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Chapter 9 Color, Sound and Graphics
Key Concepts: Applying color to GUI Using images in applications Using Sounds in applications Using Graphics class © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Color can enhance an application interface.
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 Using Color Color can enhance an application interface. Control objects have BackColor and ForeColor properties. Visual Basic color constants can be used to change background and foreground colors at run time. BackColor and ForeColor can be chnaged at runtime: see synthax in Notes BackColor = background color of an object not including any text ForeColor = color of the text. Web colors include Transparent->objects on a form can be set to this “color” so the form’s BackColor shows through the object ( when cursor is on the object ) Controls ( Button, CheckBox and Label ) are derived from the Form control. Form is parent control and the Button, CheckBox and Label are child controls. When a parent control property value is changed the corresponding child property value is also changed unless the child property is explicitly set ( for example BackColor ) At runtime Imports System.Drawing statement must be included at the top of a program so the members of Drawing class are accessible: Example: Imports System.Drawing …. Me.btnDisplay.BackColor = Color.Honeydew ‘button color Me.BackColor = Color.Lime ‘Form color Example Windows app ( Form, 6 buttons: Honneydew, Thistle, SkyBlue, Turquoise, DarkKhaki, Salmon ): Import System.Drawing Public Class Form1 Private Sub ChangeColor_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnHoneyDew.Click, btnThistle.Click, btnSkyBlue.Click, btnTurquoise.Click, btnDarkKhaki.Click, btnSalmon.Click Dim btnColorClicked As Button = sender Dim colour As String colour = btnColorClicked.Text Select Case colour Case "Honeydew" Me.BackColor = Color.Honeydew Case "Thistle" Me.BackColor = Color.Thistle Case "SkyBlue" Me.BackColor = Color.SkyBlue Case "Turquoise" Me.BackColor = Color.Turquoise Case "DarkKhaki" Me.BackColor = Color.DarkKhaki Case "Salmon" Me.BackColor = Color.Salmon End Select End Sub End Class © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The Color Dialog Box
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The Color Dialog Box Predefined dialog box that allows the user to select a color. It can be displayed at run time to allow users to choose which color to assign to the BackColor or ForeColor of an Object. Click ColorDialog control ( in the Dialogs subsection of the Toolbar). It has no graphical elements so it is diplayed in the component tray. © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The ColorDialog Control
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The ColorDialog Control Properties include: Color is the color selected in the dialog box. AllowFullOpen allows the user to create a custom color. The Color dialog box is displayed using the ShowDialog() method. Example ChangeFormColor(Windows app, Form and 7 buttons: : Honneydew, Thistle, SkyBlue, Turquoise, DarkKhaki, Salmon, Choose Color ) Imports System.Drawing Public Class Form1 Private Sub ChangeColor_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnHoneyDew.Click, btnThistle.Click, btnSkyBlue.Click, btnTurquoise.Click, btnDarkKhaki.Click, btnSalmon.Click, btnChooseColor.Click Dim btnColorClicked As Button = sender Dim colour As String colour = btnColorClicked.Text Select Case colour Case "Honeydew" Me.BackColor = Color.Honeydew Case "Thistle" Me.BackColor = Color.Thistle Case "SkyBlue" Me.BackColor = Color.SkyBlue Case "Turquoise" Me.BackColor = Color.Turquoise Case "DarkKhaki" Me.BackColor = Color.DarkKhaki Case "Salmon" Me.BackColor = Color.Salmon Case "Choose Color" Me.ColorDialog1.ShowDialog() Me.BackColor = Me.ColorDialog1.Color End Select End Sub End Class © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Most objects have a BackgroundImage property.
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 Using Images Most objects have a BackgroundImage property. The Button and Label control objects have an Image property. Images can be changed at run time using the My.Resources object: Me.btnEvents.Image = My.Resources.Flower Me.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.Balloons Tiled = an image is repeated to fill the form. Objects on the form can be set to a BackColor of Transparent to better show the tiled form image. The image on an object can be changed at run time: Me.btnEvents.Image = My.Resources.Flower ‘button image Me.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.Balloons ‘form image When changing images at run time, the image files must already be in the Resource folder of the project before running the application. Windows example ChangeImage: Private Sub ChangeImage_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRed.Click, btnPink.Click, btnOrange.Click, btnGreen.Click Dim btnImageColourClicked As Button = sender Dim color As String color = btnImageColourClicked.Tag Select Case color Case "red" Me.BackgroundImage = Case "pink" Me.BackgroundImage = Case "orange" Me.BackgroundImage = Case "green" Me.BackgroundImage = End Select End Sub © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The SystemSounds Class
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The SystemSounds Class Includes five properties for making Windows operating system sounds: Asterisk Beep Exclamation Hand Question The Play() method is used to make the sound: SystemSounds.Beep.Play() Applications require the Imports System.Media statement before any declaration Applications use simple sounds sometimes to provide feedback to the user ( beep when wrong type of data is entered ). Windows example TestSounds: Imports System.Media Public Class Form1 Private Sub btnAsterisk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAsterisk.Click SystemSounds.Asterisk.Play() End Sub Private Sub btnBeep_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBeep.Click SystemSounds.Beep.Play() Private Sub btnExclamation_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExclamation.Click SystemSounds.Exclamation.Play() Private Sub btnHand_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnHand.Click SystemSounds.Hand.Play() Private Sub btnQuestion_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnQuestion.Click SystemSounds.Question.Play() End Class © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 Playing Sound Files
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 Playing Sound Files Visual Basic applications can play Windows WAV audio files. My.Computer.Audio objects includes the Play() and Stop() methods for working with WAV files. -Play(resource, playmode) -Stop() Audio files must be added to the Resources folder for an application to access them. Play(resource, playmode) playmode: Background, BackgroundLoop, WaitToComplete ( prevents user interaction until the sound loaded and completely played ) Windows Example: Music Demo © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The Timer Control
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The Timer Control Applications often perform actions at regular intervals. The Timer object is used to execute code at regular intervals Add from the Tollbox to the component tray © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The Timer Control
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The Timer Control Properties include: (Name) should begin with tmr. Interval is the amount of time that passes before the Tick event procedure executes. Enabled allows a Tick event to occur at the end of each interval. Methods include Start() and Stop(). A Tick event procedure is coded for each timer object added to an application. A Tick event occurs after the time specified in the Interval property elapses (1000 = 1 sec). After a Tick event occurs timing automatically starts over again. Change Enabled property to True. Windows example Blinky: Private Sub tmrColorChange_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrColorChange.Tick Static colorChange As Boolean = True If colorChange Then Me.btnBlinky.ForeColor = Color.HotPink colorChange = False Else Me.btnBlinky.ForeColor = Color.CadetBlue colorChange = True End If End Sub © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Uses a timer control object and a set of images.
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 Animation Uses a timer control object and a set of images. Images are cycled in a PictureBox control object to give the impression of motion. A Case statement can be used to determine which image to display. See Ch 9 Ex 9: BouncingBall. © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The Graphics Class
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The Graphics Class Includes numerous methods for creating lines, shapes, solid shapes, and curves and polygons. Methods require that a drawing surface be defined. Dim formSurface as Graphics=Me.CreateGraphics - This creates a Graphics object from the surface of the form - CreateGraphics method is a control class method that encases a specific’s object area © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The Graphics Class
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The Graphics Class Methods require that a Pen object be defined. Pen styles can be solid, dashed, and dotted. There are numerous colors to choose from. Dim thinAquaPen As New Pen(Color.Aqua, 2) - the keyword New declares a new object - ColorAqua is a Visual Basic color constant - 2 is the thickness of the line © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The Graphics Class
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The Graphics Class A drawing surface can be thought as a grid consisting of a set of points with (x, y) values Each point is a pixel ( picture element ) and the number of pixels in a surface depends on the screen resolution. The point with coordinates (0, 0)is the pixel in the very upper-left corner Methods can accept coordinates in (x1, y1), (x2, y2) format or as Point structures that define each point. © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
The Graphics Class The Size property of an object stores both height and width. For many objects ( labels, buttons…)the height and the width correspond to the coordinates of point in the lower right of the object For a Form object the Size property returns the size of the form Dim formMaxX As Integer = Me.Size.Width ‘300 Dim formMaxY as Integer = Me.Size.Height ‘300 Returns the Form’s Size property data. © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The Graphics Drawing Surface
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The Graphics Drawing Surface A form's drawing surface is reduced by the title bar and borders. Each square on the grid represents 10 pixels. Counting the grid marks show that although the form size is 300 by 300, the actual drawing surface is less, about 292 by 265. See VB project Coordinates. Private Sub btnShowGrid_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnShowGrid.Click Dim formSurface As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics Dim maxX As Integer = Me.Size.Width Dim maxY As Integer = Me.Size.Height Dim magentaPen As New Pen(Color.Magenta, 1) Dim greenPen As New Pen(Color.Green, 1) 'Draw a grid that is 10 pixels by 10 pixels For xCoord As Integer = 0 To maxX Step 10 For yCoord As Integer = 0 To maxY Step 10 If xCoord Mod 50 Or yCoord Mod 50 = 0 Then 'makes every 50th pixel a green square formSurface.DrawRectangle(greenPen, xCoord, yCoord, 10, 10) Else formSurface.DrawRectangle(magentaPen, xCoord, yCoord, 10, 10) End If Next yCoord Next xCoord Me.lblCoords.Text = "Max x is " & maxX & ", " & "Max y is " & maxY End Sub © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The Graphics Class
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The Graphics Class The Graphics class methods require a pen along with the shape position and size. Graphics methods include: DrawLine(pen,x1,y1,x2,y2)->line from(x1, y1) to (x2, y2) DrawRectangle(x1,y1,width,height)-> draws rectangle with upper-left corner at (x1,y1) and size width x height DrawEllipse(x1,y1,width,height)-> draws an ellipse within a rectangular area that has upper-left corner at (x1,y1) and size width x height © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The Graphics Class
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The Graphics Class DrawArc(pen,x1,y1,width,height,startAngle,sweepAngle) ->draws an arc tha starts at angle startAngle and continues clockwise sweepAngle degrees. The arc is within a rectangular area that has its upper-left corner at (x1,y1) on a Graphics object with width ang height Clear(color)-> clears the drawing surface with “color”which can be a System.Drawing color constant or the current object color See example TestGraphics: Public Class Form1 Private Sub btnDrawNow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDrawNow.Click 'Create drawing surface Dim formSurface As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics 'Define pen Dim indigoPen As New Pen(Color.Indigo, 5) Dim salmonPen As New Pen(Color.Salmon, 3) Dim tealPen As New Pen(Color.Teal, 2) 'Draw on form formSurface.DrawRectangle(indigoPen, 0, 0, 200, 200) formSurface.DrawEllipse(salmonPen, 0, 0, 200, 200) formSurface.DrawArc(tealPen, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 120) End Sub End Class © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The Graphics Class
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The Graphics Class The shapes in the TestGraphics application have been drawn using absolute coordinates, meaning that actual sizes were used to specify the shape sizes Relative coordinates are another option. They are relative to the size of the form. If the form is resized the shapes maintain their relative size and position. See DrawShapes program and change Form’s size. The Pen class contains the DashStyle property: dashed lines, dotted lines and dash-dot are a few examples. See example DrawShapes ( sizes relative to form’s dimensions: change Form’s size and click Draw again to check ) Private Sub btnDraw_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDraw.Click Dim formSurface As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics formSurface.Clear(Me.BackColor) 'Determine max X and max Y values Dim maxX As Integer = Me.Size.Width Dim maxY As Integer = Me.Size.Height 'Define all pens Dim lightSeaGreenPen As New Pen(Color.LightSeaGreen, 2) Dim thickerDeepPinkPen As New Pen(Color.DeepPink, 10) Dim thickDodgerBluePen As New Pen(Color.DodgerBlue, 5) Dim thinRedPen As New Pen(Color.Red, 3) 'Draw thin LightSeaGreen horizontal line formSurface.DrawLine(lightSeaGreenPen, 30, maxY \ 3, maxX - 30, maxY \ 3) 'Draw thicker DeepPink circle(ellipse) formSurface.DrawEllipse(thickerDeepPinkPen, maxX \ 2, maxY \ 2, 40, 40) 'Draw thick DashDotDot DodgerBlue rectangle thickDodgerBluePen.DashStyle = Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDotDot formSurface.DrawRectangle(thickDodgerBluePen, 80, maxY \ 4, maxX \ 3, 70) 'Draw thin Red arc formSurface.DrawArc(thinRedPen, 30, 0, maxX - 60, maxY - 60, 0, 180) End Sub © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 Drawing Solid Shapes
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 Drawing Solid Shapes The Graphics class methods that fill shapes require a brush along with the shape position and size.: Dim purpleBrush as New SolidBrush(Color.BlueViolet) FillRectangle(brush,x1,y1,width,height) FillEllipse(brush,x1,y1,width,height) FillPie(brush,x1,y1,width,height,startAngle,sweepAngle) The parrameters of the methods are the same as corresponding Draw methods. See example TestSolidGraphics: Private Sub btnDraw_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDraw.Click Dim formSurface As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics 'Define all pens Dim indigoBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.Indigo) Dim limeGreenBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.LimeGreen) Dim goldBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.Gold) ’Draw on form formSurface.FillPie(indigoBrush, 0, 210, 50, 50, 0, 180) formSurface.FillRectangle(limeGreenBrush, 0, 0, 200, 200) formSurface.FillEllipse(goldBrush, 0, 0, 200, 200) End Sub © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The Point Structure
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The Point Structure A point has an x-coordinate a y-coordinate A Point structure can be defined with X and Y members: Dim minPoint As Point minPoint.X=0 minPoint.Y=0 Or Dim minPoint as New Point(0, 0) See example DrawLinePointStruct: Private Sub btnDraw_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDraw.Click Dim labelSurface As Graphics = Me.lblDrawLine.CreateGraphics Dim orangePen As New Pen(Color.Orange, 5) Dim minPoint As New Point(0, 0) Dim maxPoint As New Point(Me.lblDrawLine.Size.Width, Me.lblDrawLine.Size.Height) labelSurface.DrawLine(orangePen, minPoint, maxPoint) End Sub © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 Drawing curves and Polygons
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 Drawing curves and Polygons DrawCurve(pen, points) DrawClosedCurve(pen, points) FillClosedCurve(brush, points) DrawPolygon(pen, points) FillPolygon(brush, points) See example TestCurvesAndPolygons Private Sub btnDraw_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDraw.Click Dim labelDrawCurve As Graphics = Me.lblDrawCurve.CreateGraphics Dim labelDrawClosedCurve As Graphics = Me.lblDrawClosedCurve.CreateGraphics Dim labelFillClosedCurve As Graphics = Me.lblFillClosedCurve.CreateGraphics Dim labelDrawPolygon As Graphics = Me.lblDrawPolygon.CreateGraphics Dim labelFillPolygon As Graphics = Me.lblFillPolygon.CreateGraphics 'Define pen and brush Dim tomatoPen As New Pen(Color.Tomato, 1) Dim tomatoBrush As New SolidBrush(Color.Tomato) 'Define points Dim curvePoints() As Point = {New Point(10, 30), New Point(35, 35), New Point(75, 80), New Point(120, 20)} 'Draw shapes labelDrawCurve.DrawCurve(tomatoPen, curvePoints) labelDrawClosedCurve.DrawClosedCurve(tomatoPen, curvePoints) labelFillClosedCurve.FillClosedCurve(tomatoBrush, curvePoints) labelDrawPolygon.DrawPolygon(tomatoPen, curvePoints) labelFillPolygon.FillPolygon(tomatoBrush, curvePoints) End Sub © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
Chapter 9 The MouseDown Event
4/10/ :51 PM Chapter 9 The MouseDown Event Occurs when the user clicks the form or object associated with the MouseDown event. Select Code window, click the object name in the Class Name list and then select MouseDown in the Method Name list The e parameter includes X and Y properties specific to the mouse click that raised the event. The X and Y properties can be used to determine the coordinates of the mouse click. See MouseEvent program: Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown MessageBox.Show("X:" & e.X & " Y:" & e.Y) End Sub See Tracker program: Static previousPoint As Point Dim formSurface As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics Dim orangeRedPen As New Pen(Color.OrangeRed, 3) Dim mouseClick As Point 'Get point of mouse click mouseClick.X = e.X mouseClick.Y = e.Y 'Draw line from previous point to point clicked formSurface.DrawLine(orangeRedPen, previousPoint, mouseClick) 'Make point click the next starting point previousPoint = mouseClick © 2012 EMC Publishing, LLC
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