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1 Comments on EC 2000: Why so much detail to tell us about EC 2000? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 You learned where things (courses) fit.

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2 1 Comments on EC 2000: Why so much detail to tell us about EC 2000? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 You learned where things (courses) fit into your broad education as an engineer. You’ve already accomplished a lot…. Must do a lot more a) Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering b) Design and construct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data c) Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability d) Function on multi-disciplinary teams e) Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems f) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility g) Communicate effectively h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning j) A knowledge of contemporary issues k) An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. January 20, 2011

3 2 Comments on EC 2000: Soft skills are important (we know it) How do we gain the soft skills? What can we do to get them? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 Just as with other knowledge or skill: Practice, Practice, Practice

4 3 Comments on EC 2000: How do I explain my proficiency in the soft skills to a superior? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 You exercise the skills (daily), you don’t explain them. Capture the four E’s and show them!

5 4 EC 2000 & ME curriculum: Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 Are we better off with 128 ch and ABET accreditation versus when you graduated with 160 ch? Which classes are the most important for a ME regardless of the career field? What classes you want back? Will completing the required course prepare me for work?

6 5 The real question: Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 Yes (if at TAMU). But… Will you keep your work? Will you be successful? How do current engineering graduates meet the ABET soft skills? Is the current curriculum preparing us effectively for the real world?

7 6 Want to learn more: Vision 2020 and the goals and how they plan to be met Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011

8 77 News from the world The Straits Times 2-11-09 (SIN) PR China Minister of Education FIRED Education outdated, graduates cannot apply knowledge nor solve problems, system must change to fit global needs, privileges sold, etc. UK Higher Education to be revamped Students will be treated more like costumers. They will be informed of course content, delivery and outcomes, # of hours work outside classroom, and benefits of learning. Cost of education likely to increase (> 7k pounds/year). The rest of the world REVAMPING COLLEGE EDUCATION IS A MANDATE ALL OVER THE WORLD

9 88 Practices of Modern Engineering Educating the modern engineer Higher Education is the only business where the costumer wants to be cheated Not any more

10 99 The 3-corners of Eng Vision 2020 NAEP: Educating the Engineer of 2020 Superb Engineering (Maths, Physics, Science) Entrepreneurship, Philanthropy, Ethics Arts Creativity & Innovation, Design, Communication ALL corners have equal importance

11 10 Project Focus Education NAEP: Educating the Engineer of 2020 Coursework Foundation Specialization Realization Projects Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Project oriented education with firm and realizable deliverables. Foundation: mastering and applying fundamentals in substantial eng projects Specialization: develop &apply knowledge in depth- chose fields Realization: tackle problems similar to professional practice. Industry sponsored- collaborative Educating the modern engineer

12 11 Engineering Education in USA: Why have American schools been able to stay as the best in the world? Is it the teachers, the students, the curriculum? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 See More in later lectures.

13 12 Question: Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 I am a sophomore. What should I do differently? Do employers frown upon graduating in five years? You are ahead of the pack by learning more. Doubtful if you spent the extra time acquiring engineering and business experiences

14 13 Question: Where are the best jobs or places to work after graduating? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 You will have opportunities (more than one job offer). Do not settle for the first that comes around. You must begin TODAY preparing to get your dream job. But you are already too busy….

15 14 Questions: How much more in demand could we be as MEs if we get a MS or a PhD? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 Is a BS in Materials Engineering useful? Are there opportunities outside research? I am entering grad school in Materials Science. What is the outlook and opportunities in the field?

16 15 More questions: What is driving the drastic increase in higher education costs? Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 How to design with respect to constraints other than economic (cost)? How to give an elevator speech? Why are engineers usually poor managers?

17 16 ? need more USA vs China Growth and economy Practices of Modern Engineering – Spring 2011 At one point, we were where China was a few years ago. Is there somewhat of a ceiling for a country’s economy can reach? Every country has limited people, resources, etc., and can only go so far, right? At some point China will slow down like we did…. We will learn more. Economic power enables (world) leadership but also gives responsibilities ….. Hard to answer at this time!

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