Interns, OSCPA strives for a supervisor/supervisee ratio of 1:1. A maximum of two Supervisor Applications per school will be accepted for consideration with one Student Intern per approved Site Supervisor. ●Application deadlines and program timelines must be followed. Be respectful of students’ university timelines and respond in a timely manner. ●In order to be an approved Supervisor, there is a 2 Part Mandatory Orientation Webinar Training that must be completed by January 31, 2015. Failure to do so will result in loss of acceptance status and non-approval of a any Placement Decision Form submitted by a Student Intern in the Spring. IMPORTANT TAKE-AWAYS FOR SITE SUPERVISORS
●For Student Interns to be initially eligible for placement in CPS, their university must have a partnership agreement executed. ●Submit applications in entirety—Piece-meal applications are not accepted or processed. ●Student Intern is required to submit the Notice of Placement Decision Form to OSCPA even if placement in CPS is no longer desired. ●Applications and documents are updated each school year for placements in the following school year only--use the application for 2015-2016! ●Application deadlines and program timelines must be followed. No exceptions will be made. IMPORTANT TAKE-AWAYS FOR STUDENT INTERNS
●Online Site Supervisor Application is due by November 10, 2014. ●Online Student Placement Application and hard copy Security Clearance Packet are due by January 19, 2015. ●2-Part Webinar Training for Site Supervisors must be completed in CPS University by January 31, 2015 to maintain acceptance status. ●Schools required to notify Intern candidates of status of placement offer within 3 days of completion of screening. ●Student Intern is required to refuse or accept an offer within 3 days of receipt of offer. ●Student Intern is required to submit the Notice of Placement Decision Form to OSCPA within 5 days of officially accepting an offer for placement in CPS. ●The School Counselor Practicum/Internship Program closes on May 22, 2015—no Placement Decision Forms will be processed after this date. IMPORTANT TIMELINES
●Visit the Choose Your Future Website at: practicum-program practicum-program ●Refer to the “FAQs” and other helpful documents posted on Choose Your Future, including workflow visual charts ●Contact the Office of School Counseling and Postsecondary Advising (OSCPA) via e-mail at: FOR MORE INFORMATION
THANK YOU! Webinar: 12/04/2014
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