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Step 1: State Diagram.

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Presentation on theme: "Step 1: State Diagram."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step 1: State Diagram

2 Step 2: Next State Table

3 Step 3 Flip-Flop Transition Table

4 Step 4: Karnaugh Maps

5 Step 5 and Step 6 Logic Expressions and Counter Implementation
CLK Q0 Q1 Q2

6 Counter Decoding

7 Counter Applications Digital Clock

8 Logic Symbols

9 2-bit Asynchronous Binary Counter Using VHDL
The clock will be input C. FF0 the first Flip-flop FF1 the second flip-flop

10 2-bit Asynchronous Binary Counter Using VHDL
entity TwoBitCounter is port(clock: in std_logic; Qa, Qb: buffer std_logic); end entity TwoBitCounter; architecture CounterBehavior of TwoBitCounter is component JKFlipFlop is port( J, K, Clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component JKFlipFlop;

11 2-bit Asynchronous Binary Counter Using VHDL
signal I: std_logic; begin I <= ‘1’; FF0:JKFlipFlop port map (J=>I, K=>I, Clock =>clock, Qnot=>Qnot, Q=>Qa); FF1:JKFlipFlop port map (J=>I, K=>I, Clock=>Qnot, Q=>Qb); end architecture CounterBehavior;

12 Asynchronous Truncated Counters
To truncate a counter a clear function must be added to the J-K flip-flop component JKFlipFlopClear is port( J, K, Clock, Clr: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component JKFlipFlopClear

13 Asynchronous Truncated Counters Example 9-11
Asynchronous MOD6 (0,1,..5) JK flip-flop with clear library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity ModSixCounter is port(clock: in std_logic; Clr: in std_logic; Q0, Q1, Q2: buffer std_logic); end entity ModSixCounter;

14 Asynchronous Truncated Counters Example 9-11
architecture CounterBehavior of ModSixCounter is signal Clear: std_logic; component JKFlipFlopClear is port (J, K, Clr, Clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component JKFlipFlopClear; signal I: std_logic; begin I <= ‘1’; Clear <= not (Q1 and Q2); FF0: JKFlipFlopClear port map (J=>I, K=>I, Clr=>Clear, Clock =>clock, Q=>Q0); FF1: JKFlipFlopClear port map (J=>I, K=>I, Clr=>Clear, Clock=>Q0, Q=>Q1); FF2: JKFlipFlopClear port map (J=>I, K=>I, Clr=>Clear, Clock=>Q1, Q=>Q2); end architecture CounterBehavior;

15 Synchronous Counters in VHDL
Synchronous refers to events that occur simultaneously For synchronous counters all flip-flops are clocked at the same time using the same clock pulse An example in VHDL would be to use the J-K flip-flop defined as a component then have it clocked using the same clock pulse Figure 9-13

16 Synchronous Counters in VHDL
entity FourBitSyncCounter is port( I, clock: in std_logic; Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3: buffer std_logic); end entity FourBitSyncCounter architecture CounterBehavior of FourBitSyncCounter is signal S0, S1, S2: std_logic; component JKFlipFlop is port(J, K, Clock: in std_logic;Q, Qnot inout std_logic); end component JKFlipFlop

17 Synchronous Counters in VHDL
begin FF0: JKFlipFlop port map (J=>I, K=>I, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q0); S0<= Q0; FF1: JKFlipFlop port map (J=>S0, K=>S0, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q1); S1 <= Q0 and Q1; FF2: JKFlipFlop port map (J=>S1, K=>S1, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q2); S2 <= Q0 and Q1 and Q2; FF3: JKFlipFlop port map (J=>S2, K=>S2, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q3); end architecture CounterBehavior

18 3-Bit Gray Code Counter Example 9-13

19 3-Bit Gray Code Counter Example 9-13
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity StateCounter is port(clock: in std_logic; Q: buffer std_logic_vector(0 to 2) ); end entity StateCounter;

20 3-Bit Gray Code Counter Example 9-13
architecture CounterBehavior of StateCounter is begin process (Clock) if Clock = ‘1’ and Clock’ event then case Q is when “000” => Q <= “010”; when “010” => Q <= “110”; when “110” => Q <= “100”; when “100” => Q <= “101”; when “101” => Q <= “001”; when “001” => Q <= “000”; when others => Q <= “000”; end case; end if; end process; end architecture CounterBehavior;

21 End of Chapter 9

22 Shift Registers Chapter 10

23 Basic Shift Register Functions
Data Storage Data Movement D flip-flops are use to store and move data

24 Basic Shift Register Functions

25 Serial in/Serial out Shift Registers
CLK Serial in Serial Out

26 Serial in/Serial out Shift Registers

27 5-Bit Serial Shift Register Example 10-1

28 8-bit Shift Register

29 Serial in/Parallel out shift registers
After 4 clock pulses, 0110

30 8-bit Serial in/Parallel Out

31 Timing Diagram for 8-bit Serial in/Parallel Out

32 4-Bit Parallel in/ Serial out Shift Register

33 4-Bit Parallel in/ Serial out Shift Register Example 10-3

34 8-bit Parallel Load Shift Resister

35 Timing Diagram for 8-bit Parallel Load Shift Resister
Loaded Output Shift/Load’ Output D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 CLK

36 Parallel in/ Parallel out Shift Register

37 Bidirectional Shift Registers
Data can be shifted left Data can be shifted right A parallel load maybe possible 74HC194 is an bidirectional universal shift register

38 Bidirectional Shift Registers Example 10-4

39 74194 data table _____ | MODE | | SERIAL | PARALLEL | OUTPUTS
CLEAR | S1 S0 | CLK | LEFT RIGHT | A B C D | QA QB QC QD | | | | | | X X | X | X X | X X X X | | X X | | X X | X X X X | QA0 QB0 QC0 QD0 | | POS | X X | a b c d | a b c d | | POS | X | X X X X | 1 QAn QBn QCn | | POS | X | X X X X | 0 QAn QBn QCn | | POS | X | X X X X | QBn QCn QDn 1 | | POS | X | X X X X | QBn QCn QDn 0 | | X | X X | X X X X | QA0 QB0 QC0 QD0

40 74194

41 74194 parallel load CLR’ S1 S0 QA QB QC QD SR SL A B C D CLK

42 74194 shift right CLR’ S1 S0 QA QB QC QD SR SL A B C D CLK

43 74194 shift left CLR’ S1 S0 QA QB QC QD SR SL A B C D CLK

44 Johnson Counter CLK Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3

45 Ring Counter CLK Q0 Q1 Q2 Q3

46 Shift Register Application

47 UART Universal Asynchronous Transmitter

48 Logic Symbols with dependency notation

49 VHDL Code for a Positive-edge Triggered D Flip-flop
D flip-flop that will be used as a component. library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity DFlipFlop is port( D, clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end entity DFlipFlop;

50 VHDL Code for a Positive-edge Triggered D Flip-flop continued
architecture FlipFlopBehavior of DFlipFlop is begin process(D, Clock) is wait until rising_edge (clock); if D = ‘1’ then Q <=‘1’ else Q <=‘0’ end if; end process; Qnot <= not Q; end architecture FlipFlopBehavior;

51 4-Bit Serial in/Serial out Shift Registers Using VHDL Example 10-7
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity SISOReg is port( I, clock: in std_logic; Qout: buffer std_logic); end entity SISOReg;

52 4-Bit Serial in/Serial out Shift Registers Using VHDL Example 10-7
architecture ShiftRegBehavior of SISOReg is signal Q0, Q1, Q2: std_logic; component DFlipFlop is port (D, Clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component DFlipFlop; begin FF0: DFlipFlop port map (D=>I, Clock =>clock, Q=>Q0); FF1: DFlipFlop port map (D=>Q0, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q1); FF2: DFlipFlop port map (D=>Q1, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q2); FF3: DFlipFlop port map (D=>Q2, Clock=>clock, Q=>Qout); end architecture ShiftRegBehavior;

53 4-Bit Serial in/Parallel out Shift Registers Using VHDL Example 10-8
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity SIPOReg is port( I, clock: in std_logic; Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3: buffer std_logic); end entity SIPOReg; Defined as an output.

54 4-Bit Serial in/Parallel out Shift Registers Using VHDL Example 10-8
architecture ShiftRegBehavior of SIPOReg is signal Q0, Q1, Q2: std_logic; component DFlipFlop is port (D, Clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component DFlipFlop; begin FF0: DFlipFlop port map (D=>I, Clock =>clock, Q=>Q0); FF1: DFlipFlop port map (D=>Q0, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q1); FF2: DFlipFlop port map (D=>Q1, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q2); FF3: DFlipFlop port map (D=>Q2, Clock=>clock, Q=>Qout); end architecture ShiftRegBehavior;

55 Parallel in/Serial out Shift Registers
function ShiftLoad (A, B, C,: in std_logic) return std_logic is begin return ((A and B) or (not B and C)); end function ShiftLoad;

56 Parallel in/Serial out Shift Registers Example 10-9
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity PISOReg is port( SL,D0,D1,D2,D3, clock: in std_logic; Qout: buffer std_logic); end entity PISOReg;

57 Parallel in/Serial out Shift Registers Example 10-9
architecture ShiftRegBehavior of PISOReg is function ShiftLoad (A, B, C: in std_logic ) return std_logic is begin return (( A and B ) or ( not B and C )); end function ShiftLoad; signal S1, S2, S3, Q0, Q1, Q2: std_logic; component DFlipFlop is port (D, Clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component DFlipFlop; SL1: S1 <= ShiftLoad (Q0, SL, D1); SL2: S2 <= ShiftLoad (Q1, SL, D2); SL3: S3 <= ShiftLoad (Q2, SL, D3); FF0: DFlipFlop port map (D=>D0, Clock =>clock, Q=>Q0); FF1: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S1, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q1); FF2: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S2, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q2); FF3: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S3, Clock=>clock, Q=>Qout); end architecture ShiftRegBehavior;

58 Bidirectional Shift Registers in VHDL
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity BidirectionalCtr port(RL, I, clock: in std_logic; Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3: buffer std_logic); end entity BidirectionalCtr;

59 Bidirectional Shift Registers in VHDL
architecture ShiftRegBehavior of Bidirectional is function RightLeft(A, B, C:in std_logic) return std_logic is begin return ((A and B) or (not B and C)); end function RightLeft; signal S0, S1, S2, S3: std_logic; component DFlipFlop is port( D, Clock: in std_logic; Q, Qnot: inout std_logic); end component DFlipFlop;

60 Bidirectional Shift Registers in VHDL
begin SL0: S0 <= RightLeft(I, RL, Q1); SL1: S1 <= RightLeft(Q0, RL, Q2); SL2: S2 <= RightLeft(Q1, RL, Q3); SL3: S3 <= RightLeft(Q2, RL, I); FF0: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S0, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q0); FF1: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S1, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q1); FF2: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S2, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q2); FF3: DFlipFlop port map (D=>S3, Clock=>clock, Q=>Q3); end architecture ShiftRegBehavior;

61 End of Chapter 10

62 Traffic Light Using VHDL Chapter 7

63 Block Diagram of the Traffic Light Controller. Figure 7--22

64 Traffic Light Sequence. Figure 7--23

65 Traffic Light VHDL Code Figure 7--23
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity TrafficLight is port( S: in std_logic_vector (0 to 1); Main, Side: out natural range 0 to 7 ; Long, Short: out std_logic ); end entity TrafficLight;

66 Traffic Light VHDL Code Figure 7--23
architecture Behavior of TrafficLight is type StatesType is (FirstState, SecondState, ThirdState, ForthState); signal State, NextState: StatesType := FirstState; begin ReadState: process (S) case S is when “00” => State <=FirstState; when “01” => State <=SecondState; when “11” => State <=ThirdState; when “10” => State <=FourthState; when others => State <=FirstState; end case; end process ReadState;

67 Traffic Light VHDL Code Table 7-5, Page 430
State Inputs S0 S1 Light Outputs Main0 Main1 Main2 Side0 Side1 Side2 Trigger Outputs Long Short 0 0 0 1 1 1 StateDiagram: process (State) begin case State is when FirstState => Main <= 2#001#; Side <= 2#100#; Long <= ‘1’; Short <=‘0’; when SecondState => Main <= 2#010#; Side <= 2#100#; Long <= ‘0’; Short <=‘1’; when ThirdState => Main <= 2#100#; Side <= 2#001#; Long <= ‘1’; Short <=‘0’; when FourthState => Main <= 2#100#; Side <= 2#010#; Long <= ‘0’; Short <=‘1’; end case; end process StateDiagram; end architecture Behavior;

68 Traffic Light Using VHDL Chapter 8

69 Timing of Traffic Light Figures 8-70 and 8-71, Pages 492-3

70 Timing of Traffic Light Figure 8-71, Page 493
library ieee, work; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity FrequencyDivider is port( Clock: in std_logic; Fout: buffer std_logic ); end entity FrequencyDivider;

71 Timing of Traffic Light
architecture FreqDivBehavior of FrequencyDivider is signal Qa, Qb, Qc, Qd, Qe, Qf, Qg, Qh, Qi, I: std_logic; component JKFlipFlop is port ( J, K, Clock: in std_logic; Q, QNot: inout std_logic; end component JKFlipFlop; begin I <= ‘1’; FF1: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => CLK, Q =>Qa); FF2: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qa, Q =>Qb); FF3: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qb, Q =>Qc); FF4: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qc, Q =>Qd); FF5: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qd, Q =>Qe); FF6: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qe, Q =>Qf); FF7: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qf, Q =>Qg); FF8: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qg, Q =>Qh); FF9: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qh, Q =>Qi); FF10: JKFlipFlop port map ( J => I, K => I, Clock => Qi, Q =>Fout); end architecture FreqDivBehavior;

72 Timing of Traffic Light Page 493
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity Timer is port( Enable, Clock: in std_logic; SetCount: in integer; Qout: buffer std_logic ); --Enable: Enables counting process -- Clock: kHz clock driver -- SetCount: Holds time interval value -- Qout: Outputs up to value in SetCount end entity Timer;

73 Timing of Traffic Light Page 494
architecture TimerCount of Timer is begin process (Enable, Clock) variable Cnt: Integer; if ( Clock’ Event and Clock=‘1’ ) then if Enable=‘0’ then Cnt:=0; Qout <=‘1’; elsif Cnt=SetCount-1 then Qout <=‘0’ else Cnt:=Cnt+1; end if; end process; end architecture TimerCount;

74 Traffic Light Using VHDL Chapter 9

75 Block Diagram of the Traffic Light Controller. Figure 9--62

76 Block Diagram of the Sequential Logic. Figure 9--63

77 State Diagram Showing the 2-bit Gray Code Sequence. Figure 9--64

78 Complete VHDL Program for the Traffic Light Controller. Figure 9--66

79 VHDL Code Downloaded into the CPLD. Figure 9--71

80 VHDL Sequential Logic Code Chapter 9 Page 568
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity SequentialLogic is port( VS, TL, TS, CLK: in std_logic; S: buffer std_logic_vector (0 to 1) ); end entity SequentialLogic;

81 VHDL Sequential Logic Code Chapter 9 Page 568
architecture LightSequence of SequentialLogic is begin process (VS, TL, TS, CLK) if CLK=‘1’ and CLK’ event then case S is when “00” => if (TL=‘1’ or VS=‘0’) then S<=“00”; elsif (TL=‘0’ and VS=‘1’) then S<=“01”; end if; when “01” => if (TS=‘1’) then S<=“01”; elsif (TS=‘0’) then S<=“11”; end if; when “11” => if (TL=‘1’ and VS=‘1’) then S<=“11”; elsif (TL=‘0’ or VS=‘0’) then S<=“10”; end if; when “10” => if (TS=‘1’) then S<=“10”; elsif (TS=‘0’) then S<=“00”; end if; when others => S <=“00”; end case; end if; end process; end architecture LightSequence;

82 Traffic Light Controller Component Block Diagram. Figure 9--72

83 Max 7000 Series Device Block Diagram

84 Max 7000 Series

85 Max 7000 Series

86 Max 7000 Series

87 Max 7000 Series

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