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Current status Todd Vision (overview) Elena Feinstein (curation) Ryan Scherle (demo) 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors1.

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Presentation on theme: "Current status Todd Vision (overview) Elena Feinstein (curation) Ryan Scherle (demo) 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current status Todd Vision (overview) Elena Feinstein (curation) Ryan Scherle (demo) 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors1

2 Major accomplishments past year A major new NSF award Several major new partner journals and publishers Adoption of governance and sustainability plans by the Interim Board New repository features A lot of exposure 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors2

3 Project funding Past NSF ABI, 2008-12, $1.4M IMLS “HIVE” - contrib NSF NESCent – contrib JISC “DryadUK” 2010-11 Current NSF ABI, 2012-16. $2.1M NSF “DataONE” – contrib EC “ODIN” – contrib NSF “NESCent” - contrib 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors3 Prospective NSF Big Data/DIBBs DFG (with ZB Med) Sloan Fundation Others TBD

4 Members Board of directors Executive director Repository architect 1 or more programmers Contractors Part-time sysadmin Lead curator Multiple part- time curators Assistant director R&D principal investigator(s) 47/23/12Dryad Board of Directors

5 New NSF ABI grant aims Paving the way for higher deposit rates  Automating curation and preservation tasks  Streamlining submission integration and increasing the number of journals using it  Improved indexing/search (e.g. by subject & author name) Encouraging reuse and reusability  Allowing richer data package deposits  Research into reuse, curation, incentives Governance and sustainability Outreach and promotion 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors5

6 New integrated journals Ecological Monographs Evolutionary Applications Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management Journal of Paleontology Paleobiology PLoS Biology Pensoft publishers  (8 journals) 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors6

7 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors7 Checkpoint Charlie Berlin

8 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors8

9 New repository features Pre-review data deposit  BMJ, Molecular Ecology, Systematic Biology DOI/PubMed lookup  For depositing data from published articles Versioning of datafiles Access and download statistics DryadLab Others features less visible… 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors9

10 A lot of exposure Publisher meetings SSP 2011 ALPSP 2012 APE 2012 Info Tech meetings Knowledge Exchange 2011 Force11 (Dagstuhl) 2011 ICTSI RDMF8 2012 RDAP 2012 Open Repositories 2012 ALA 2012 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors10 Booth presence Evolution SMBE ABS/HBES ESA

11 Highly visible web presence Repository home: http://datadryad.org Blog: http://blog.datadryad.org Project documentation: http://wiki.datadryad.org Code: Twitter: @datadryad (1,143 followers) 117/23/12Dryad Board of Directors

12 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors12

13 A glance at the contents 1,824 data packages 4,759 data files 143 journals >6,800 authors 79% deposits from integrated journals 25% files embargoed for 1 yr post-pub ~10 Mb/data package (arithmetic mean) File formats: 60% plain text, 14% MS Office

14 Growth in deposits and integrated journals Deposits per quarter Cumulative integrated journals Six journals being integrated in Q3-Q4 2012 publish ~1200 articles/yr With ~1/3 deposit uptake rate, expect +400 deposits/yr

15 Total number of journals 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors15

16 Downloads per month 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors16

17 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors17

18 Partnerships DuraSpace DataCite ORCID CLOCKSS DataONE 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors18

19 Proposed partnership with ZB Med German National Library of Medicine  Also publishes gms series of journals Proposed elements of the relationship  Submission integration of journals  Service mirroring  Data curation capacity  R&D within German & EU funding context  Advocacy to European biomedical research and publishing community 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors19

20 Goals of this meeting Bringing the organization into official existence (officers, committees, etc) Deciding details of cost recovery and membership Strategy for future growth Setting priorities for new features Reviewing repository policies 7/23/12Dryad Board of Directors20

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