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2 Antarang Yoga Bahirang Yoga Antarang Yoga Yama Dharana  
  Niyama  Pratyahara  Dhyana Asana Samadhi Pranayama

3 Antarang Yoga Pratyahara is defined by Patanjali as:
“Swavishaya sanprayoge chittaswaroopanukar ivendriyanam Prartyahara” ||2:54|| Meaning: Isolation of mind from the sense organs

4 Antarang Yoga

5 Mind functions on 3 levels
Antarang Yoga Mind functions on 3 levels Mind keeps constant contact between the sense organs & intellect in the present Mind remains busy with memories in the past Mind remains busy in imagining the future The object of Pratyahara is to eliminate (I) completely so that the connection of the external world will be totally cut off.

CUTTING OFF THE EXTERNAL DISTURBANCES Yama: Helps to cut off disturbances due to interaction with other people Niyama: Helps to eliminate disturbances due to body & mind Asanas: Helps to eliminate disturbances due to limbs of the body Pranayama: Helps to eliminate disturbances caused by the irregular or insufficient flow of the vital force in Pranic sheath Pratyahara: Helps to eliminate disturbances caused through the five sense organs THE MIND BECOMES FREE FOR ADVANCED STUDY

7 Antarang Yoga ANTARANG YOGA Dharana Dhyana Samadhi   
   Concentration Meditation Union DHARANA “Desh bandhaha chittasya dharana” ||3:11|| Meaning: Limiting the activities of the mind to within the limited sphere allowed by the object

8 Antarang Yoga DHYANA “Tatra pratya ekatanata dhyananam” ||3:2||
Meaning: Further, in the process of Dhyana the mind should concentrate pin pointedly on any one aspect of the object, instead of the many varied aspects focused on in Dharana. Dhyana is the advanced stage of Dharana.

9 This is the last state of Ashtanga Yoga
Antarang Yoga SAMADHI “Tadev arthmatra nirbhasa swaroopshonayam eva Samadhihi” ||3:3|| Meaning: In the process of Dhyana nothing else but the pratyaya of the object is present & the identity of the consciousness is dissolved into it completely. This is the last state of Ashtanga Yoga

10 Antarang Yoga Ordinary Thinking… Dharana… Dhyana…Samadhi…
A S D E R T O H K L N Y – Ordinary Thinking A3 A2 A4 D1 A1 A7 A3 W3 - Interrupted Dharana A2 A4 A3 A4 A8 A6 A7 A5 - Perfect Dharana A5 A5 A5 A3 A5 A5 A5 A7 - Interrupted Dhyana A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 - Perfect Dhyana A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 - Interrupted Samadhi A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 - Perfect Samadhi Underlined letters indicate the presence of self i.e. “I”

11 Antarang Yoga “Trayam ekatra Samyama” ||4-4||
Meaning: All the three practices noted are samyama “Tat jayat Pradnyalokaha” ||4-5|| Meaning: After mastering the Samyama, one is enlightened by the Pradnya.

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