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New Intake Information Evening Tuesday 13 th and Wednesday 14 th May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "New Intake Information Evening Tuesday 13 th and Wednesday 14 th May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Intake Information Evening Tuesday 13 th and Wednesday 14 th May 2014

2 Purpose of the evening Describe the process of joining the school Give details of the early start Give information about school transport Explain the school pastoral structure Student support Order uniform Ask lots and lots of questions…

3 Introductions Mr Andy Edmonds – Headteacher Mr Rob Lane – Deputy Headteacher Mrs Ginny Lean – Assistant Headteacher Ms Emmie Williams – Assistant Headteacher Mr Neil Richards – Head of House and Transition Coordinator Ms Kat Vincent - Special Needs Coordinator Mrs Caroline Hunt – Student Welfare Officer

4 Early Start – the details We have arranged with our Cluster primary schools for students who will attend Brannel to start with us on 14 July They will spend the last 8 days of term with us until we break up on 23 July. We hope that this will ease any anxieties about starting at secondary school and give the students a flying start. Because some students are coming from outside of the Cluster schools, we recognise that this might not be possible for everyone.

5 Early Start - Activities Normal lessons – they will receive their timetables and will go to most of their lessons Admin – pictures for proximity cards, e-safety, network logons, emails. Get to know you activities – both for staff and for the site Tutor group activities – each student will be in a tutor group with other students and will have the opportunity to get to know them. House activities – we are planning to hold some fun events during those days so that students become involved in their House teams.

6 Early Start – School Buses If they are eligible, students will travel to and from school on the school buses. Passes will be issued by Cornwall Council before the end of June. Concerns about passes and routes should be addressed to Cornwall Council. Brannel staff will travel with students during the first two days of the transition to assist with any concerns.

7 School Buses - Safety We expect the same standards of behaviour from our students on the buses as we do in school and out of school. Buses are met by senior staff in the mornings and are also checked in the afternoons. Students who mis-behave or who cause disruption on the buses will receive written warnings and will face a ban if repeated three times. We encourage students to report issues to Mr Lane as soon as possible.

8 Curriculum – What do Year 7 students study? We have a two week timetable with four 75 minute lessons per day. Students study: -Maths, English (7 periods) -Science (6 periods) -PE (3 periods) -Morals and Ethics (1 period) -Spanish (4 periods) -Art, Design and Technology (4 periods) -Opening Minds (8 periods until December) -Geography, History, Drama, Music and Computing begin after Christmas

9 The Pastoral Structure Mr Neil Richards

10 Student Support Tutors Heads of Houses Student Welfare Officer (Mrs Hunt) Pastoral Support Officer (Mrs Truscott) Senior Leaders External Agencies

11 Attendance Missing school = missing out Government guidance restricts the ability of the school to authorise absence except in exceptional circumstances. Please do not book holidays during term time, we will not be able to authorise them If your child is ill, please call and inform the school. We use a ‘truancy call’ system to notify you if your child is absent. Please let us know by phone or in writing if your child has a medical appointment. We ask that you try to avoid these during school time but, when unavoidable, that your child is at school for the remainder of the day.

12 Behaviour System BehaviourSanction Continued off-task 2 x missed homework Lack of work S1 – Formal Warning Recorded in student planner No improvement after S1 Rudeness Disruption Repeated uniform failures S2 – Break/Lunch Detention Recorded on SIMS and in planner Major behaviour incident Three S2 in one term Swearing Smoking at School S3 – After School Detention Record on SIMS and in planner Parents will be contact by your teacher S3 will be on Mondays and Thursdays Withdrawal from lessons required Failure to attend S3 S4 – Isolation – up to 3 days (Only actioned by HoH or SLT) Risk to staff and students Illegal actions S5 - Exclusion

13 Rewards Students earn merits for working hard and for making a positive contribution to the school. Each merit is entered into regular prize draws. Prizes have included: -Pencil cases -Vouchers for school trips -Laser-tag trips -Amazon voucher -Lunchtime ‘parties’ for tutor groups -Tablet computer

14 Uniform - School BoysGirls School tie Plain black shoes Black full length trousers Black knee length skirt (not lycra) White shirt School jumper or plain black v-neck jumperSchool jumper, plain black v-neck jumper or plain black cardigan Outdoor, weatherproof coat Please note that we no longer allow students to bring non-school jumpers and hoodies to school

15 Uniform – PE Kit BoysGirls School Black PE top and rugby shirtSchool black PE top Black shorts / tracksuit bottoms Trainers / Football Boots Long black football socks Shin pads Red PE Hoodies are available from the PE department but are only to be worn as part of the PE kit

16 Catering From September, the catering at Brannel will be managed by the school Increased food available Focus on meals Free school meals

17 Remainder of the evening Staff are available to ask questions you might have Please leave any questions or comments on our information sheets Refreshments available Uniform available to purchase We are all looking forward to your child joining us on 14 July!

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