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Published byCeline Humphres Modified over 10 years ago
1 Curaçao Airport Holding N.V. Operational Plan 2010 October 2009 FINAL version Curaçao Airport Holding N.V. Margaret Abraham Plaza z/n Curaçao Nederland's Antilles
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 2 Content 1.Introduction 2.Strategic framework CAH 3.Evaluation execution of Operating Plan 2009 4.Strategic focus areas 2010 5.Targets FY 2010 6.Targets allocation 7.Consolidated budget for 2010 8.Conclusions
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 3 1. Introduction In this Operating Plan of Curaçao Airport Holding (CAH) the strategic focuses for 2010 are outlined. This plan has been prepared by the Management of CAH. CAH annually defines its corporate focus areas and objectives in order to realize its mission and goals as outlined in the approved ‘Strategic Master Plan and Business Plan 2008 – 2012’. Strategies, targets and indicators are directly related to the Core Processes and are an integrated part of CAH's performance management. The following topics will be addressed in this plan: Strategic framework CAH Strategic focus areas 2010 Targets FY 2010 Targets allocation Finance Conclusions The execution of this plan will be impacted by internal (e.g. to further professionalize the CAH organization) as well as external factors (e.g. the vision of the new strategic partner).
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 4 2. Strategic framework CAH The strategic framework describes the vision, mission, core processes and objectives of CAH. The strategic framework is the basis from which the strategic focuses and targets for 2010 are derived. The objectives are derived from the ‘Logistic Hub Master Plan’ of Curaçao, and directly related to the role of the Airport. These objectives are approved by the Island Council. The strategies are in line with the defined objectives. These are derived from the ‘Logistic Hub Master Plan’ and the CAH Business Plan. The Corporate Message is – in addition to the approved vision and mission – a strong believe, developed by the determination and commitment of the holding to realize its vision, that enhances CAH’s real being. It’s this message that includes as well its target as its vision, it explains what CAH is doing and why; “Curacao Airport Holding sees Curacao International Airport as a ‘Hub’, connecting the Americas, transforming from an airstrip into an Airport City; a dynamic environment attracting aviation and non-aviation linked businesses of all types, stimulating and facilitating increasing of passengers and cargo traffic and creating a powerful engine for the necessary economic development of our Island.”
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 5 By 2016, Curaçao International Airport is the most efficient, provides the highest quality of service worldwide and is first in the number of passengers and cargo volume (in the Caribbean) and be recognized globally as one of the top international airport Hubs for trusted, value-generating airport services To manage HIA and Hasco in order to develop and maintain the Curaçao Airport Complex into the number one Logistic Aviation Center in the Caribbean Vision Mission Core Processes Objectives Airport Operations Outsourcing, supervision, stimulation and facilitation of the daily operations Airport City Development Outsourcing, supervision, stimulation, facilitation of - and partnering in the development of the Hasco territory Asset Management Creating a strong and recognized organization that supervises the strategic partners and ensures return on investments Economic Development Re-structuring the aviation industry and attracting new international ‘transfer and transshipment’ business Partnership AlignmentAirport City Development Airport Complex Infrastructure High Quality of Services Airlift Development Derived Strategies Targets & ActivitiesIndicators Airport Operations Improve Operations Derived Strategies Targets & Activities Indicators Airport City Stimulate Development Derived Strategies Targets & Activities Indicators Asset Management Professionalize Organization Derived Strategies Targets & Activities Indicators Economic Development Attract Business 2. Strategic framework CAH (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 6 3. Evaluation execution Operating Plan 2009 The year 2009 can be characterized as the year where A-port was inaugurated as the new Strategic Partner for the Development Operations and Management of the Curacao International Airport, as a result of the takeover approval of the Alterra shares in January 2009. CAH has welcomed A-port and worked closely with its new strategic partner to activate the details of the Clarification Agreement, with the focus to bring the airport operation on ‘cruise control’ level. The actions taken by CAH as set out in the Operational plan 2009 have given CAH sufficient ‘steering-tools’ to pressure the improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of the airport operations and service level to the customers, in the many committees and workgroups that CAH now participates in as part of the Agreement with A-port. Besides its own effort to initiate the development of the excluded territories such as the Hato Office Park and the Spaceport development opportunity, CAH has worked hard on the implementation of the Heads of Agreement, focusing on the execution of the Project Organization, responsible for the Master planning and Marketing of the Airport City concept. The CAH organization has grown and matured by further strengthening the competences of the workforce and optimizing the financial administration, management information structure and the start up of a professional Strategic Communication action plan. CAH has contributed significantly in joined efforts to attract airlift, renewal of the aviation policy and structure and alignment of the Logistical Hub vision. The long haul Low Cost Carrier model to connect North and South America through Curacao, which CAH has created in cooperation with IATA, has encountered local resistance. However in continuous negotiating with GOL and other LCC, new opportunities are being investigated on how to become the Hub of choice in the Caribbean - “Connecting the Americas”- in time for the World-Cup and Olympics in Brazil in the years 2014 and 2016.
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 7 3. Evaluation execution Operating Plan 2009 Looking back at the Operational plan for 2009 the following can be concluded; Airport operations; Almost all targets have been addressed satisfactory, except the realization of an upgraded Master plan by CAP and the initiation of a Maintenance Program. These have been negotiated as a part of the Clarification Agreement, which will be addresses next year under the responsibility of A-port. Conducting DOMA and non- DOMA related assessments has become a regular way of doing business. Airport City development; The negotiations for the Definitive Agreement for the establishment of the Project Organization will be realized before the end of 2009. CAH has started the creation of an Action Plan for the proper Property Management of the related area, which (partly) have to be adopted by the Project Organization next year. The kick-off for creating a conceptual outline for the Master planning and marketing of the Airport City has been initiated with Arthesia / Nuesch, enabling the realization of the Master Plan for Area B&C next year. CAH is negotiating some project opportunities with potential developers/investors for the development of the HATO Office Park and started the marketing of the excluded territories in order to trigger commercial development.
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 8 3. Evaluation execution Operating Plan 2009 Looking back at the Operational plan for 2009 the following can be concluded; Asset management; The professionalization of the CAH organization and workforce has been executed satisfactory. Due to the workload the monthly department reporting procedure has been delayed but will be addresses next year to improve the internal communication and reporting. Digitalizing and automating of the information infrastructure will remain a continuous focus area. PR & Communication has become a major focus area in 2009 and a comprehensive Communication Action Plan for the positioning of CAH and its projects has been worked on to ensure optimal implementation in the years to come. Economic Development; CAH, as part of the advice group, has completed her advice report towards the Island Territory related to the proposition for an aviation policy and structure. The study for the regulatory framework has been taken over by Deloite & Touche. CAH has been actively participating in the Airlift Development Committee which jointly resulted in negotiation with several air carriers. Continuous negotiation with LCC and cargo carriers have taken place to position Curacao as the Hub of choicein the Caribbean. Results are expected in the years to come. Participation in Logistic related workgroups has become a standard activity as CAH thrives to develop areas overgrowing the direct airport related interests.
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 9 4. Strategic focus areas 2010 In this chapter the strategic focus areas for 2010 are defined. These focus areas are in line with the strategies as set out in the approved CAH Strategic Master Plan and Business Plan 2008 – 2012. Main Focuses for 2010 and the years to follow; Operational Excellence Operational excellence is one of the main focuses of CAH. By means of the Clarification Agreement and continuous partnership building with A-port, CAH believes to have created the right environment to optimize the airport performance and service level to customers. Airport City Development With the execution of the Project Organization a joined effort will take place to initiate a professional Master planning and Marketing process for the realization of the Airport City. Hub Development CAH believes that Curacao International Airport should facilitate the growth in Tourism, but should focus on exceeding this growth by creating connectivity and air-routes between the America’s. CAH’s focus must be on creating transit – and transfer connections for pax- and cargo and ensuring the right facilities and infrastructure to become the Hub of choice in the Caribbean - “Connection the Americas” - in time for the 2014 and 2016 World-Cup and Olympic Games in Brazil. Corporate Social Responsibility Between al this ambitions and commercial targeting, CAH recognizes its position as a government agency and its responsibly towards the Island of Curacao and its people. CAH will put all efforts to prove itself to be a good corporate citizen.
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 10 4. Strategic focus areas 2010 Core processesStrategies 2008 - 2012Strategic focus areas 2010 Airport Operations:Align Master Plan and Business Plan of CAP with CAH Vision and international standards, by mutual agreement Align Master Plan and Business Plan of CAP Stimulate and pressure airport performance and airport operations effectiveness and efficiency Conduct DOMA related and non DOMA related activities in order to stimulate, pressure and ensure optimal operations performance
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 11 4. Strategic focus areas 2010 (continued) Core processesStrategies 2008 - 2012Strategic focus areas 2010 Airport City development:Align development and opportunities with Logistic Hub vision and long term Airport and Island interests with strategic partner Implementation of organizational structure and Work Plan for the Project Organization and Hasco Upgrade Business/Master Plan Airport City Development for Area B&C Determine Marketing and Sales Strategy for Airport City Development Target and attract businesses to facilitate integrated hub services, spin- off business and green space development Attract developer/investors and monitor development(s) for area B&C
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 12 4. Strategic focus areas 2010 (continued) Core processesStrategies 2008 - 2012Strategic focus areas 2010 Asset Management:Optimize professionalism of CAH organization Optimize the management information infrastructure (achieve, reporting and documentation) Further embed Corporate Governance within the organization Ensure compliance of all contractual obligation of CAH and subsidiaries Further improve Financial Administration Improve marketing position of the airport complex as an investment opportunity Implement and optimize PR & Communication strategy
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 13 4. Strategic focus areas 2010 (continued) Core processesStrategies 2008 - 2012Strategic focus areas 2010 Economic Development:Implementation of Regulatory BoardAssist in study and implementation of Regulatory Board Develop air routes from South America to North America Europe to South America through Curaçao Perform studies for Development of HUB and economic impact Attract new carriers and/or routes for O&D services in cooperation with Air-route Development Committee Attract new carriers for Transshipment and Cargo activities
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 14 5. Targets 2010 In this chapter the targets for 2010 are defined. These targets are in line with the defined strategic focus areas 2010 as outlined the previous chapter. These are also clustered per core process. For each target, the respective objective, critical success factors, performance indicators, norms, core activities, time frame, expected results and deliverables are defined. These targets will be allocated to the responsible professionals and incorporated in their performance contracts
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 15 5. Targets 2010 (continued) 1. Align Master Plan and Business Plan of CAP ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity Alignment of CAP Master / Business Plan to the vision of Curaçao Airport Holding Installation of Committee for preparation of Master / Business Plan Minutes of Meetings Draft Master / Business Plan Included but not limited to: DOMA Clarification Agreement International Best Practices CAH Master & Strategic Plan Conduct regular meetings with Committee Approval of Master/ Business plan Continuously working on implementation according to the plan and common vision Time frameExpected resultsDeliverables General observations: The upgrading of the Master Plan and Business Plan of CAP has been executed by CAP in 2009 (according to the DOMA) and is expected to be presented in 2010. - CAH can only influence the direction of the Business / Master Plan according to the Clarification agreement and by negotiation and promoting the LG vision, and the long term airport- and Island interests. Q2 Aligned and approved Master Plan/ Business Plan of CAP Partnership approach in implementatio n Aligned and approved Master Plan/ Business Plan of CAP Airport operations (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 16 2. Conduct DOMA related and non DOMA related activities ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity To ensure airport performance and Service level to customers CAP commitment ASQ survey Customer Service Management survey Monthly Facility & Security Meetings Q-ly Operational Management Meetings Half-year schedule 5.8 reports DOMA Clarification Agreement ASQ survey Customer Service Management survey Schedule 5.8 PFC Agreement Monitor and participate in execution of assessments 1 t/m 5 Agree on – and monitor corrective en preventive actions with stakeholders Assist and participate in development of Quality Measurement System (QMS) and Maintenance Program (MP) Time frameExpected resultsDeliverablesGeneral observations: The following agreements and reports are used as steering tools; 1. Clarification Agreement 2. ASQ reports 3. Cust. Service Survey (CSM) 4. Schedule 5.8 5. PFC Agreement The following assessments are to be in place: 6. QMS 7. Maintenance Program Q1 – Q4 Agreed upon QMS and MP Improved service level of the airport Increased control over CAP Increased performance of CAP Agreed upon QMS Agreed upon MP Assessments reports 1 t/m 5 Agreed upon corrective actions Airport operations (continued) 5. Targets 2010 (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 17 3. Implementation of organizational structure and work plan for Project Organization and Hasco ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity To set up an effective organization with clear roles and responsibilities for the development of area B&C (Airport city) with A-port Execution of Project Organization according to the Heads of Agreement Implemented Project Organization Approved study and marketing program Approved Property Mgt Plan Area B&C National laws Heads of Agreement Shareholder Agreement Implementation of P.O. structure. Determine Feasibility Criteria Set up and execute Work Plan for P.O. ; Participate in study and marketing program Set up and execute Property Management Action Plan; Controlling & Operations of Area B&C Time frameExpected resultsDeliverablesGeneral observations: A-port and HASCO agreed to participate in ‘Project Organization’ (PO) on a 49/51% basis as agreed upon in the Heads of Agreement. Q1 – Q2 Insight & control over the area B&C. Clear Roles & Responsibilities between Hasco, CAH and A-port Feasibility Criteria Action Plan for controlling & operations of Area B&C Study & marketing program Organized Project Organization Airport city development 5. Targets 2010 (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 18 4. Upgrade Master Plan and Business Plan Airport City Development for Area B&C ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity To create a common vision and implementation plan for the realization of the Airport City as part of the Logistic Hub To Upgrade and align the Business / Master plan for Area B&C Agreed upon Feasibility Criteria Established Project Organization Study reports Business/Ma ster Plan area B&C Heads of Agreement Project Description (may 09) Conceptual design by Arthesia (Dec ’09) Feasibility Criteria Promote Airport Hub vision & long term Airport / Island interests Assist in establishing Business/Master Plan for Area B&C Assist in preliminary marketing Time frameExpected resultsDeliverablesGeneral observations: The study will be carried out by PO. CAH contributes through participation of HASCO in PO; - PO is responsible for executing the studies - The results of the study will be set out against the feasibility criteria as set up by PO - PO is responsible for the Master and Bussines Plan for area B&C Q1- Q2 Approved upgraded and aligned Business / Master plan for Area B&C Increased insight in development opportunities Feasibility Criteria Business/Mast er Plan area B&C Airport city development (continued) 5. Targets 2010 (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 19 5. Determine Marketing and Sales Strategy for Airport City Development ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity Create an effective Marketing Strategy to successfully execute the Master/ Business Plan Established Project Organization Approved Master / Business Plan Shared and discussed CAH Business / Master Plan 2008 -2012 Shared preliminary marketing activities CAH Business / Master Plan 2008 -2012 Approved Business and Master Plan area B&C Negotiate and promote CAH vision Assist and participate in preparing a Marketing Plan Participate in preliminary marketing activities ( see Focus Area 4 & 6 ) Time frameExpected resultsDeliverablesGeneral observation: The PO will in phase 2 (starting Q3) start with the Marketing of the Plan. - Project Organization will preliminary search for interested investors / developers - As partner in Project Organization, CAH can influence the Marketing strategy based on CAH vision and the long term Airport / Island interest Q3 - Q4 Aligned Marketing & Sales strategy Increased insight in market opportunities and potential investors/develop ers and partners A Marketing Plan for Area B&C List of potentially interested investors/develop ers by PO Airport city development (continued) 5. Targets 2010 (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 20 6. To attract developer/investors and monitor development(s) for areas B & C ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity To initiate the commercially development of the excluded territories Finding the right partners List of Leads List of Prospects List of Projects & Opportunities on excluded territories Signed contract with investor/ developer >Nafl. 100k p/y revenue And/or >Nafl 5 mio investments Execute project & Opportunities on ‘excluded territory’. To select developer/investors for excluded territories To conduct negotiations To formalize contractual agreement Time frameExpected resultsDeliverablesGeneral observations: - Proposals received from third-party investors/developers on Area B&C (not on excluded territory) during phase 1 & 2 shall be analyzed by the partners in the Project Organization. Q1 - Q4 Control over existing Projects & Opportunities on ‘excluded territory’. Increased ‘speed’ of Airport City development Improved negotiation position Increase of revenue Formalized and signed contractual agreement Airport city development (continued) 5. Targets 2010 (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 21 7. To optimize the management information infrastructure ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity To improve the information flow of CAH Employee discipline Effective ICT network Monthly reports Recovery of data 12 monthly Departments reports 100% archiving of data Determine and implement monthly report procedures Produce monthly department reports Standardize digital archive method To complete digital archive structure Time frameExpected resultsDeliverablesGeneral observations: Q1 - Q2 Effective and efficient decision making Recovery of data Monthly report per Department Up to date digital archive system Asset Management (continued) 5. Targets 2010 (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 22 8. To further embed Corporate Governance within the organization ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity To comply with contemporary Corporate Governance principles Corporate discipline Supervisory Board commitment Shareholders meetings minutes Updated Articles of Association Code Good Gorporate Governance General GCG best practices Article of Association GCG Regulation for CAH management Customize CAH organization to Code from Government Verify and adjust Articles of Association Implement GCG Regulation for CAH Management Suggest GCG Regulations for Supervisory Board Organize and attend Shareholders meetings for CAH, HIA end Hasco Time frameExpected resultsDeliverablesGeneral observations: - CAH will comply as much as possible Corporate Governance rules and regulation of Island Territory Curaçao Q1- Q4 Improved checks and balances More transparency More accountability More integrity Good Corporate governance compliance Guide Lines for Management Updated Articles of Association 3 Conducted and attended Shareholders meetings Asset Management (continued) 5. Targets 2010 (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 23 9. Ensure compliance of all legal and contractual obligation of CAH and subsidiaries ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity Compliance with all legal and contractual obligation of CAH and subsidiaries Written documentation and agreements Knowledge of all legal obligations 100% of checklist (inter)national laws All CAH contract Article of Association Continuously update legal & contractual obligation checklist for CAH, HIA and Hasco Ensure compliance with checklist Time frameExpected resultsDeliverablesGeneral observations: - - - Q1 – Q4; Compliance with all obligations Good contract management of CAH and subsidiaries Updated checklist with legal & contractual obligations for CAH, HIA and Hasco Asset Management (continued) 5. Targets 2010 (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 24 10. Further improvement financial administration ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity To improve the financial accountability (transparent, up to date and correct) Fully functional Exact software Financial reporting in Exact Health insurance agreement Other employee benefits 100% implemented collective health insurance To implement collective health insurance To improve company payment procedures To study possibility of crystal reporting in Exact To investigate other employee benefits Time frameExpected resultsDeliverablesGeneral observations: - - - Q1 – Q4 Improved financial administration, management and reporting Proposal for Exact reporting Improved Payment procedures Health insurance agreement Proposal for potential employee benefits Asset Management (continued) 5. Targets 2010 (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 25 11. Implement and optimize PR & Communication strategy ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity To improve internal and external communication To improve the image of the Curacao Airport Holding Professional assistance Determined and approved PR & Communication Action Plan Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness plan Exposure of Hub and Airport City Development Plan Determined Corporate Identity PR & Communication Action Plan Execution of PR & Communication Action Plan Set up and execute CSR action plan Communicate Hub Development and AC plan with local government agencies and stakeholders Time frameExpected resultsDeliverablesGeneral observations: - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) positions CAH as a good corporate citizen. Q1 – Q4 Improved PR & Communication to promote: - Corporate Social Responsibility - Awareness and support for Hub and Airport City Development Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness plan Locally communicated Hub and Airport City Development Plan 5. Targets 2010 (continued) Asset Management (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 26 5. Targets 2010 (continued) 12. Assist in study and implementation of Regulatory Board ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity To comply with the DOMA by existence of a Regulatory Board Stakeholder commitment CAP commitment for cost allocation structure Completed study by D&T Government approval of D&T study General Regulatory framework ICAO norm DOMA Assist in study by Deloitte & Touche Assist in implementation once approved by Island territory Keep pushing the process Time frameExpected results DeliverablesGeneral observations: The general Regulatory Board will be installed by the Island territory. Q1 – Q3 Regulatory Board in compliance with the DOMA Realized Regulatory Board by the government Economic development (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 27 5. Targets 2010 (continued) 13. Perform studies for Development of HUB and economic impact ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity To build up a business case to attract airlines and create support amongst stakeholders Alignment in participation of all stakeholders Passenger and Economic Impact study reports Integrated comments of stakeholders in Business Case TOR (2009) IATA reports Execute study by third parties Inform stakeholders and government Obtain consensus by stakeholders and government Present business case to carriers (See 15) Time frameExpected results DeliverablesGeneral observations: Q1 – Q2 Support from stakeholders and government A professional business case to present to carriers Hub Pax study Economic Impact study Airline Business Case Economic development
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 28 14. Attract new carriers and/or routes for O&D Services ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity Increase airlift connections for O&D services Joint vision, commitment and efforts by and with ARDC partners Potential new carriers and/or routes Minimum 2 new carriers and/or routes per year Participate in Air Route Development Committee Attend related conferences Identify potential carriers/investors Facilitate implementation of connections e.g guarantees, AOC, bi- lateral agreements etc. Time frameExpected results DeliverablesGeneral observations: O&D airlift development takes place in cooperation with Air Route Development Committee (CHATA, CTB, CAP & CAH), mainly in order to facilitate the growth in Tourism Q1 – Q4 Increase of airlift Continuous contribution to Tourism development New Carrier And/or New Routes Economic development (continued) 5. Targets 2010 (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 29 15. Attract new carriers for Transshipment and Cargo activities ObjectiveCSFPINormsCore activity Increase airlift connections for transshipment through airport Business Case (see 13) Sufficient resources to attract potential carriers Availability of relevant incentives Identified interested carrier/ investor Business Case (see 13) Minimum 1 new carrier and/or route Joint studies R&D Attend related conferences Present business case (see 13) to potential carriers/investors Negotiate deal with potential carriers/investors Facilitate implementation of connections e.g AOC, bi-lateral agreements etc. Time frameExpected results DeliverablesGeneral observations: Transshipment development takes place by CAH and CAP (R&D Group) in the view of the Logistical Hub vision to position Curacao airport as the main Logistical Hub in the Caribbean. Q1 – Q4 Increase of airlift Contribution to Economic development Cargo study New Carriers and/or Route for transshipme nt Economic development (continued) 5. Targets 2010 (continued)
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 30 6. Targets allocation In this chapter the targets have been allocated to the responsible professionals. In some cases targets have been allocated to more than one person because of the nature and the scope of the core activities to be performed as part of the respective target. NrAllocation focus areasTime frame Managing Director Advisor Development Advisor Operations Financial Advisor Legal Advisor 1.Align Master Plan and Business Plan of CAP Q2 XX 2.Conduct DOMA related and non DOMA related activities in order to stimulate, pressure and ensure optimal operations performance Q1-Q2 X 3.Implementation of organizational structure and work plan for Project Organization and Hasco Q2 XX OO 4.Upgrade Master Plan and Business Plan Airport City Development for Area B&C Q2 XX O 5.Determine Marketing and Sales Strategy for Airport City Development Q4 XX 6.Attract developer/investors for area B&C Q1-Q4 X X = primair responsible. O = important supportive role
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 31 6. Targets allocation (continued) NrAllocation focus areasTime frame Managing Director Advisor Development Advisor Operations Financial Advisor Legal Advisor 7.Optimize the management information infrastructure (achieve, reporting and documentation) Q2 OOXO 8.Further embed Corporate Governance within the organization Q4 XOX 9.Ensure compliance of all legal and contractual obligation of CAH and subsidiaries Q1-Q4 X 10.Further improve Financial Administration Q1-Q4 X 11.Implement and optimize PR & Communication strategy Q4 XXX 12.Assist in study and implementation of Regulatory Board Q3 XX 13Perform studies for Development of HUB and economic impact Q2 XXOX 14.Attract new carriers for O&D services in cooperation with Air-route Development Committee Q1-Q4 X 15.Attract new carriers for Transshipment and Cargo activities Q1-Q4 XX X = primair responsible. O = important supportive role
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 32 7. Consolidated budget for 2010 In the following table the consolidated budget for 2010 is outlined. The detailed description of the ‘projected budget planning’ can be found in the Financial Budget Report 2010 as presented to the Supervisory Board of CAH.
Operational Plan 2010 Curaçao Airport Holding Oct 2010 33 8. Conclusions This plan illustrates the strategies approved in the Business Plan 2008 – 2012 that will be implemented in 2010 and which directly contributes to the realization of the mission and goals as outlined in the approved ‘Strategic Master Plan and Business Plan 2008 – 2012’. The implementation of our new Strategic Partner A-port has set the tone for the years to come and CAH believes to have found a real partner for the long term Development Operations and Management of Curacao International Airport. The Year 2010 will be very important year for CAH! In this year the Operations of the airport should be upgraded to an acceptable level of service and possible adaptation of the terminal could be initiated already. Air-lift is considered to be one of the threats for further developing Tourism and the airport has to ensure its facility will be in place once the efforts to increase the airlift will be successful. If Curacao International Airport chooses to become the Hub of Choice in the Caribbean – “Connecting the Americas” – for the 2014 and 2016 Games in Brazil, its has to take the necessary steps and actions to be ready in time! Further more, 2010 will be the year in which CAH will have to align, approve and present the Master- and Business Plan for the development of the Airport City. Stakeholder participation and commitment is of the essence and alignment with other major developments on the Island will be a key to success. The Management Team of CAH is fully committed to this plan. This plan will be monitored, periodically evaluated and adjusted if so required to ensure proper execution. The results will be presented to and discussed with the Supervisory Board.
34 The discipline of getting things done! Curaçao Airport Holding Operational Plan 2010 October, 2009 Final version Not even the sky is our limit!
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