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Mid-Infrared Variability and Mass Accretion Toward NGC2264 Protostars Susan Terebey CSULA Dept of Physics & Astronomy Ann Marie Cody, Luisa M. Rebull,

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Presentation on theme: "Mid-Infrared Variability and Mass Accretion Toward NGC2264 Protostars Susan Terebey CSULA Dept of Physics & Astronomy Ann Marie Cody, Luisa M. Rebull,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid-Infrared Variability and Mass Accretion Toward NGC2264 Protostars Susan Terebey CSULA Dept of Physics & Astronomy Ann Marie Cody, Luisa M. Rebull, John R. Stauffer, YSOVAR Science Team Workshop on Dense Cores; Monterey July 2014

2 Premise: in protostar regime Mass accretion -> accretion luminosity Motivation Protostar mass and mass accretion rates have been difficult to determine. We are in better shape with older class II YSOs. Variability provides new view of mass accretion L = L * + L acc

3 ORION Spitzer data  ~250 hours of our observing time  ~ 1 square degree region of the Orion Nebula cluster  Cadence: 40 days, with ∼ 2 epochs each day.  ~1400 Class I and II Orion YSOs with good quality time series (1-2% accuracy)  more than half of them show significant variability.  period Sep 2009 -- June 2011

4 Distance ~ 760 pc Age ~ 2-4 Myr Known members: ~2000 + >3000 additional candidates Large photometric & spectroscopic database Many objects with disks Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264 IRAC/MIPS P. S. Teixeira

5 Variable young stars and their disks: A dynamic environment at many different wavelengths

6 Spitzer 0.75° 5.2’ 0.1 30d

7 Light curves display distinct patterns … “spotted multi- periodic” Spots + binary? Spots? “spotted” “spotted irregular” Rapidly evolving spots? 40d 0.02 0.1 mag 0.04

8 “AA Tau” “accretor” Dust obscuration? Accretion bursts? 0.5 mag 0.2 mag 0.1 40d 30d 40d Light curves display distinct patterns …

9 Structure function analysis 176 candidate protostars in NGC 2264 Analysis of light curves for subset of 69 candidates with good light curves (I2<14) Similar statistics for Orion

10 Light curve What is the structure function? 0.1 mag


12 28 days 0.1 mag

13 Orion shows same structure function

14 Magnetic support near 0.1 AU V J 3.6 60 o 0.8 AU Turner etal 2014

15 Accretion Luminosity L = L * + L acc L acc = ε GM⁄R *dM/dt Characteristic 0.1 mag variability Suggests 10% or more accretion luminosity Characteristic 30 day time scale for accretion events. If 30day = P orbital Then R = 0.15 AU for M=0.5Msun

16 Conclusions The CSI2264 and YSOVAR Spitzer campaigns produced high quality multi-wavelength light curves for thousands of young stars. Emission at 4.5um is sensitive to the inner regions of young star disks. Results for class I protostars in NGC2264 and Orion. Light curve morphology of Class I protostars suggests accretion (variable but not periodic). Structure Function (SF) analysis shows characteristic magnitude difference of 0.1 mag at 4.5 micron timescale of T ~ 30 days Power-law behavior for <30 day Same structure function for protostars in Orion and NGC 2264 turbulent mass-accretion can lead to power-laws.

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