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Published byRaymond Lawson Modified over 10 years ago
Graphics in MS-DOS Environment LEE HUN HEE
1.Real Coordinate and Windows Coordinate ● Real Coordinate ->(x,y) ● Windows Coordinate ->(wx,wy) ∴ (x,y)->(wx,wy) (wx min,wy min ) (x min,y max ) (wx min, wy max ) (x min,y min ) (wx max,wy max ) (x max,y min ) (wx max,wy min ) (x max,y max ) y x
(Graphic driver of graphic card must exist in folder) 2.Graphic card and Graphic mode graphic cardGraphic driver HGAherc.bgi EGAega.bgi VGAegavga.bgi
circle(): circle draws a circle rectangle(): draws a rectangle (graphics mode) line(): line draws a line between two specified points lineral(): line draws a line between two specified points setlinestyle(): sets the current line style and width or pattern floodfill(): flood-fills a bounded region setfillstyle(): sets the fill pattern and color getpixel(): getpixel gets the color of a specified pixel putpixel(): putpixel plots a pixel at a specified point settextstyle(): sets the current text characteristics outtextxy(): outtextxy displays a string at the specified location (graphics mode) textheight, (): textheight returns the height of a string in pixels textwidth(): textwidth returns the width of a string in pixels 3.Keyword getx(): getx returns the current position's x coordinate gety(): gety returns the current position's y coordinate getmaxx (): returns maximum x screen coordinate getmaxy(): returns maximum y screen coordinate Initgraph(): initializes the graphics system closegraph(): shuts down the graphics system cleardevice: clears the graphics screen
#include void main() { int driver,mode; driver=DETECT; initgraph(&driver,&mode," ");. graphic. closegraph(); } 4.program source
#include void main() { int x; double y; int driver,mode; driver=DETECT; initgraph(&driver,&mode," "); line(260,0,260,450); line(0,30,550,30); line(390,190,420,190); outtextxy(10,40,"x"); outtextxy(270,400,"y"); outtextxy(270,20,"0"); outtextxy(420,190,"Y=-x*x"); for(x=60;x<460;x++)} y=0.01*(x-260)*(x-260)+30; rectangle(x,y,x+2,y+2); } getch(); closegraph(); }
#include #define c 32767 int ix,iy,select,select1; int vx1,vy1,vx2,vy2; double wx1,wy1,wx2,wy2,txi,tyi,ticx,ticy; char H[10],V[10],f1[10],f2[10],f3[10],f4[10]; void plot(double, double, int); void draw(double, double, double, double); void drawxy(double, double); void outstrxy(double, double, char s[]); void ticxy(); void HVlabel(); void print(double, double, double); double round(double); void initialization(); { printf("Input the coordinates of the viewport(vx1,vy1,vx2,vy2)"); printf("ex) 100 60 550 400 "); scanf("%d %d %d %d",&vx1,&vy1,&vx2,&vy2); printf("the coordinates of the window (wx1,wy1,wx2,wy2)"); printf("ex) -0.5 -2.0 0.5 2.0 "); scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf",&wx1,&wy1,&wx2,&wy2); printf("the information of the ticx (txi,ticx,ix)"); printf("txi: position of the initial tic on the x-axis "); printf("ticx: interval between the tic's "); printf("ix: the value of the x coordinate at every (ix)th tic is shown"); printf("ex) -0.5 0.25 1 "); scanf("%lf %lf %d",&txi,&ticx,&ix); printf("the information of the ticy (tyi,ticy,iy)"); printf("tyi: position of the initial tic on the y-axis "); printf("ticy: interval between the tic's "); printf("iy: the value of the y coordinate at every (iy)th tic is shown"); printf("ex) -2.0 1.0 1 "); scanf("%lf %lf %d",&tyi,&ticy,&iy); printf("the information of the floating point to"); printf(" ticx(%f,%s) and ticy(%f,%s)"); printf("%5.2f: print as floating point, at least 5 wide and 2 after"); 5.graph.h
void draw(double x1,double y1,double x2,double y2) { int ix1,iy1,ix2,iy2; double u1,v1,u2,v2; u1 = (x1-wx1)/(wx2-wx1)*(vx2-vx1); v1 = (wy2-y1)/(wy2-wy1)*(vy2-vy1); u2 = (x2-wx1)/(wx2-wx1)*(vx2-vx1); v2 = (wy2-y2)/(wy2-wy1)*(vy2-vy1); if( fabs(u1) > c || fabs(v1) > c || fabs(u2) > c || fabs(v2) > c ) exit(-1); ix1 = round(u1); iy1 = round(v1); ix2 = round(u2); iy2 = round(v2); line(ix1,iy1,ix2,iy2); } void drawxy(double x,double y) { int ix,iy; double u,v; u = (x-wx1)/(wx2-wx1)*(vx2-vx1); v = (wy2-y)/(wy2-wy1)*(vy2-vy1); if( fabs(u) > c || fabs(v) > c ) exit(-1); ix = round(u); iy = round(v); lineto(ix,iy); } void outstrxy(double x,double y,char s[]) { int ix, iy; double u,v; u = (x-wx1)/(wx2-wx1)*(vx2-vx1); v = (wy2-y)/(wy2-wy1)*(vy2-vy1); if( fabs(u) > c || fabs(v) > c ) exit(-1); ix = round(u); iy = round(v); outtextxy(ix,iy,s); } printf(" decimal point; [ex) -1.22 -> %5.2f, -1.222 -> %6.3f] "); printf("%5s: print as characters, at least 5 wide;"); printf(" [ex)-1.22 -> %5s, -1.222 -> %6s]"); printf("ex) %5.2f %5s %6.3f %6s"); scanf("%s %s %s %s",f1,f2,f3,f4); printf("(tic_in = 1 or tic_out = 0)"); printf("(tic_in [tic_out]: tic's are shown inside [outside] the frame.)"); scanf("%d",&select); printf("(tic_up_right = 1 or not = 0)"); printf("(The tics are always shown on the left and bottom axis; however,"); printf(" the tics on the right and top axis are optional.)"); scanf("%d",&select1); printf("the label on the horizontal axis"); scanf("%s",H); printf("the label on the vertical axis"); scanf("%s",V); } double round(double x) { return(( x>0 ) ? floor(x +.5) : ceil(x -.5)); } void plot(double x, double y,int color) { int ix,iy; double u,v; u = (x-wx1)/(wx2-wx1)*(vx2-vx1); v = (wy2-y)/(wy2-wy1)*(vy2-vy1); if( fabs(u) > c || fabs(v) > c ) exit(-1); ix = round(u); iy = round(v); putpixel(ix,iy,color); }
void ticxy() { char s[20],buf[20]; i nt I; double ticxl,ticyl,x1,y1,x2,y2,x22,y22; ticxl = 6.0 * (wy2-wy1)/(vy2-vy1); ticyl = 6.0 * (wx2-wx1)/(vx2-vx1); x1 = txi; y1 = wy1; x2 = x1; I = 0; settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,1); if(select == 0) y2 = y1-ticxl*2; y22 = y1-ticxl; do { draw(x1,y1,x2,y2); if(select1 == 1) draw(x1,wy2,x2,wy2+ticxl*2); if(x1+ticx/2 <= wx2) draw(x1+ticx/2,y1,x2+ticx/2,y22); if(select1 == 1) draw(x1+ticx/2,wy2,x2+ticx/2,wy2+ticxl); } if(I%ix == 0) { sprintf(buf,f1,x1); sscanf(buf,f2,s); outstrxy(x1,y2-1.5*ticxl,s); /* if(select1 == 1) outstrxy(x1,wy2+ticxl*2+1.5*ticxl,s);*/ x1 = x1+ticx; x2 = x1; I++; } while(x1 <= wx2); } else{ y2 = y1+ticxl*2; y22 = y1+ticxl; do{ draw(x1,y1,x2,y2); if(select1 == 1) draw(x1,wy2,x2,wy2-ticxl*2); if(x1+ticx/2 <= wx2){ draw(x1+ticx/2,y1,x2+ticx/2,y22); if(select1 == 1) draw(x1+ticx/2,wy2,x2+ticx/2,wy2-ticxl); } if(I%ix == 0){ sprintf(buf,f1,x1); sscanf(buf,f2,s); outstrxy(x1,y1-4*ticxl,s); /* if(select1 == 1) outstrxy(x1,wy2+4*ticxl,s);*/ } x1 = x1+ticx; x2 = x1; I++; } while(x1 <= wx2); } y1=tyi; x1=wx1; y2=y1; I = 0; settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT,VERT_DIR,1);
Do{ draw(x1,y1,x2,y2); if(select1 == 1) draw(wx2,y1,wx2-ticyl*2,y2); if(y1+ticy/2 <= wy2){ draw(x1,y1+ticy/2,x22,y2+ticy/2); if(select1 == 1) draw(wx2,y1+ticy/2,wx2-ticyl,y2+ticy/2); if(I%iy == 0){ sprintf(buf,f3,y1); sscanf(buf,f4,s); outstrxy(x1-4*ticyl,y2,s); /* if(select1 == 1) outstrxy(wx2+4*ticyl,y2,s);*/ } y1 = y1+ticy; y2 = y1; I++; } while(y1 <= wy2); } void HVlabel() { double hl,vl,xh,yh; hl = 11.0 * (wy2-wy1)/(vy2-vy1); vl = 11.0 * (wx2-wx1)/(vx2-vx1); xh = wx1 + 0.5*(wx2-wx1); yh = wy1 + 0.5*(wy2-wy1); settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,1); outstrxy(xh,wy1-5.0*hl,H); settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT,VERT_DIR,1); outstrxy(wx1-5.0*vl,yh,V); } if(select == 0){ x2 = x1-ticyl*2; x22 = x1-ticyl; do{ draw(x1,y1,x2,y2); if(select1 == 1) draw(wx2,y1,wx2+ticyl*2,y2); if(y1+ticy/2 <= wy2){ draw(x1,y1+ticy/2,x22,y2+ticy/2); if(select1 == 1) draw(wx2,y1+ticy/2,wx2+ticyl,y2+ticy/2); } if(I%iy == 0){ sprintf(buf,f3,y1); sscanf(buf,f4,s); outstrxy(x2-1.5*ticyl,y2,s); /* if(select1 == 1) outstrxy(wx2+ticyl*2+1.5*ticyl,y2,s);*/ } y1 = y1+ticy; y2 = y1; I++; } while(y1 <= wy2); } else{ x2 = x1+ticyl*2; x22 = x1+ticyl;
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