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Parent Survey 2014 Topline Results December 2014.

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1 Parent Survey 2014 Topline Results December 2014

2 Background and method This is the fourth year of the Gospel Oak Survey in its new format As in previous years, we held a ‘Survey week’ and 209 parent questionnaires were returned The questionnaire was identical to that used in 2013 Changes in data recording mean that some measures are not available this year, and others are not comparable with previous years’ findings This report summarises key findings –More detailed analysis to be conducted later

3 Response Rate 209 Questionnaires recorded (up from 194 in 2013) Assuming there are still approximately 340 families in school this equates to a response of 61% (vs.57% in 2013, 56% in 2012 and 62% in 2011)

4 We have achieved a good spread of response across ethnic groups

5 Ethnic mix similar to previous years


7 KPI Mean Scores

8 KPI Agreement scores – top three boxes

9 KPI Mean Scores vs. previous years

10 KPI Summary Scores

11 KPI Summary Scores Top Two Boxes Indicates a statistically significant difference

12 KPI Summary Scores Bottom Two Boxes

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