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1 AIT partner presentation: General information and role in SOFI SOFI kick-off meeting 8 January 2010, Zurich.

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Presentation on theme: "1 AIT partner presentation: General information and role in SOFI SOFI kick-off meeting 8 January 2010, Zurich."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 AIT partner presentation: General information and role in SOFI SOFI kick-off meeting 8 January 2010, Zurich

2 2 Outline AIT’s mission and objectives –Funded Research –Lab facilities –Publications and research trends –Contacts AIT’s role in SOFI –SOFI WP2 leader –Partner contributions in WP2 –Milestones and Deliverables led by AIT

3 3 AIT’s description

4 4 Athens Information Technology, founded in 2002 by the INTRACOM Group of Companies, is a non-profit world-class center for graduate education and research. AIT ’ s mission:  To establish a Center of Excellence for Research and Education in the areas of Information and Communication Technologies  7 Research Groups  50 researchers  Technologically advanced infrastructure  3 M.Sc. Programs (MSIN, MSITT, MBIT)  Executive training programs (Harvard, CMU)  Summer Schools About AIT

5 5 NOC Mission & Objectives Objectives: –Perform research on high-speed, high-capacity network service protocols and architectures –Novel network architectures and innovative transport solutions for telecom services and grid computing applications –Promote new application specific product opportunities –Techno-economic studies for broadband networks Mission: “The mission of the NOC group is to perform research on technologies, algorithms, protocols, architectures and transport schemes for evolving high-speed networks” The group was established during 2003 High Speed Networks & Optical Communications (NOC) Research Group

6 6 Who we are? Dr. Ioannis Tomkos GROUP LEADER E-mail: Tel.: +30-210-6682771 Fax: +30-210-6682729 Dr. Dimitrios Klonidis Dr. Siamak Azodolmolky Dr. Christos Tsekrekos Ms. Marianna AngelouMs. Sotiria Chatzi Dr. Vassilis Karalekas  5 more post-doc researchers will be hired over the next 2 months  2 part-time researchers are currently involved in our group’s activities  Several M.Sc. level students are also involved in our research activities

7 7 AIT’s Lab facilities To support research in the aforementioned topics we have established a state of the art laboratory and have access to a number of relevant simulation tools. The laboratory is equipped with: –a recirculating loop supporting 80 channels C-band 50 GHz channel spacing and 40 L-band transmitters, with 5 amplifier spans and a variety of fibre types (SMF, LEAF, Truewave and corresponding dispersion maps). –160Gb/s transmission capabilities with 10GHz Mode Locked laser and OTDM –Test equipment: 10Gbit/s BERT set, 40Gbit/s Communications analyzer, OSA. –Amplifiers: C- and L-band EDFAs, Raman, SOAs, EDWAs –MEMS switches (8x8 and 16x16) –C- and L-band Dynamic Channel Equalizer –10Gb/s forward error correction and channel equalization modules –Various optical components (e.g. tuneable filters, GFF, switches etc) In addition, a set of software tools are used (VPI transport maker, VPI transmission maker, VPI access maker, OPNET, Matlab, etc.).

8 8 AIT’s research topics - I  …in Networking: –Low cost, high bandwidth, broadband access TDMA PONs vs. OFDMA PONs vs. DWDM PONsTDMA PONs vs. OFDMA PONs vs. DWDM PONs MAC layer issues – quality of serviceMAC layer issues – quality of service Wireless/Wireline convergence of other existing access solutions (Ethernet, VDSL, WiFI, WiMAX, PONs)Wireless/Wireline convergence of other existing access solutions (Ethernet, VDSL, WiFI, WiMAX, PONs) –High performance core networks Ultra-high data rate networking  100G and 1000G Ethernet, OPS, OBSUltra-high data rate networking  100G and 1000G Ethernet, OPS, OBS Adaptive networkingAdaptive networking –Network intelligence through monitoring of network conditions –Bit-rate and format tunable connections  dynamically adaptive to optimum resource allocation based on monitoring Cross-layer optimizationCross-layer optimization –Impairment aware networking –Energy efficient networking Network control and management, security issues, fault localization, resilienceNetwork control and management, security issues, fault localization, resilience

9 9 AIT’s research topics - II  …in Physical Layer and Technology solutions: –Devices and subsystems for low cost access Less complexity + low cost at the user end (e.g. DMLs, ECE)Less complexity + low cost at the user end (e.g. DMLs, ECE) Access with extended characteristics  to strengthen signal quality at the network end  put more complexity at OLTs (regeneration, compensation, use of electronics)Access with extended characteristics  to strengthen signal quality at the network end  put more complexity at OLTs (regeneration, compensation, use of electronics) –Optical signal processing Multi-wavelength regenerators (the equivalent of EDFS in WDM regeneration)Multi-wavelength regenerators (the equivalent of EDFS in WDM regeneration) –QD-SOA devices? Optical bit processing (yet immature, complex, and expensive…)Optical bit processing (yet immature, complex, and expensive…) –Devices and subsystems for high capacity data transfer Higher order modulation formats (DQPSK, QAM, OFDM, …)Higher order modulation formats (DQPSK, QAM, OFDM, …) –Monitors and compensators What to monitor?  power, inband OSNR, constellation monitors, Q factor estimator, actual BER measurement(?)What to monitor?  power, inband OSNR, constellation monitors, Q factor estimator, actual BER measurement(?) –High performance optical switches Multi-granular OXCs: Switching of time slots in wavelengths in fibresMulti-granular OXCs: Switching of time slots in wavelengths in fibres Hybrid Switching: switching of different technologies  multi-performance switchHybrid Switching: switching of different technologies  multi-performance switch –Integration of devices in systems and subsystems Smaller footprint + power consumption  the chip equivalent(?)Smaller footprint + power consumption  the chip equivalent(?) Interconnects (board-to-board or even chip-to-chip)Interconnects (board-to-board or even chip-to-chip)

10 10 Research output/achievements Over 100 publications in archival journals.Over 100 publications in archival journals. Over 200 publications in major international conferences and workshops, including several invited papers (at OFC, ECOC, etc.)Over 200 publications in major international conferences and workshops, including several invited papers (at OFC, ECOC, etc.) Active role in organizing international conferences and workshopsActive role in organizing international conferences and workshops Currently participating in over a dozen EU research projects (including in 7 running FP7 projects)Currently participating in over a dozen EU research projects (including in 7 running FP7 projects)

11 11 Funded Research – FP6 Project TRIUMPH - Transparent Ring Interconnection Using Multi-wavelength PHotonic switches.Project TRIUMPH - Transparent Ring Interconnection Using Multi-wavelength PHotonic switches. –FP6/STREP having as main objective to provide Transparent Ring Interconnection Using Multi- wavelength PHotonic switches and processing to significantly increase the network functionality and capacity Technical manager and WP leaderTechnical manager and WP leader Project BReATH - Broadband e-Services and Access for the Home.Project BReATH - Broadband e-Services and Access for the Home. –FP6/SSA having as main objective to stimulate and support the transfer of know-how and best practices in planning and delivering broadband services to the EU New Member States and Associated Candidate Countries Technical manager and WP leaderTechnical manager and WP leader Project ePHOTON/ONeProject ePHOTON/ONe –FP6/NoE having as main objective to unite optical networks research efforts across Europe WP leaderWP leader Project PHOSFORUS – Lambda User Controlled Infrastructure for EU ResearchProject PHOSFORUS – Lambda User Controlled Infrastructure for EU Research –FP6/IP having as main objective the development of advanced optical networks supporting Grid Applications for the enhancement of European Research

12 12 Funded Research – FP7 (call 1 & 2) Project DICONET – Dynamic Impairment Constrained Optical NetworkingProject DICONET – Dynamic Impairment Constrained Optical Networking –FP7/STREP having as main objective the development of a dynamic network planning tool that provides routing and resource allocation according to transmission impairments, modulation formats and link distances. Project leaderProject leader Project SARDANA – Scalable Advanced Ring-based Passive Dense Access Network Architecture.Project SARDANA – Scalable Advanced Ring-based Passive Dense Access Network Architecture. –FP7/STREP having as main objective to study next-generation high capacity and extended access networks based on GPON and develop appropriate low-cost subsystems (Tx, Rx, remote amplification schemes, monitors and compensators) in support of high capacity, accessibility by large number of users and access extension to 100km WP leaderWP leader Project BONEProject BONE –FP7/NoE having as main objective to unite optical networks research efforts across Europe WPs leaderWPs leader Project APACHEProject APACHE –FP7/STREP is dealing with the development of special components and subsystems for advanced modulation formats (DPSK, DQPSK) at ultra high data rates (40, 100Gb/s), integrated in multi- wavelength arrayed structures and their performance evaluation in transmission test beds WP leaderWP leader Project EURO-FOSProject EURO-FOS –FP7/NoE is a collaborative project on optical transmission, switching and processing activities, including also joint laboratory efforts for the design and evaluation of subsystems. WP leaderWP leader

13 13 Funded Research – FP7 (call 4) Project ACCORDANCE – A Converged Copper-Optical-Radio OFDMA-based Access Network with high Capacity and flExibilityProject ACCORDANCE – A Converged Copper-Optical-Radio OFDMA-based Access Network with high Capacity and flExibility –FP7/STREP Aiming to introduce a novel ultra high capacity (even reaching the 100Gbpsregime) extended reach optical access network architecture based on OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) technology/protocols (based on concepts introduced by NEC), implemented through the proper mix of state-of-the-art photonics and electronics. Action ChairmanAction Chairman Project SOFI – Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuitsProject SOFI – Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits –FP7/STREP aims to demonstrate a silicon-organic hybridly integrated optical circuit showing OFDM signal processing capabilities at 100Gb/s with extremely low power consumption requirements, thus, exceeding the limits of electronics WP leaderWP leader

14 14 Participation in COST actions Project COST 291 Towards Digital Optical NetworksProject COST 291 Towards Digital Optical Networks –The primary objective of this COST action is to focus on novel network concepts and architectures exploiting the features and properties of photonic technologies, to enable future telecommunications networks Action ChairmanAction Chairman EU COST ACTION ICT00804EU COST ACTION ICT00804 –Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems and networks

15 15 Overview or research project activity

16 16 Other group activities Consulting services to the industry on techno- economic issues and business planning –Our consulting services resulted in major benefits for its customers e.g. an alternative Greek telecom operator (HOL) awarded 43MEuros as a result of a business plan proposal to the Greek State that was prepared by our group

17 17 AIT’s role in SOFI

18 18 AIT’s PM effort and budget Analytical breakdown in the file CostBreakdown_Diet mar_26Oct.xls CostBreakdown_Diet mar_26Oct.xls

19 19 AIT leads WP2

20 20 AIT’s role in SOFI WP2: –Define the system scenario under which the new technology will be evaluated (Y1) –Modeling of the new components aiming to define device specifications and system requirements using MATLAB and VPI simulation tools. Strong interaction with fabrication and characterization activities within WP3 and WP4. (outcome expected within Y2) –Value analysis with respect to cost and power consumption requirements (early Y3) –Explore new potential applications beyond the communications field (throughout the project duration) WP3: –Provide interactive input from simulation results (Y1-Y2) WP5: –Participation in component characterization and system testing activities (Y2 – Y3) WP6: –Dissemination (throughout the project duration) –Perform feasibility studies with respect to product roadmaps (Y3) –Participation of organization of summer school (Y2)

21 21 Milestones led by AIT !!! SOS !!!

22 22 Deliverables led by AIT WP 2 !!! SOS !!!

23 23 Deliverables led by AIT WP 6

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