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European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 1 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 MUSE M ulti U nit S pectroscopic E.

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Presentation on theme: "European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 1 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 MUSE M ulti U nit S pectroscopic E."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 1 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 MUSE M ulti U nit S pectroscopic E xplorer  AO assisted integral field spectrograph  Developed by a consortium led by:  CRAL-Lyon (R.Bacon, PI) Contributions of:  Durham, Leiden, LAOMP, ETH, AIP, ESO  Schedule:  CDR: 2004  Kick off: Jan 2005  Commissioning: 2011

2 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 2 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 Science objective   3D Ultra Deep Field : 10-19 erg s-1 cm-2 80x1 hours integration  80x1 hours integration   Faint Ly a emitters ; Progenitors of Milky Way ?   Star Formation History at Z>4   Development of dark matter halos   Link between Lya emitters and High Res. QSO absorption   Physiscs of high Z galaxies from resolved spectroscopy   Kinematics, population, cluster, outflows, merger...   In (nearby) galaxies   Stars: massive spectroscopy of crowded regions,   Origin of bipolar stellar outflows and shock waves   SERENDIPITY

3 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 3 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 MUSE Requirements  Spectrometer resolution R~3000  Wavelength range: 0.465μm-0.93 μm  300 x 300 spatial resolution elements (spaxels)  High efficiency  Shutter open time  Throughput, > 0.24  2 observing modes: Wide Field Mode and Narrow Field Mode Observing mode WFM (GLAO) NFM (LTAO) FoV1’x1’7.5”x7.5” Spatial Sampling 0.2x0.2 arcsec^2 25x25mas^2 Spatial resolution 0.3-0.4 arcsec. 30-50 mas AO “performance” 2 x EE increase @ 750nm Strehl 0.05 (0.1) @ 650nm Sky coverage: 70% @ Gal. pole TT reference: Science object AO “on time” 70%-ile-

4 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 4 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 MUSE Instrument concept 24 Spectrometers IFUs 4k x 4k Detectors  402.653.184 pixel

5 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 5 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 MUSE Facility © I. Lewis, Oxford  VLT-Nasmyth platform size: 5mx4m  Max load: 8.000Kg

6 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 6 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 GALACSI G round A tmospheric L ayer A daptive C orrector for S pectroscopic I maging  Located Nasmyth focus of UT4  Developed and build by ESO AO dept.  4 Na-LGS, 1’(WFM) and 15”(NFM) off axis  1 NGS tar within 45” 17.5mag (R)  1 NGS source (extended) on axis >15mag (goal 16mag J-K band)  Baseline: VLT-Deformable M2 is the DM  Test bed (incl. M2 ?) developed and build by Leiden

7 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 7 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 GLACSI Requirements  Transmission: 92% average, 80% minimum (WFM)  AO operations in 70%-ile of the atmospheric conditions at 30° off zenith  0.6” to 1.1” seeing @ 500nm  Light pollution of science field:  @ 589nm ±20nm (goal 10nm) < brightest sky line, e.g. <600 photons/s/sq”  Outside the Na notch<10ph/Angstrom/hour/sq arc sec.  “No” NGS within the Science field, scattered light!  Sky coverage > 70% at the galactic pole  Long integration time (80x1h)  High temporal instrument stability  AO residual Image motion <50mas within 1h (WFM) TBC  AO residual Image motion <10mas within 1h (NFM) TBC  AO Setup time < 5 min

8 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 8 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 GALACSI Optical layout (WFM) Reimaging lens F/4.0 Field separator Nasmyth Adaptor flange 4’ Field selector Visible TT Sensor 1’ Optics free Scientific Field CALIBRATION MIRROR LGS WFS LGS WFS LGS Focus compensation LGS pick up Exchangeable unit for NFM 500 mm BFD 180mm defocused Laser beam 1.45 arc min Hole FIELD SEPARATOR Transmits 589nm Reflects visible light 4 arc min

9 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 9 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 Functional requirements  Matching between SH WFS and DSM  co rotate to the pupil  LGS mounted to the telescope  Field rotation with the speed of the pupil rotation  GALACSI needs to co-rotate to the pupil  At Nasmyth the pupil rotation is equal to the altitude motion of the telescope  operational range: 0° to 60° Zenith distance  Most probable case: 5° to 45°, e.g. ± 20° instrument motion P-V  Low rate, < 15°/hour  Helps to achieve the image stability requirement  NGS rotates with the field  Field selector (rotating with the pupil) needs to follow the field rotation - pupil rotation (WFM)

10 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 10 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 GALACSI-MUSE Instrument MUSE Spectrographs GALACSI GLAO/SCAO Field splitter De-rotator… Nasmith platform VLY-Nasmyth rotator   GALACSI is mounted to the Nasmyth rotator   Muse is on the Nasmyth Platform   Field de-rotation for Muse   Problem:   Rotator wobble   Platform wobble   Flexure of GALACSI   Temperature effects   Residual alignment errors,   Field de rotator wobble   … Causes differential image motion between the GALACSI and MUSE Instrument   metrology is required

11 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 11 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 Metrology Reimaging lens F/4.0 Nasmyth Adaptor flange 4’ Field selector Visible TT Sensor LGS WFS LGS WFS LGS Focus compensation   Point source mounted at MUSE focal plane   imaged to a CCD camera inside GALACSI   de-rotator moves spot on the CCD   4 sources on MUSE   Averaging of 4 centroids gives the “rotation free” position of the field center   Lateral motion of Muse, the de-rotator or GALACSY can be measured and corrected by offsetting the NGS Field selector.

12 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 12 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 Opto-mechanical implementation

13 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 13 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 Beam from the telescope Field Splitter Field Selector Assembly (turntable + goniometer stage) 4 LGS pick up Mirrors for WFM/NFM VIS T/T sensor 240x240 L3 CCD 4 LGS WFSs 32x32 subap. 240x240 L3 CCD IR T/T sensor Metrology pick up mirror Metrology CCD camera Calibration/acquisition mirror Acquisition CDD camera AO Calibration sources

14 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 14 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005

15 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 15 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 Field Selector Tracking Visible Tip Tilt Sensor Field of View 4 arc min Hole 1.45 arc min  Field selector field: Diameter 4 arc min with 1.45 arc min hole  NGS moves on a circular trace  Speed: Field rotation + Pupil rotation  Worst case: Meridian crossing close to zenith (180° rotation within 2 minutes  2mm/s)  Tracking accuracy >> Image stability  ~15μm position accuracy during the motion in the entire field  Offset requests from the Metrology

16 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 16 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 LGS light pollution Science field  Small if the LGSs are launched at the side of the telescope  Severe if launched from M2:  Background: ~ 10e7 photons/s/sqarcsec.  Permitted background in the science field after a Notch filter 600 Photons/s/sqarcsec.  Notch filter with attenuation ~ 5e5 required

17 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 17 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 Fratricide effect WFS #1 WFS #4 WFS #3 WFS #2   Simulated for large field   WFS cut a fraction of the field   4 LGS   Launch beh. M2   Pointing 60“ off axis   Sub aperture position (0, -1) [m] WFS   Not present if the LGSs are launched at the side of the telescope   but Spot elongation!   Severe if launched from M2:   Some sub apertures “look trough” the launch beam of one of the lasers and are completely blinded   How many and in which conditions as well as the Impact to WF reconstruction is to be analyzed

18 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 18 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 RTC  MUSE RTC architecture based on ESO RTC platform (SPARTA)  FPGA for slope calculation (pipeline)  G4 processor boards for the reconstruction on VME bus

19 European Southern Observatory European Southern Observatory © ESO 2005 Page 19 AO Department Leiden, April 26th 2005 GALACSI Schedule  CDR: Mar.2004  Trade off review: Oct. 2005  Interface definition  LGS launch position  DSM feasibility / approval  PDR: July 06  FDR: July 07  Integration and testing stand alone/ with DSM  GALACSI PAE: March 2010  GALACSI Commissioning: Oct. 2010

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