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DPG & IPG March&Q1 2012 Monthly Review. AGENDA: HI-LIGHT IN Q1’ 2012 SALES PERFORMANCE IN MARCH, Q1 2012 Sale performance by brand, cscode CHANNEL SALES.

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Presentation on theme: "DPG & IPG March&Q1 2012 Monthly Review. AGENDA: HI-LIGHT IN Q1’ 2012 SALES PERFORMANCE IN MARCH, Q1 2012 Sale performance by brand, cscode CHANNEL SALES."— Presentation transcript:

1 DPG & IPG March&Q1 2012 Monthly Review

2 AGENDA: HI-LIGHT IN Q1’ 2012 SALES PERFORMANCE IN MARCH, Q1 2012 Sale performance by brand, cscode CHANNEL SALES PERFORMANCE IN MARCH 2012 Channel Sales by Dept. Territory. Number of dealers ( Custbase ) Top 20 key customers

3 Hi-light In Q1 ‘12 DPG -Price LD increase 5-10% -LD Shortage -Samsung trade LD to Trader such as S-Trek but synnex limit credit line -Grey market LD monitor -Projector Retail market demand decline -Epson Projector shortage IPG -Canon & Epson Printer product shortage -Canon Price war with Welltech

4 4 Performance MARCH ’12 - DPG Achieve 74% - IPG Achieve 87% - Team Achieve 81% Performance Q1 ’12 - DPG Achieve 73% - IPG Achieve 91% - Team Achieve 83%

5 March ’12 VS March ’11 - DPG Growth -7.59% - IPG Growth -4.23% - Team Growth -5.56% Q1 ’12 VS Q1 ’11 - DPG Growth -8.81% - IPG Growth -2.91% - Team Growth -5.15%

6 6 DPG March Performance DPG IKI=3.01 Weeks GP% Achieve 75.6% -Sales Achieve 73.6% - Growth -7.6%

7 7 DPG Q1’12 Performance DPG Q1’12 -Sale Achieve 73% -Growth -8.8% -GP Achieve 80.3% ** DPG Margin Q1’12 VS Q1’11 Decrease - 4.7 Mill baht ( Samsung PJ out of market)

8 8 DPG Portion by CS CODE

9 LD March’12 VS March ‘11

10 10

11 11 LD Channel Analysis by Brand Red colour = Sale decrease

12 12 Red colour = Sale decrease

13 13 Cust base LD by Brand (Q1 2012 VS Q1 2011)

14 14 Top 20 LD BKK March ‘2012 -In March’12 Top20 BKK contribute 70% from All LD

15 15 Top 20 LD UPC March ’2012 -In March 12 Top 20 UPC Contribute 12.4% from all LD

16 16 Projector Analysis

17 17 PJ Portion PJ Custbase

18 18 Red colour = Sale decrease ** All PJ BKK Drop -50% // UPC Drop -61.6% ** All PJ Drop -56 % CS PJ By Department

19 19 IPG March Performance - IPG Sale Achieve 87% - Team Sale Achieve 81% - IPG Growth - 4.2 % -Team Growth -5.6%

20 20 IPG inventory & GP% March Performance IPG IKI= 2.84 weeks // GP Achieve 75.3% IPG&DPG IKI= 2.91 weeks // GP Achieve 75.1%

21 21 IPG Q1’12 Performance

22 22 IPG Q1’2012 -Sale Achieve 90.6% -Growth -2.9% -GP Achieve 84% DPG&IPG Q1’2012 -Sale Achieve 83.3% -Growth -5.1% -GP Achieve 82.7% ** IPG Margin Q1’12 VS Q1’11 Decrease -7.2 Mill baht (Canon - 6.5 Mill baht) ** IPG&DPG Margin Q1’12 VS Q1’11 Decrease -11.4 Mill baht

23 23 IPG March’12 Analysis

24 24 Custbase IPG by Brand

25 25 CS OJ by Dept Red colour = Sale decrease -OJ in BKK Growth 11% // UPC not Growth -All OJ Growth 5%

26 26 OJ Portion

27 27 TOP20 Customer in BKK (March 12)

28 28 TOP20 Customer in UPC (March 12)

29 29 Plan to push Dell NB 1.Focus sell model N4050,Vostro by promotion. (Period 19 April – 4 May)

30 30 2. Clear NB old models within May 2012 (Aging models). 3. Clear NB U Status ( 60 units). 4. Revise Policy DOA. 5. Meeting among distri about control price.

31 31 Thank you

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