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Chaffinch Class Once upon a time ….. A group of children set out on a journey of discovery… The children will be learning… Personal, Social and Emotional.

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Presentation on theme: "Chaffinch Class Once upon a time ….. A group of children set out on a journey of discovery… The children will be learning… Personal, Social and Emotional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chaffinch Class Once upon a time ….. A group of children set out on a journey of discovery… The children will be learning… Personal, Social and Emotional Development to find their way around the classroom and to find the resources that they want to use to make friends with children they haven’t met before to follow the classroom, break time and lunchtime routines that we are all different how to share with others to understand and manage feelings Y1 to create classroom rules Communication and Language to listen attentively to stories, rhymes and other children and adults talking to take turns in conversationsTechnology to operate simple programmes on the computer to use a mouse effectively Y1 to use a range of graphics tools Physical Development to develop pencil hold and control in order to trace patterns and form the letters in his/her name correctly to use playground equipment safely to play parachute games to match movements to music in dance Y1 to travel using a range of body parts and patches in Gymnastics Y1 to begin to link two actions together. Mathematics to join in with number songs and rhymes to count aloud to count objects accurately to recognise numerals to find more and less to describe shapes and make patterns Y1 to recognise, write and order numbers to 20 Y1 to compare larger numbers and place them on a number line or number square Y1 to add and subtract within 20 and solve problems including those involving money Y1 to use mathematical properties to describe 2-D and 3-D shapes Expressive arts and design to experiment with different materials to make collages to paint a self portrait to learn new songs to sing as a class to use scissors, card and fixing materials to create 3D models Y1 to mix colours and add black or white to change the tone of colours. Y1 to look at a range of portraits and self portraits and compare them, looking at shapes, lines and colours The world to explore the grounds of the school on welly walks to explore and notice the changes which take place when cooking using a different ingredients to talk about their observations and ask questions Y1 To explore map making by creating maps of story settings Y1 to sort and describe a range of materials Y1 to explore how materials can be changed by pushing, pulling and squeezing. Y1 to explore how materials can be changed by heat. Y1 to explore how some changes are irreversible. People and communities how the Harvest Festival is celebrated to talk about significant events in their lives Y1 to learn what some people believe about God Literacy to hear sounds in words and to identify the sounds that letters make to feel confident to have a try at writing to look at books independently to handle books carefully Y1 To understand the different uses of labels, lists and captions and create their own. Y1 To analyse Traditional Tales, recognising characters, settings and narrative patterns. Y1 To look at other versions of the same tale and compare them Y1 To retell and re-write Traditional Tales

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