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Published byManuel Northern Modified over 10 years ago
Portable and Predictable Performance on Heterogeneous Embedded Manycores (ARTEMIS 295440) ARTEMIS 2 nd Project Review 28 th October 2014 WP6 “Demonstrators” (Presented by: Raúl Santos de la Cámara – HI Iberia) 2014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 20141
Contents 1.Overview Global Objectives Y2 Objectives WP6 Framework 2.Results Task T6.1 Specifications and requirements of demonstrators Task T6.2 Implementation of demonstrators Task T6.3 Evaluation of demonstrators 3.Demonstrators overview 4.Collaboration 5.Conclusions / next steps 22014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
Contents 1.Overview Global Objectives Y2 Objectives WP6 Framework 2.Results Task T6.1 Specifications and requirements of demonstrators Task T6.2 Implementation of demonstrators Task T6.3 Evaluation of demonstrators 3.Demonstrators overview 4.Collaboration 5.Conclusions / next steps 2014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 20143
1. Overview – WP6 42014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
1. Overview – Global objectives Participants: SICS, KTH, DTU, VTT, SSF, ECSI, Tecnalia, HIB, TAS-E, EXFO To validate the cross-domain applicability of PaPP approach; To specify the common demonstrator framework to be followed by all individual demonstrators and develop and implement the individual demonstrators for the use cases defined in WP2, using the tools from WP3 and WP4 and on top of WP5 defined HW; To evaluate the results of PaPP techniques implemented in the reference platforms the level of fulfilment of objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPI), according to the metrics and criteria defined in WP2 (T2.3); To establish a baseline evaluation in order to monitor PaPP progress and level achievement. To provide feedback to the other WPs in the yearly integration approaches about the level of development of tool (usability, flexibility, cross-domain applicability…) and at the level of runtime behaviour of the platforms (performance, robustness, resource consumption, response time…). 52014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
1. Overview – Y2 objectives WP6 role: testbed for PaPP technology, provider of higher-level requirements, connection with exploitable results. Y2 Goals: Implement the project-wide rationalization of demonstrators and use cases along with WP2. Complete the implementations of PaPP second iteration demonstrators using the WP2 use cases. Ensure all of them have a PaPP grounding (use the toolchain). Integrate more functionality from the middleware (e.g., parallelization, adaptivity) over the baseline Y1 implementations. Collect developers’ experience about the usage of project results and feed it back to WP3-4-5 and to set the ground for final specifications of the demonstrators at M27 and Y3 demonstrators. Collaborate with WP7 for the transition of demonstrator results to exploitation. 62014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
1. Overview – WP6 framework Activity: M1-M36 Domains: Multimedia (HIB): ARM Mobile communications(EXFO): x86 Space Segment (TAS-E): SPARC Tasks and results: T6.1 Specs & Requirements for Demonstrators (HIB) D6.7 Final Specs & Reqs (M27) T6.2 Implementation of demonstrators (HIB) D6.5 Y2 Implementation (M24) D6.8 Final implementation (M36) T6.3 Evaluation of demonstrators (EXFO) D6.6 Y2 Evaluations (M24) D6.9 Y3 Evaluations (M36) Y1 was baseline implementations, Y2/Y3 was applied PaPP innovation 72014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
Contents 1.Overview Global Objectives Y2 Objectives WP6 Framework 2.Results Task T6.1 Specifications and requirements of demonstrators Task T6.2 Implementation of demonstrators Task T6.3 Evaluation of demonstrators 3.Demonstrators overview 4.Collaboration 5.Conclusions / next steps 82014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
2. T6.1 Specs/reqs of demos Objective: Definition of demonstrators, matching required elements with PaPP results. Leader: HIB 2 nd year output: No deliverables in Y2 but D6.7 Final demonstrators specifications and requirements (HIB, M27) is very close to the end of Y2 activities. First work draft immediately follows this review. Y2 experience on demonstrators expected to provide a platform for the production of the final iteration of requirements. Focus: mapping with PaPP innovations, ensure that all elements are demonstrated and that overlaps are used only when relevant (e.g., cross-platform portability) 92014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
Task T6.2 Implementation of demos Objective: Integration of project results from WP2- WP5 into prototypes that demonstrate the global PaPP results. Across all technical domains (Multimedia, Space, Mobile communications). Using all platforms. Leader: HIB 2 nd year output: D6.5 Results from the second yearly integration of demonstrators (HIB, M24) 102014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
D6.5 Results from the Y2 integration Task T6.2 Delivery date: M24 Actual delivery date: M25 Focus: explain production process and final outcome for Y2 demonstrators. Results: Detailed description of technical results (complemented by D2.6) First requests to PaPP (WP3, WP4, WP5) for new features. First indication of tentative KPIs for the demonstrators. Complemented with real technical first iteration prototypes: Space, Multimedia to be presented in this review. Mostly pre-existing elements with limited PaPP results usage. 112014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
2. Task T6.3 Evaluation of demos Objective: Assessment of the produced demonstrators. Generation of Y2 results to compare with Y1 baselines and Y3 final results. Leader: EXFO 2 nd year output: D6.6 Evaluation results from the first year (M12) 122014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
2. D6.6 Evaluation results from Y2 Task T6.3 Delivery date: M24 Actual delivery date: M25 Focus: leveraging on evaluation plans from T2.3/D2.5 and D6.3, provide updated evaluation results for the demonstrators and compare with Y1 baseline. Results: Intermediate evaluation results for demonstrators. 132014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
2. Task T6.3 Evaluation of demos Multimedia (HIB): 20% longer run time with equivalent battery using pappadapt. Space (TAS-E): improved operation with multi-core implementation Mobile communications (EXFO): improved performace also improves with increased parallelization In TAS-E and EXFO there seems to be clearly diminishing returns for large number of cores (Ahmdal’s law). 2013-10-22ARTEMIS PaPP Review 201314
Contents 1.Overview Global Objectives Y2 Objectives WP6 Framework 2.Results Task T6.1 Specifications and requirements of demonstrators Task T6.2 Implementation of demonstrators Task T6.3 Evaluation of demonstrators 3.Demonstrators overview 4.Collaboration 5.Conclusions / next steps 152014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
3. Multimedia Summary: Mobile video surveillance product (transcoder, image processor) built for ARM with multicore optimizations. Realistic implementation mixing NDK (native library linking) embedded as part of regular Android application (SDK). Y2: introduction of adaptability via the pappadapt library Use Case tuning of the algorithms for energy saving when battery level is low in the device. Status: Using sequential off-the-shelf FFmpeg, OpenCV library builds through the PaPP VM tools. Tested on simulators (batch test of libraries in QEMU, high-end COTS device (Samsung Galaxy S4). Use of pappadapt through pragmas in the C code of a helper library accessed from the Android application. Code much rationalized, easier to share during Y3. Future steps for Y3: Introducing parallel processing optimizations. Planned for Y2 but deferred due to internal lack of resources. Improve usage of modelling tools. Using CVLTool or equivalent open source. Extensive testing to check final PaPP benefits. 162014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
3. Space Segment Summary: Several covered use cases for space: Instrument data processing (SSF). Lossless multi/hyper spectral image compression (TAS-E). Status: Prototypes ready for PC platforms (x86 + Ubuntu). TAS-E prototype already using parallel versions of the algorithms, showing good results. SSF Use case implemented/rationalized for easier sharing during Y3 and test framework developed to allow demonstration within the scope of PaPP.. Future steps: TAS-E to parallelize the second part of the compression algorithm (bit plane encoding), establish Leon3 middleware layer compatible with PaPP stack, introduce peripheals. SSF to adapt software to OpenMP and study benefit of parallelization. 172014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
3. Mobile communications Summary: Network analysis: data capture from LTE network interfaces, decode incoming data, analyse control layer signalling, track sessions (calls, web sessions, etc.), and calculate and collect various attributes for the sessions. UCs: Call session analysis, Flow analysis Status: Using the PaPP toolchain/VM Analysis of the scalability and performance profiling complete using WP3/WP4 tools. Using dedicated hardware (rack PCs). Future steps: Parallelization using OpenMP (system scheduler) Use of adaptivity support (balancing the anayzer vs other modules in high load). 182014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
Contents 1.Overview Global Objectives Y2 Objectives WP6 Framework 2.Results Task T6.1 Specifications and requirements of demonstrators Task T6.2 Implementation of demonstrators Task T6.3 Evaluation of demonstrators 3.Demonstrators overview 4.Collaboration 5.Conclusions / next steps 192014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
4. Collaboration All partners active in the period In Y2, technology partners (SICS, KTH, DTU, VTT) produced support for the industrial partners in the production of the demos. ECSI was active in monitoring the transfer of results to dissemination (e.g., CRAFTERS-PaPP workshop had a presentation on demonstration) and exploitation (e.g., the HIB demonstrator is very close to actual product and was tested on the field in June ‘14). Inter-WP communications: Deep collaboration with WP2 (replanning of project use cases/demonstrators as requested in Y1 review; continued joint telcos, sessions at F2F, planning of deliverables and usage of results). Collaboration for the usage of modelling tools (WP3), middleware and development toolchain and enmvironment (WP4) and usage of platforms and emulators (WP5). Collaboration channels Regular e-mail discussion: WP6 list, point to point communications. Dedicated WP6 telcos and participation in PCT. ProjectPlace reporting. F2F sessions at meetings. 202014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
Contents 1.Overview Global Objectives Y2 Objectives WP6 Framework 2.Results Task T6.1 Specifications and requirements of demonstrators Task T6.2 Implementation of demonstrators Task T6.3 Evaluation of demonstrators 3.Demonstrators overview 4.Collaboration 5.Conclusions / next steps 212014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
5. Conclusions Deviations from plan Slight delay in the delivery of D6.5/D6.6 (ca. 4 weeks) Not expected to be an issue in following results Some expected features in Y2 for demonstrators had to be cut back Multimedia: parallel optimizations, use of ARM platform Space: multi-core implementation Mobile: 222014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
5. Conclusions First PaPP results incorporated in the demonstrators Parallelization: Space Adaptation: Multimedia Profiling/modelling: Communications Better connections with WP3/4/5, help offered by these WPs. Adaptation to the development cycles. First evaluation compared to baselines Adequate progress, will go deeper during Y3 for final assessment of PaPP benefits. 232014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
5. Next steps Planning and production of M27 and M36 deliverables (Y2 iteration) D6.7 Final demonstrator requirements Concrete plan of collaboration from technology producers to industrials. More widespread incorporation of PaPP results in all demonstrators: Synchronized development cycles WP6 to test December interim iteration of tools, report for feedback. Evaluation to produce final assessment of PaPP platform benefits. 242014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
WP6 Q+A 25 Thanks for the attention! 2014-10-28ARTEMIS PaPP Review 2014
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