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Domain A A4 Selecting Age-appropriate Teaching, Learning Activities, Instructional Materials and Resources that are aligned with the Goals and Objectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Domain A A4 Selecting Age-appropriate Teaching, Learning Activities, Instructional Materials and Resources that are aligned with the Goals and Objectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Domain A A4 Selecting Age-appropriate Teaching, Learning Activities, Instructional Materials and Resources that are aligned with the Goals and Objectives of the Lesson

2 Quote of the Day “The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

3 Domain A4 is the CORE of teaching
A4 is the heart of teaching. It’s the “stuff” that separates teachers from one another in the classroom. It allows you to use creativity and thought.

4 Set-up of Paper/Clear Learning Targets
Intro paragraph Examines how various developmentally- appropriate teaching methods are aligned with the goals and objectives of the lesson Describes how instructional materials and resources are used to enhance the lesson Identifies and describes the use of technology to reinforce the lesson’s developmental goals and objectives Final paragraph

5 Why is this important? Teachers teach in a variety of different ways
Students learn in a variety of different ways The methods and the activities should be appropriate for the goals of the lessons

6 Instructional methods and activities
Methods are techniques the teacher uses to deliver lesson content to students. Activities include student actions that the teacher builds into a lesson in order to comprehend or master the content being taught.

7 General TeachingTechniques
Cooperative learning Direct Instruction Games Art Projects Guided Notes And Many More!

8 Think Technology Think about all the technology you use throughout your day here at school. What do you or your teachers use?

9 Think about learning styles and developmental aspects of the learner
Example: My 6th period class learns best through hands-on activities and projects, my 7th period class learns best by discussions and verbal directions. Example: Giving a written test in Braille for a students with a visual impairment. Example: Giving a 2nd grader 2 days to complete an essay…bad idea.

10 Sample Artifacts Power Point presentation w/ guided notes
Student note-taking Reading assignment through text Student research Audio-visual equipment Guest speakers Games Supplies Movies

11 Major No-No’s A teacher does not accommodate all learners (Ex: Speak only German and 65% of the class is English) A teacher does not make accommodations for students with special needs (Ex: Student who is hearing impaired is placed in the back of the classroom)

12 Whatever you do… The materials used in the classroom MUST support the lesson being taught Please consider using a variety of methods, activities, materials and resources when you teach Make it fun…at least when you are able to

13 SURPRISE! To make sure you get the point of this Domain….
Take your Unit Lesson Plan Add something to show your ability to use a variety of instructional methods. Can be directed toward a different learning type OR a student with a disability Must cohesively go with one of your 5 lessons but clearly show a varied approach. DUE: Next Friday HINT: try to think of someone specifically in your classroom that would need the extra help

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