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Published byJaden Chambliss Modified over 10 years ago
Implementing the New National Curriculum in your School: Leading the Change
The presentation contains the following sections: Headlines – The new curriculum Subject specific headlines (the key changes in each subject) Copyright statement: This document should be used within the purchasing organisation only. © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
the New National Curriculum
Implementing the New National Curriculum in your school: Leading the change © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Contents 5 Big picture: Curriculum 16 Subject specific headlines
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Big picture: Curriculum
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The National Curriculum
What is the curriculum? Educational visits, Church/Collective worship, Buddy system, Peformances, ESB(?), P4C(?), KS1 Science Be clear about the place of the NC in your school. Be proactive and decide what your curriculum is. Whilst the NC is statutory, it is not the total offer. This requires thought and commitment from the staff team to decide what is right for your children in your context. The National Curriculum ‘The sum total of all learning and experiences that influence development and progress.’ © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Who does it apply to? To be taught in all maintained schools from September 2014 (see timetable). It provides the standard against which academies and free schools can benchmark their curricula, where they choose to develop their own. © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Key themes linked to implementation of the new National Curriculum
The combination of strong leadership and high quality teaching is critical to success. Schools need to articulate and embed high expectations. Schools should have the freedom to develop more innovative & effective approaches to learning. Government want to embed a sense of ambition and love of learning for its own sake. Schools need to be ambitious for all children; regardless of background. The curriculum should maintain both breadth and balance. Each school should develop its own curriculum to achieve the above aspirations. © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Timetable for the primary national curriculum changes: This year
Key stage & year Core subjects (En, Ma, Sc) Foundation subjects NC Tests KS1 Y1 Current NC NC disapplied, so current or new NC can be taught No changes – national tests & reporting arrangements will reflect current NC Y2 KS2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Timetable for the primary national curriculum changes: 2014 – 2015
Key stage & year Core subjects (En, Ma, Sc) Foundation subjects NC Tests KS1 Y1 New NC No changes – national tests & reporting arrangements will reflect current NC Y2 Current NC KS2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Timetable for the primary national curriculum changes: 2015 – 2016
Key stage & year Core subjects (En, Ma, Sc) Foundation subjects NC Tests KS1 Y1 New NC National tests & reporting arrangements will reflect the new NC Y2 KS2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
What are the expectations and intentions?
Aims to ensure that the new National Curriculum embodies rigour and high standards and creates coherence in what is taught in schools to ensure that all children are taught the essential knowledge in the key subject disciplines beyond that core, to allow teachers greater freedom to use their professionalism and expertise to help all children realise their potential. © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Why a National Curriculum?
Comparative data suggests that we are falling behind other nations with little improvement seen in our performance in mathematics, science and reading since 2007 One in five currently leaving schools without meeting the expected standards in English and maths All high-performing systems strongly emphasise the fundamentals of core academic subjects and allocate them substantial time – yet in England we have been moving away from this approach Our primary curriculum in mathematics and science focuses insufficiently on key elements of knowledge and is not demanding enough England is among the countries with the lowest levels of participation for 16 to 18-year olds, with fewer than 20% of young people studying mathematics to 18 © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
What will it look like? English, mathematics and science are the building blocks of education; improving our performance in these subjects will be essential Curriculum reform alone is not enough. No education system can be better than the quality of its teachers. We need to improve the quality of teaching. We also need to press ahead with other reforms such as the pupil premium, the extension of free pre-school learning and the growth of academies and Free Schools In mathematics there will be greater rigour. There will be a greater emphasis on arithmetic, and the promotion of efficient written methods of long multiplication and division. There will also be more demanding content in fractions, decimals and percentages In science there is a stronger focus on the importance of scientific knowledge and language and a greater emphasis on the core scientific concepts underpinning pupils’ understanding. For the first time primary aged children will learn about evolution and inheritance. © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
What will it look like? The proposed English programmes of study will embody higher standards of literacy. Pupils will be expected to develop a stronger command of the written and spoken word. Through the strengthening of the teaching of phonics pupils will be helped to read fluently. The study of languages to be compulsory in Key Stage 2 Replace the current ICT curriculum with a new computing curriculum with a much greater emphasis on computational thinking and practical programming skills © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Flexibility? It is essential to distinguish between the statutory National Curriculum and the whole school curriculum. All schools must provide a curriculum that is broadly based, balanced and meets the needs of all pupils. Maintained schools must follow the statutory National Curriculum and teach the subjects specified at the appropriate key stages. Academies and Free Schools have the freedom to depart from the National Curriculum. All schools must teach religious education at all key stages, and secondary schools must provide sex education. There are detailed programmes to be followed in English, mathematics and science. In other subjects and key stages we are aiming to give teachers more space and flexibility to design their lessons by focusing only on the essential knowledge to be taught in each subject. © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Subject specific headlines
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Overview Like the rest of the new curriculum, the programme of study for English is knowledge-based; this means its focus is on knowing facts rather than developing skills and understanding. It’s also characterised by an increased emphasis on the technical aspects of language and less emphasis on the creative aspects. English is set out year-by-year in KS1 and two-yearly in KS2. Appendices give specific content to be covered in the areas of spelling and vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. These are set out yearly across both Key Stages. Within each Key Stage, schools are allowed to introduce the content earlier or later than described in the programme of study. Spoken language Speaking and listening (now called Spoken language) has been slimmed down. The initial draft of the new English curriculum didn’t have a programme of study for spoken language. After widespread criticism, one was added to the final draft and published version. Unlike Reading and Writing, it isn’t age-differentiated; a single, brief programme of study covers the whole of the primary age range. Drama has been reinstated as a statutory requirement after being relegated to non-statutory status in earlier versions of the draft programme of study. Reading Reading is to be taught using phonic strategies only. There is no longer a requirement for pupils to build up a sight vocabulary of high frequency words, or to use syntax and context when reading for meaning. Pupils across the primary age range are now required to learn a range of poetry by heart and perform it. At KS1 pupils are expected to re-read books to develop fluency and confidence in word reading. Pupils in years 1 and 2 now need to be able to make inferences from their reading. (This was previously not covered until year 3). Writing There are a significant number of new requirements in the area of writing. However, there are a couple of reasons why this may not be as challenging as it might first appear. Firstly, many of the new learning objectives cover activities that are already common practice in the classroom; they’re simply being stated explicitly for the first time. Secondly, the new curriculum is more specific about what pupils should learn in the areas of spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
Spelling In all year groups the new programme of study for spelling consists of learning the spelling rules given in the appendix, learning to spell the words in the word lists, and performing dictation. An additional requirement in Key Stage 2 is using dictionaries to check spellings and meanings, and in upper Key Stage 2 pupils are also expected to use thesauruses. Handwriting All references to creating and presenting texts using electronic tools such as word processing programs have been removed. The rest of the requirements are very similar to the old programme of study, but more detailed, especially in Key Stage 1. Composition There are more specific objectives to do with the various stages in the writing process. These include forming and articulating ideas and planning, drafting, evaluating and revising texts. None of these will be unfamiliar to teachers – in fact, they’ve always been part of good classroom practice, but most of them are newly specified in the curriculum. In upper Key Stage 2, pupils are expected to summarise longer passages of text. Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation There is a very specific list of content to be taught in each year group, described in the appendices to the programme of study. Much of the new content, although newly specified in the curriculum, is not actually new to classroom practice. Here’s a list of the new content that’s most likely to be new in practice as well as in theory: Year 1: Question marks and exclamation marks Year 2: Adverbs, exclamations and commands, exclamation marks, present and past progressive (continuous) tenses, apostrophes of possession (singular only) Year 3: The present perfect tense Year 4: Fronted adverbials Year 5: Parenthesis and commas for clarification Year 6: Punctuation between independent clauses © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
English – KS1 Only phonic reading strategies required
No specific mention of group work or drama strategies References to ICT/typing removed Learning of poetry (including reciting poetry) introduced Specific spellings, e.g. days of the week Joined writing expected in Year 2 Proof-reading of own writing © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
English – KS2 Phonic decoding expected to be secure by Y3
No specific mention of group work, drama strategies or use of ICT Learning of classic & modern poetry (including reciting poetry) introduced Specific spelling rules to be taught Précising and dictation Greatly increased expectations in grammar and punctuation (detailed appendices) Clearly defines editing and proof reading as two distinct processes and skills © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
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Aims of mathematics Before looking in detail at the specifics in the mathematics curriculum, it is worth spending some time considering the three stated aims of mathematics. These are the basis for all mathematics teaching. How do these stand up in your school? Aims Fluency Reasoning Problem solving © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Mathematics – KS1 Rounding to nearest 10 removed from KS1
Y1: No data handling required Y1: Counting & writing numbers to 100 Y1: Write numbers words to 20 Y1: Number bonds to 20 Y2: Finding fractions of quantities Y2: Adding two-digit numbers Y2: Telling the time to nearest 5 minutes Y2: Make comparisons using < > = symbols Y2: Solve simple money problems using £/p © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Mathematics – Lower KS2 No ratio required in LKS2
Written division moved to UKS2 No calculator skills included Carroll / Venn diagrams no longer required Y3: Formal written methods for + & — Y3: Compare, order & + & — easy fractions Y3: Vocabulary of angles & lines Y3: Time including 24h clock & Roman numerals Y4: Recognise equivalent fractions/decimals Y4: Solve fractions & decimals problems Y4: Perimeter/area of compound shapes Y4: Know multiplication tables to 12 x 12 © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Mathematics – Upper KS2 No calculator skills included
No probability included Data handling greatly reduced content Y5: Use decimals to 3dp, including problems Y5: Use standard multiplication & division methods Y5: Add/subtract fractions with same denominator Y5: Multiply fractions by whole numbers Y6: Long division Y6: Calculate decimal equivalent of fractions Y6: Use formula for area & volume of shapes Y6: Calculate area of triangles & parallelograms Y6: Introductory algebra & equation-solving © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
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Biology Chemistry Physics Plants Animals, including humans
Biology Chemistry Physics Plants Animals, including humans Living things & habitats Evolution & inheritance Rocks Everyday materials Properties & changes of materials States of matter Light Sound Forces & magnets Seasonal changes Earth & space Electricity Yr 1 X Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Science – KS1 Some physics topics moved to KS2 only: Light & Dark; Sound; Forces; Electricity Reduce requirement to know life processes No requirement to make predictions or fair tests Drugs as medicines removed Care for animals/others/environment removed Changing materials with heat moves to KS2 Y1: Naming of plants and animals added Y1: Seasonable changes & weather added Y2: Introduce simple food chains Y2: Some study of movement on different surfaces © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Science – Lower KS2 Some movement between Y3 and Y4: Skeletons to Y3; Teeth & digestion to Y4 Some units delayed to upper KS2: Forces; separating mixtures; insulators; adaptation Requirements reduced in electricity units All KS1 content for sound & light moves to LKS2 Y3: Fossils and soils content added Y3: Flowers as part of the plant life cycle Y3: Light reflecting off surfaces Y4: Introduce changes of state & water cycle Y4: Common uses of electricity Y4: Changing environments © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Science – Upper KS2 Some movement between Y5 and Y6: e.g. Health & Heart to Y6; Reversible changes to Y5 Some units introduced earlier in KS2: Water cycle; sound as vibrations to Y4 Micro-organisms no longer required Y5: Life cycles of animals added Y5: Reversible & irreversible changes Y5: Planets, gravity and other forces added Y6: Classification of plants and animals Y6: New unit on evolution Y6: Diet, exercise, drugs & lifestyle added © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Art Greatly reduced detail in content, with much of the broader detail included in the aims. Specific objectives include only 4 areas: Use a range of materials (KS1) Use drawing, paint & sculpture to share ideas Develop techniques in colour, line, form, etc. Learn about the work of artists, craft makers, architects and designers Create & maintain sketch books (KS2) © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Computing Significant change in focus from digital literacy and applications to control and programming Introduction to creating programs in KS1 (e.g. roamer style sequences of instructions) E-safety included in both key stages Logical reasoning and problem-solving to identify flaws in instructions and correct them Complex instruction systems and variables covered in KS2 Understand and use computer networks, including the internet (KS2) © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Design & technology Broadly similar requirements at both Key Stages for main aspects, although slightly less specific detail: Design Make Evaluate Technical Knowledge Statutory requirement to include cooking at both key stages © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Foreign languages Newly statutory at KS2
No requirement to study from approved languages (as was originally planned) Can include classical languages No mention of intercultural understanding in programme of study Focus on four skills of Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Geography Reduced emphasis on investigative Geography
Increased focus on geographical knowledge KS1: name continents and home countries KS1: Compare local geography to UK & world KS1: Introduce key geography vocabulary KS2: locate world countries; UK cities & regions KS2: Identify world feature, e.g. poles, tropics, etc. KS2: Comparison study in Americas and Europe KS2: Study climate, vegetation belts, land use, natural resources & trade links KS2:Use compass points & 6-figure grid references © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
History Reduced emphasis on sources & methodology
Relatively little change at KS1, with slight increase in national focus Reduced emphasis on diversity & culture Significant changes in KS2 breadth of study: Victorians/Britain since 1930 & Tudors removed Stone age added Romans, Anglo-Saxons & Vikings all required Slightly changes to ancient civilisation options A non-European study must be included One period of study that stretches past 1066 © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Music Slimmed-down Programme of Study
KS1 focus on experimentation with voice and tuned and untuned instruments Musical elements (pitch, tempo, etc.) renamed as “inter-related dimensions” KS2: Introduce staff and other notation KS2: Develop understanding of history of music © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
Physical education Slimmed-down Programme of Study
KS1 focus on mastering basic skills and playing in team games KS2 includes discrete skills and in contexts of team games and competition Less focus on evaluation, focus moves to improving personal bests Swimming remains statutory at either key stage © Focus Education UK Ltd. 2014
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