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2012 Statutory Assessment. EYFSP and Y2  Requirements continue as in previous years  Schools have been notified if they are to receive a moderation.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Statutory Assessment. EYFSP and Y2  Requirements continue as in previous years  Schools have been notified if they are to receive a moderation."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Statutory Assessment

2 EYFSP and Y2  Requirements continue as in previous years  Schools have been notified if they are to receive a moderation visit Increase in number of schools where there are teachers new to the relevant year group and thus have to be visited Increase in numbers of schools requesting a visit

3 Statutory Assessment – new for 2012  New aspects of work for schools in 2012: KS2 writing moderation and Y1 phonics screening checks  KS2 is pilot  Y1 checks are statutory

4 Y1 phonics screening checks  Pilot in 2011 – small number of Essex schools took part  Now statutory and must be carried out in w/b 18 June on all children  Separate ARA (can be downloaded from  40 words in sections; some words will be “non-words” – to test phonics understanding  Schools already have practice materials  Actual materials to arrive by 1 June

5 Y1 phonics screening checks  Must be administered to individual by teacher, not TA or LSA  HTs must submit HDF by 29 June  Must submit data to LA (Target Tracker is aware)  Data collection team will provide dates  LA must submit data to DfE by end of July  DfE will publish national and LA statistics

6 Y1 phonics screening checks - the role of the LA  to ensure schools carry out all statutory assessment arrangements  ensure correct administration so must undertake monitoring visits before, during and after phonics checks week  10% sample as for KS2 – random unannounced spotchecks  Logistical challenges re spotchecks

7 Request to HTs of KS1 schools  Email asking for a timetable  To be sent in May  Straightforward  Easy to fill in  Not mandatory  Would help spotcheck team  Save on petrol and wasted time

8 Phonics timetable

9 KS2 writing assessment  Pupils must still take writing tests  Teachers also carry out Teacher Assessment (TA)  BUT only Teacher Assessment will be reported to parents and DfE  Implications for reporting and RAISEonline unclear how subject level will be calculated only reading will have test result

10 KS2 writing assessment  Schools will be in one of three groups: 1.told by STA they must take externally marked tests (to be taken on 15 May) has chosen to do externally marked tests (to be taken on 15 May) has chosen to do and mark tests internally (materials should have been received by now – may be administered any time)

11 KS2 writing assessment – moderation requirements  LA must carry out moderation of writing in 25% of schools  LA has already been informed of the schools to be moderated  Moderators will have to pass a “standardisation test”  Materials and information about standardisation test and the training of moderators coming from STA

12 KS2 writing assessment – moderation process  As far as we know: moderation visits will follow a similar pattern to those at EYFSP and KS1 a visit note will be provided by STA funding should allow us to spend one day in larger schools  We plan: to carry out most visits in June (few in May) to use both LA and school-based staff

13 Some concerns/unknowns about moderation process  Details of moderation process not yet sent to LAs by STA (including standard visit note); also  Because of the standardisation test do not know who will pass and therefore be able to be in the team  May not know whether schools visited are having externally or internally marked tests

14 KS2 writing assessment - moderation  Samples of ordinary class work  NOT special portfolios of work  Expect to look at three samples per class (but this is not yet confirmed)  Teachers will need time to talk with moderator  Schools are representative sample  LA must only give two weeks’ notice

15 KS2 writing assessment – a few issues  Two weeks’ notice period not very convenient for schools or LA  Moderators have been asked to review test results against TA – but only schools carrying out internal marking may have results  LA can require school to change and re- submit levels – schools can challenge this but “must pay any costs”

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