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Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Bruxelles 25 Settembre 2013 La dimensione dell'innovazione in HORIZON 2020 Giuseppe Ruotolo DG Ricerca.

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Presentation on theme: "Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Bruxelles 25 Settembre 2013 La dimensione dell'innovazione in HORIZON 2020 Giuseppe Ruotolo DG Ricerca."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Bruxelles 25 Settembre 2013 La dimensione dell'innovazione in HORIZON 2020 Giuseppe Ruotolo DG Ricerca e Innovazione Unità Innovation Policy

2 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Prospettive finanziarie 2014-2020* 2 1. Smart & inclusive growth (€451bn) 2. Sustainable growth, natural resources (€373bn) 3. Security and citizenship (€16bn) 4. Global Europe (€58bn) 5. Administration (€61.6bn) Total: € 960bn Education, Youth, Sport Connecting Europe Cohesion Competitive Business SMEs Horizon 2020 Key challenge: stabilise the financial and economic system while taking measures to create economic opportunities *European Council, 8 Febbraio 2013

3 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 1. Training researchers 5. European Research infrastructures 8. Forum on Forward Looking Activities 2. University ranking system 3. Developing new curricula 7. Involvement of SMEs in R&I 6. Programmes focusing on EU2020 4. ERA Framework 27. Research programmes on public sector and social innovation 19. European Design Board 12. Cross-border matching of innovative firms 9. EIT to expand its activities 10. New financial instruments for private finance 11. Free Venture Capital funds 34. New indicator for fast-growing companies and monitoring 31. Scientific cooperation with third countries 32. International agreements on research infrastructures 33. MS to carry out self assessments 14. EU Patent 17. Pre- commercial and public procurements 18. Eco- innovation action plan 13. Review of State aid R&D&I 24. Smart Specialisation 29. European Innovation Partnerships 30. Policies for researchers to reside in Europe 20. Open access 28. Partners consultation on knowledge economy 25. Focus on Innovation in the next Structural Funds 26. European Social innovation pilot 21. Knowledge transfer 16. Modernise standard-setting 22. European market for patents and licensing 23. Safeguard of IPRs 15. Screening of key regulatory frameworks La Innovation Union 3

4 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 2007 - 2013. R&D 7FP Innovazione CIP 2014 - 2020 R&D&I HORIZON 2020 Innovation Union Verso un unico programma R&D&I The European Institute for Innovation and Technology 4

5 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 5 Un progetto in Horizon 2020… Research Innovation Development

6 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Azioni ammissibili 1.R&I projects  Collaborative R&I projects (tassi del 70% o 100%)  SME instrument  ERC grants  Marie-Curie fellowships  (Fast track to innovation - pilot) 2.Coordination & support actions 3.Programme Cofund  Marie-Curie co-fund  ERA-NET  Pre-commercial procurement/procurement of innovation 4.Prizes (recognition, inducement) 5.Risk finance (debt, equity) 6

7 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation European Research Council Frontier research by the best individual teams 13 095 Future and Emerging Technologies Collaborative research to open new fields of innovation 2 696 Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions Opportunities for training and career development 6 162 Research infrastructures (including e- infrastructure) Ensuring access to world-class facilities 2 488 *cifre NON ufficiali soggette ad approvazione - Multiannual Financial Framework Regulation (EP e Council) 1. Excellent Science

8 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials, biotechnology, manufacturing, space) 13 557 Access to risk finance Leveraging private finance and venture capital for research and innovation 2 842 Innovation in SMEs Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of SMEs 616 + complemented by expected 20% of budget of societal challenges + LEITs and 'Access to risk finance' with strong SME focus 2. Industrial leadership

9 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Health, demographic change and wellbeing7 472 Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bio-economy 3 851 Secure, clean and efficient energy*5 931 Smart, green and integrated transport6 339 Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials 3 081 Inclusive and reflective societies1 309 Secure societies1 695 Science with and for society462 Spreading excellence and widening participation816 Fondi addizionali previsti per 'nuclear safety and security' da Euratom (2014-2018) 3. Societal challenges

10 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Issue trasversali  Socio-economic sciences and humanities  Responsible research and innovation, including gender  International cooperation  "Innovation dimension" 10

11 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation La "innovation dimension" R&I projects Innovation projects Demonstration / pilot First market replication* Rules for participation: "Innovation action means an action primarily…aiming at new, altered or improved products, processes or services…they may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large- scale product validation and market replication" 11 *Esclusivamente in specifici contesti di mercato

12 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Dalla ricerca al mercato 12 R&I projects Ricerca di base Tecnologia di base Fattibilità su prototipi small scale Fattibilità in ambiente operativo / prototipi o demo large scale First market replication Demo / pilot SME instrument

13 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation "One project, one rate" 13 Stesso tasso per tutti i beneficiari e le attività del GA, come determinato nel Work Programme:  Fino a 100% degli eligible costs; oppure  Fino a 70% per gli innovation projects (Eccezione: non-profit organisations 100%). Maximum reimbursement rates Research and technological development activities (*) Demonstration activities Other activities Network of excellence 50% 75% (**) 100% Collaborative project(****) 50% 75% (**) 50%100% Coordination and support action 100% (***) (*) Research and technological development includes scientific coordination. (**) For beneficiaries that are non-profit public bodies, secondary and higher education establishments, research organisations and SMEs (***) The reimbursement of indirect eligible costs, in the case of CSAs, may reach a maximum 7% of the direct eligible costs, excluding the direct eligible costs for subcontracting and the costs of resources made available by third parties which are not used on the premises of the beneficiary. (****) Including research for the benefit of specific groups (in particular SMEs)

14 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Maggiore partecipazione delle PMI Horizon 2020 SME instrument 7% Collaborative projects 13% Eurostars II Enhancing Innovation Capacity Market-driven Innovation Access to Risk Finance 20 % budgetary target in LEITs & SC 'Innovation in SMEs' 14

15 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Valutazione dei progetti 15  Criteri standard  Excellence  Impact  Quality and efficiency of the action  Criterio per ERC frontier research actions  Excellence  Criteri per le innovation actions  Al criterio "IMPACT" potrebbe essere attribuito un peso maggiore

16 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 1.Struttura: 1 Programma per l'intero ciclo 2.Regole: 1 set di regole per l'intero Programma 3.Un solo metodo per calcolare costi indiretti (single flat rate – 25%) 4.Semplificazione in tema di audit 5.Time-to-grant ridotto a 8 months ("5 + 3 months") con eccezione per ERC e in casi specifici 6.Regole più semplici relative a Intellectual Property Rights 16 Semplificazione

17 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation  Decisione politica formale Autunno  Adozione MFF 2014-2020:Autunno  Adozione Work Programme e pubblicazione prime calls for proposals: Dicembre 2013  Eventi nazionali di lancio Horizon : Novembre - Gennaio Prossime tappe

18 Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Grazie per la vostra attenzione +32 2 2964455

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