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Process management Information maintained by OS for process management  process context  process control block OS virtualization of CPU for each process.

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Presentation on theme: "Process management Information maintained by OS for process management  process context  process control block OS virtualization of CPU for each process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process management Information maintained by OS for process management  process context  process control block OS virtualization of CPU for each process.  Context switching  Dispatching loop

2 Process a program in execution  We should know about processes by now. How does the OS correctly run multiple processes concurrently?  What kind of information to be kept?  What does the OS have to do in order to run processes correctly.

3 Process context Contains all states necessary to run a program  The information the process needs to do the job: code, data, stack, heap. This is known as User level context. stack heap data text (code) 0 MAX Process in memory

4 User level context (b, *p) - main (a) - foo heap (p) (char[1000]) data (aa, buf) text (code) 0 MAX Process memory … int aa; char buf[1000]; void foo() { int a; … } main() { int b; char *p; p = new char[1000]; foo(); } stack

5 Process context Contains all states necessary to run a program  Is the user level context sufficient? Only if the system runs through one program at a time The system typically needs to switch back and forth between programs. R0 = 1 R2 = R0 + 1 R0 = 2 R2 = R0 P1P2 R2 in P1 is wrong. How to make It correct? Save R0 in P1 before switching Restore R0 in P1 when switching from P2 to P1. Registers should be a part of process context: the register context!

6 Process context:  User level context Code, data, stack, heap  Register context (R0, R1,…, PC, stack pointer, PSW, etc).  What else? OS resources. E.g open files, signal related data structures, etc.

7 Why is process context important? To run a process correctly, the process instructions must be executed within the process context!

8 Where is the process context stored?  User level context is in memory.  Other context information is stored in a data structure called process control block.  The OS has a process control block table. For each process, there is one entry in the table.  Process control block also contains other information that the OS needs to manage the processes. Process status (running, waiting, etc) Process priority ……

9 Figure 3.3 An example PCB

10 OS CPU abstraction Hardware reality:  One CPU runs the fetch- execute algorithm OS abstraction:  Each process has one CPU, running the fetch- execute algorithm for the process.  Each process executes within its context. Load PC; IR = MEM[PC]; While (IR != HALT) { PC ++; Execute IR; IR = MEM[PC]; }

11 OS CPU abstraction What does the OS have to do?  Embed the process instruction sequence into hardware instruction sequence. Process X instructions: x0, x1, x2, …. Process Y instructions: y0, y1, y2, … Process Z instructions: z0, z1, z2, … Hardware instructions? x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2, z0, z1, z2, x3, x4, x5, … Does this embedding work? No!! Instructions in a process should only be executed within the process’s context to be correct.

12 OS CPU abstraction Process X instructions: x0, x1, x2, …. Process Y instructions: y0, y1, y2, … Process Z instructions: z0, z1, z2, … x0, x1, x2, [store X’s context], [restore Y’s context] y0, y1, y2… OS must do this to keep programs execute within its context: Context switching


14 Dispatching Loop The hardware view of the system execution: dispatching loop  LOOP Run process Save process states Choose a new process to run Load states for the chosen process Context Switch: Dispatcher code Scheduling

15 Simple? Not Quite… How does the dispatcher (OS) regain control after a process starts running? What states should a process save? How does the dispatcher choose the next thread?

16 How Does the Dispatcher Regain Control? Two ways: 1. Internal events  A process is waiting for I/O  A process is waiting for some other process  Yield—a process gives up CPU voluntarily 2. External events  Interrupts—a complete disk request  Timer—it’s like an alarm clock

17 What States Should a process save? Anything that the next process may trash  Program counter  Registers  Etc.

18 How Does the Dispatcher Choose the Next process? The dispatcher keeps a list of processes that are ready to run If no processes are ready  Dispatcher just loops Otherwise, the dispatcher uses a scheduling algorithm to find the next process.

19 Process States A process is typically in one of the three states 1. Running: has the CPU 2. Blocked: waiting for I/O or another thread 3. Ready to run: on the ready list, waiting for the CPU

20 Figure 3.2

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