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The New Curriculum September 2014. English Continued focus on quality writing Grammar objectives for all year groups Focus on reading for pleasure Read.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Curriculum September 2014. English Continued focus on quality writing Grammar objectives for all year groups Focus on reading for pleasure Read."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Curriculum September 2014

2 English Continued focus on quality writing Grammar objectives for all year groups Focus on reading for pleasure Read a broad range of authors and text types Reciting poetry Required spelling wordlists to be taught

3 Maths Larger numbers earlier Tables to 12x12 by end of Year 4 Earlier introduction to formal written methods Focus on fractions Focus on problem solving

4 Maths No data handling in Year 1 No probability No use of calculators until the end of KS2

5 Science Less content in KS1 Continued emphasis on working scientifically in both key stages Increased emphasis on terminology and vocabulary KS2 now includes history of Science and notable Scientists In KS2 some topics have moved between year groups – no children to miss topics during transition to new curriculum Evolution in Y6 Human life cycle now included

6 KS1 English Continued focus on phonics Additional spelling sessions Maths Use of number lines, hundred squares and partitioning Increase focus on times tables Earlier introduction and handling of fractions

7 KS1 Science Additional units include, light, electricity, sound, forces History Chronological order Significant events, people and places Geography Naming of continents and oceans Increased focus on vocabulary

8 KS1 Computing Focus on early programming skills Continuation of cross-curricular ICT skills MFL Not statutory Other Subjects (Music, Art, DT, PE) No significant change to our current practice

9 KS2 History Clear timeline of changes in Britain from the Stone Age Focus on chronology Geography Naming countries of the world. Naming counties, geographical regions and cities of the UK, Europe and the Americas.

10 KS2 Computing Emphasis on programming Use of ICT skills across the curriculum E-safety MFL Focus on one language – French Balance of spoken and written language Basic understanding of grammar

11 KS2 Other Subjects (Music, Art, DT, PE) No significant changes Focus on competitive sport (PE) Focus on healthy cooking (DT)

12 RE (KS1 and KS2) Not included in the new national curriculum Continue to follow the objectives set by the Diocese Core to the life of the school PSHE (KS1 and KS2) Not included in the new national curriculum Continue to follow current scheme

13 Assessment Introduction of new curriculum Core subjects (Maths, English, Science) Foundation subjects (History, Geography etc.) Year 1September 2014 Year 2September 2015September 2014 Year 3September 2014 Year 4September 2014 Year 5September 2014 Year 6September 2015September 2014

14 Assessment Levels are being removed July 2015 will be the last year ‘Levels’ are used at the end of Key Stages No official guidance on what will replace the levels

15 Assessment As far as we know beyond July 2015… SATs are staying for the end of both key stages KS1 Combination of teacher assessments and national tests (marked in school) for Reading, Writing and Maths Inclusion of a Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test for Y2 in 2016 Phonics screening in Y1 will continue

16 Assessment As far as we know beyond July 2015… KS2 National tests (externally marked) for Reading, SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and Maths Writing will remain as a teacher assessment We will keep you updated!

17 Let’s have a go at some SPaG… Question 1 Complete the noun phrase about the school. The __________, ____________ school.

18 Let’s have a go at some SPaG… Question 2 Which word shows what Ricky did? Circle one word. Ricky shouted loudly so that his friends could hear him.

19 Let’s have a go at some SPaG… Question 2 Which word shows what Ricky did? Circle one word. Ricky shouted loudly so that his friends could hear him.

20 Let’s have a go at some SPaG… Question 3 Fill in the gaps in the sentence below, using the past progressive form of the verbs in the boxes. While I __________ in the park, my mum _____________ my sister on the swing. to play to push

21 Let’s have a go at some SPaG… Question 3 Fill in the gaps in the sentence below, using the past progressive form of the verbs in the boxes. While I was playing in the park, my mum was pushing my sister on the swing. to play to push

22 Let’s have a go at some SPaG… Question 4 Put a cross in each row to show the type of noun in each sentence. SentenceAbstract noun Collective noun Common noun Proper noun Jo picked up the bundle of papers. Justice has been done. They saw a zebra at the zoo.

23 Let’s have a go at some SPaG… Question 4 Put a cross in each row to show the type of noun in each sentence. SentenceAbstract noun Collective noun Common noun Proper noun Jo picked up the bundle of papers. X Justice has been done. X They saw a zebra at the zoo. X

24 Useful SPaG resources to help with terminology Published by Oxford University Press Published by Usborne

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