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Observation I see, I see what you can’t see. Observation Everybody does it! But does everybody know how to observe? Have you ever done an observation?

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Presentation on theme: "Observation I see, I see what you can’t see. Observation Everybody does it! But does everybody know how to observe? Have you ever done an observation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation I see, I see what you can’t see

2 Observation Everybody does it! But does everybody know how to observe? Have you ever done an observation? How, When, Who, What

3 clip Observe what happens

4 Observation simple ore not? Daily; * Baby’s learn through observation * Adults observe to understand the behaviour of others Information: About others About relations About yourself

5 exercise Remember the first time you met a friend or the person next to you. What did you notice? What do you still remember from that first meeting? Which aspects are important? Discus with the group which features you used to form your first impression Do the same exercise but now remember the first time you met someone you didn’t like

6 What is observation? Observation means being aware and notice behaviour using you're senses Information processing

7 To observe or not to observe? Which behaviour can not be observed? Why not? Which behaviour can not be asked in an interview? But only observed? Why? Compare with the rest of the group

8 Why, When, What en How? Why? Behaviour; others and yourself When? Depends on why and what What? Depends on the question How? To participate or not? Structure or not

9 Participation or not? Interaction? Advantage? Understanding? Risks?

10 Structure or not No structure: exploring Structure: systematic

11 Awareness

12 Being aware Why important Perception: subjective?

13 White lines

14 The letter F

15 Objectieve? His eyes are wide open I see an ambulance an the police. Their sirens are on He looks out of the window while talking to me The car moves back and forth I made a big mistake Misinterpretation Jan get the vacuum cleaner for me

16 Be aware of yourself Focus on the dot on the screen

17 o

18 Attention for attention Without attention no observation Why not? Stroop Interference What happens?

19 Exercise Form a group of 5 persons 2 persons are having an conversation ( what did you do last night) Other 3 observe

20 Exercise participated observation Prepare an observation in which you participated. During the break: Subject: for example poor coffee Determine what you want to observe and what you're roll is.

21 Participated observation Present your findings to the group

22 Cognition and observation What do you remember from the content of this workshop For the break? Write it down. Compare notes Availability effect: accessibility of behavioral knowledge from memory

23 Culture and observation since observation primarily takes place between individuals, this process always takes place within a certain time and a social and cultural context what cultural differences may affect your observation? how can you prevent that?

24 Reliability and validity Reliability refers to the consistency of observations. You ask the question whether the observation is steadfast, between individuals or time. Validity refers to the validity of observations. In this case you ask the question as to which the observation measures what you intended to measure.

25 Ethics Ethics refers to the professional rules applicable in a particular practice area. This explains the responsible practices and professional conduct established by the Ethical conduct includes, but is not limited to one profession. Ethics is often embedded in social and cultural values and norms

26 Roadmap 1 what and whom I want to observe and why 2 how do I observe 3 when and where 4 How can I select a behaviour 5 How do I select a person

27 clip

28 Roadmap 6 systematic observation: how to organize 7 how to measure and conduct observations how do you register 8 how do you do the registrations of your observation and how do you do the interpretation your observations 9 how can I report observational findings

29 Example step 8 Care O: The client looks cared for. No wild beard and hair. No sweat air. Clothing is casual and clean. I: Client demonstrates hygienic awareness and the importance of physical care Politeness O: The client gave applied psychologist a hand and thanked for the fact that he could pass the test. Attitude is friendly / nice. Seeking eye contact. I: The client demonstrates appropriate social manners and politeness.

30 Step 8 Colds O: The client had a bad cold and often drew on his nose. On offer from the evaluator to get some toilet paper (unfortunately there were no tissues available) he reacted negative. I: At this point showed the client not the proper honorific. The nasal clearance pass probably unconsciously. In empowering toilet paper could lead to awareness of the nose and perhaps pick up impaired concentration and focus on the test. Perhaps the reason for the rejection of the toilet paper was. But this is really speculative.

31 Exercise Form a group of 5 persons 2 persons are having an conversation ( what did you do last vacation) Other 3 observe Apply the roadmap before you start

32 Clip

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