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Q1 :Write the scientific term: 1 -Levers that have the resistance between the effort force and the fixed point.

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Presentation on theme: "Q1 :Write the scientific term: 1 -Levers that have the resistance between the effort force and the fixed point."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q1 :Write the scientific term: 1 -Levers that have the resistance between the effort force and the fixed point.

2 Q1 :Write the scientific term: 2 -The type of eclipse that can be seen at night

3 Q1 :Write the scientific term: 3- An inert gas that is used in the electric lamp.

4 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The color of the moon during the starting of the total lunar eclipse

5 Q1 :Write the scientific term: Materials that allow the electric current to pass through them

6 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The faint outer shadow of the moon

7 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The phenomenon that occurs two times per year in the middle of lunar month

8 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The most popular levers in our daily life

9 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The solar eclipse in which the sun appears as a lighting ring

10 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The lunar eclipse in which a part of the moon enters the earth’s umbra

11 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The material that should not be used to put out electric fires

12 Q1 :Write the scientific term: Levers that have the force between the resistance and the fulcrum

13 Q1 :Write the scientific term: A form of energy that is used in operating some machines as television

14 Q1 :Write the scientific term: -Materials not allowing the electric current to pass through them

15 Q1 :Write the scientific term: They are levers that have the fixed point between the effort force and the resistance force

16 Q1 :Write the scientific term: A tool used to convert the electric energy into lighting

17 Q1 :Write the scientific term: A tool used to convert the electric energy into lighting

18 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The eclipse in which the sun disappears completely.

19 Q1 :Write the scientific term: A coiled thin wire made of tungsten in light bulbs

20 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The harmful rays emitted from the sun during the solar eclipse

21 Q1 :Write the scientific term: A way of connection in the electric lamps that is used to decrease the luminous intensity as their number increases

22 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The area at which the total solar eclipse appears.

23 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The way where the bulbs are connected by branching routes.

24 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The type of levers which always saves effort

25 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The lever in which the arm of force is equal to the arm of resistance

26 Q1 :Write the scientific term: The type of eclipse which occurs when the moon is in a higher orbit of earth

27 Q2 : Put(√) or (×): The penumbra is the moon’s dark inner shadow ( )

28 Q2 : Put(√) or (×): There is no danger when touching an electric machine with wet hands. ( )

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