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Assessing progress and attainment without levels Sam Hunter Hiltingbury Junior School

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing progress and attainment without levels Sam Hunter Hiltingbury Junior School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing progress and attainment without levels Sam Hunter Hiltingbury Junior School

2 Who we are…

3 My plan for today…  How our system works  Tackling tracking attainment and progress  Performance Management  What to think about when you are planning your route

4 Assessment at our school Pupil Choice Challenge 1, 2 or 3 Mixed ability seating Structured feedback Focus on Learning Skills Learning Council

5 How we have got to this point

6 Our Key Tools…

7 How it works…


9 How it fits in with Guided Reading Reading Skills: 1)Decoder 2)Comprehender 3)Reading Detective 4)Language Lover 5)Responder 6)Big Reader

10 End of Year Expectations…

11  Working towards  Working Within  Achieved  Exceeding Sharing with Parents…  WW Y1  ACH Y1  WW Y2  ACH Y2  WW Y3  ACH Y3  WW Y4  ACH Y4  WW Y5  ACH Y5  WW Y6  ACH Y6  WW Y7  ACH Y7 Tracking in School…

12 WT11C WW1 1B/1A ACH1 1A/2C WW2 2C/2B ACH2 2A WW3 2A/3C ACH3 3C/3B WW4 3B/3A ACH4 3A WW5 3A/4C ACH5 4C/4B WW6 4B ACH6 4A/5C WW7 5B/5A ACH7 6C/6B

13 Attainment against end of year expectation Points awarded WT 1 WW 2 ACH 3 EXC 4

14 Standardised Score of 100

15 Working it through with staff World Book Day 2014!

16 Change



19 Considerations for Staff  Shared understanding of assessment?  Communicate everything  Get time scales right  Plan out the journey and the resources  Seek opinions/flexible approach  Get key players in place  Share potential concerns

20 Working it through with parents Harvest Festival

21 What the parents say  We understood levels!  Booklets intuitive  Rungs give better indication than termly level  Want to know which curriculum year they are working within  Issue for those children who will always be WT  Want rewards around progress up the ladder  Felt children should have less rungs  Linked to homework?

22 Considerations for Parents  Parent Forum meetings  Launch evening  Reminders before Parents’ Evenings  Reporting against national expectations in new system  Reporting progress in new system

23 Working it through with pupils Pupil Voice – Charity Group

24 What the children say…  “It shows you where you are and what you are working on. Also, you can see what your next step will be.”  “I can see how high up the ladder I am and what I will be aiming for next.”  “I like the ladder because it feels like I am going up. I can see what I have learnt and what I will need to do next.”

25 What the children say…  “We can go at our own learning speed.”  “I like the small steps on the ladder because it makes it seem possible.”  “With the ladders, it doesn’t matter if we don’t have levels. We still know what we need to learn for our age.”

26 Considerations for Pupils  Launch  Pupil Forum  Reward system  Involved in setting own targets  Progress Review meetings

27 What’s left to do for us?  Ongoing CPD on what is quality assessment  Pupils involved more in target setting  Work with local and national schools  Standardisation  Moderation – within school and externally  What does WW4 etc. look like in rungs?  Parent training  Potential issues around self-esteem  P-Levels and foundation subjects  Management of ticking off rungs AND on app

28 Any Questions? @LearningLadder5

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