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د. محمد بن أحمد الودعان Multiple Choice 1) Which of the following could be found in an animal cell but not in a bacterial cell? a) DNA b) Cell wall c)

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1 د. محمد بن أحمد الودعان Multiple Choice 1) Which of the following could be found in an animal cell but not in a bacterial cell? a) DNA b) Cell wall c) Plasma membrane d) Endoplasmic reticulum 2) Which of the following characteristic is correct about viruses? a) Nucleic acid is the genetic material b) Binary fission c) Mitosis division d) Have centriole

2 د. محمد بن أحمد الودعان 3) The protein molecule is composed of: a) Amino acids b) Nucleic acids c) Fatty acids d) Cholesterol 4) A cell with a large rough endoplasmic reticulum is active in: a) Protein synthesis b) Lipids synthesis c) Carbohydrate synthesis. d) Breakdown of protein 5) All of the following are part of the cytoskeleton except: a) The cell wall b) Microtubules c) Microfilaments d) Intermediate filaments

3 6) The nucleolus participates in the synthesis of: a) Microtubules b) Endoplasmic reticulum c) Ribosomes d) DNA 7) Microtubules are not important for: a) Cellular division b) Cellular motility c) Cellular excretion d) Cellular respiration 8) The pyruvic acid is converted anaerobically to: a) Methyl alcohol and CO2 b) CO2 only c) Lactic acid or ethanol d) Water and CO2

4 9) How many NADH+ are produced during the glycolysis: a) 1 NADH+ b) 3 NADH+ c) 2 NADH+ d) 4 NADH+ 10) The glycolytic enzymes (for glycolysis) are located in the: a) Cytoplasm b) Mitochondria c) Cristae d) In all of them. 11) Most of carbon and oxygen atoms of the glucose molecules are produced as CO2 at: a) Glycolysis b) Electron transport c) Kreb's cycle d) Oxidation of pyruvic acid

5 12) The final product of glycolysis a) NAD b) Pyruvic acid c) CO2 d) Citric acid 13) A cell is hypertonic to environment when it: a) Lose water to its environment b) Gain water from environment c) Gain or loss 'Water depending on the temperature d) Not change relative to the environment 14) Which are the membrane structures that function in active transport? a) Cholesterol b) Carbohydrate c) Cytoskeleton filaments d) Integral proteins

6 15) A transport system through a membrane that uses a carrier protein, but dose not require energy is called: a) Simple diffusion b) Bulk flow c) Osmosis d) Facilitated diffusion 16) The cell Secretes macromolecules by fusion of vesicles with the plasma membrane in a process called: a) Endocytosis b) Phagocytosis c) Pinocytosis d) Exocytosis 17) Prior to meiosis, cells duplicate chromosomes during: a) S phase b) M phase c) G 1 phase d) G2 phase

7 18) Crossing over takes place during: a) Prophase II b) Metaphase I c) Metaphase ll d) None of the above 19) According to Mendel's first low of segregation, alleles are separated during the: a) Gametes formation b) Zygote formation c) Mitosis division d) Individual formation 20) A genetic cross between an individual of unknown genotype and a homozygote recessive is called: a) A self cross b) A test cross c) A hybrid cross d) None of them

8 21) The X and Y chromosomes are called sex chromosomes because they are only: a) Found in the sex cells b) Formed during meiosis division c) Present during the gamete formation d) Determine the sex of the individual 22) Which of the following human genetic disease is a sex linked disorder? a) Color blindness b) Tay-sachs disease c) Sickle-cell disease d) Cystic fibrosis 23) The test cross of the dihybrid (RrYy) will result in: a) All 1: 1: I: I Ratio b) All 9: 3: 3: 1 Ratio c) All 1: 2: 2: I Ratio d) All 3: 3: 3: 1 Ratio

9 24) A disease which results from the synthesis of abnormal hemoglobin is the: a) Sickle-cell anemia b) Cystic fibrosis c) Tay-sach disease d) Color blindness 25) If the genetic code {3' AGCAGC5'} is transcribed into mRNA what would be the code: a) 3' TCGTCG5' b) 3' TGCTGC5' c) 5' UCGUCG3' d) 5' TGCTGC3' 26) In the DNA the nitrogen bases are paired in pattern that: a) A with G and C with T b) A with C and G with T c) A with T and C with G d) A with U and C with G

10 True or False 1- The sugar molecule in the nucleic acid molecule contains 12 C atoms. 2- Glycogen is built up of many units of glucose. 3- Carbon 14 (14C) is an example of radioactive isotopes. 4- All enzymes are proteins. 5- Saturated fatty acids have only one double bond. 6- All heterotrophic cells contain cell wall. 7- The mitochondria is the energy-releasing cell organelle of prokaryotes. 8- The " 9+2 " structure is common in both cilia and flagella.

11 د. محمد بن أحمد الودعان 9- Nucleolus is rich in DNA. 10- The ribosomes are responsible for the synthesis of lipids in cells. 11- Steroids contains sugar. I2- Diffusion is the movement of the materials down a concentration gradient. 13- The net energy yield from glycolusis per glucose molecules is 38 ATP. 14- Protein synthesis requires the process of transcnp1ionand translation. 15- At the beginning of DNA replication the hydrogen bonds are formed between the complementary strands. 16- Meioses occur only in sex cells. 17- The Krebs cycle produces only 2 ATP per glucose molecules.

12 د. محمد بن أحمد الودعان 18- Most of the ATP productions occur in the cytoplasm. 19- All endocrine glands secrete hormones. 20- Cellulose, glycogen and starch are polysaccharides. 21- The carbonic acid is the buffer solution in the human blood. 22- The RNA contains the deoxyribose sugar. 23- Transcription is the copying of DNA into mRNA. 24- There are 61 of 64 genetic codon for all amino acids. 25- During DNA replication all the DNA molecule is copied. 26- The DNA bases are adenine (A), guanine (G), uracil (U) and cytosine (C).

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