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Commission on Information and Communications Technology Electronic Spreadsheet (Hands-on Module) Learning Technologies Division HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "Commission on Information and Communications Technology Electronic Spreadsheet (Hands-on Module) Learning Technologies Division HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commission on Information and Communications Technology Electronic Spreadsheet (Hands-on Module) Learning Technologies Division HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT GROUP



4 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers4 CALC ● spreadsheet component of (OOo) ● Advantages in using an electronic spreadsheet: - Data entry - Easy data manipulation and formatting - Formulas for automatic computation - What-if analysis - Automatic graphs/charts

5 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers5 Exercise 1.Load Calc. 2.Keep it open as you navigate your way around the application in the next section. 3.Familiarize yourself with the different parts of the Calc screen, especially those that are specific to Calc.

6 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers6 Calc Terms ● Workbook ● Worksheet ● Cells ● Grid ● Rows ● Columns ● Row/Column Headers ● Sheets ● Labels ● Numbers ● Formula ● Operators

7 Titl e Bar Menu Bar Formula Bar Minimize, Maximize/Restore, Close Toolbars Column Headers Row Headers s Active Cell Sheet Tabs


9 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers9 Workbook Operations ● Creating a New Workbook ● Opening an Existing Workbook ● Saving ● Closing ● Navigating within a Worksheet – Navigator – Keyboard strokes ● Switching from Sheet to Sheet ● Worksheet Views

10 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers10 Exercises 1 & 2 ● Exercise 1: Go to page 5 of your manual. ● Exercise 2: Go to page 7 of your manual. ● Do not be afraid to explore and experiment.

11 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers11 Selecting items in a worksheet ● A cell ● A range ● A row/column ● A range of rows/columns ● Contiguous cells/rows/columns ● Non-contiguous cells/rows/columns ● sheets ● Exercise 3: Go to page 9 of your manual.

12 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers12 Using a Table Discuss ● Relationship/s among data ● Which should be in ● Rows ● Columns ● When is it better to present data ● in a table? ● in a diagram/ chart/ graph? ● Cite examples Fields Data/Information Matrix

13 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers13 Entering Data ● Text/Label ● Numbers ● Date and time ● Fill range (Edit > Fill or use auto-fill handle) – Same data – Data series ● Auto-Complete ● Exercise 4: go to page 10 ● Exercise 5: go to page 11 ● Exercise 6: go to page 12

14 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers14 Sample Worksheet (Exercises 4 & 5)

15 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers15 Inserting/Deleting Rows/Columns ● Insert a single row/column ● Delete a single row/column ● Insert/Delete Multiple rows/columns ● Exercise 7: page 13

16 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers16 Worksheet ● Insert ● Delete ● Move/ Re-position ● Rename ● Exercise 8: page 14

17 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers17 Editing Data ● Removing text ● Overwriting text ● Editing part of a cell ● Find & Replace ● Data Sort ● Exercises 9 & 10: go to page 15

18 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers18 Formatting Data ● Format Cells – Numbers – Font & Font Effects – Alignment & Wrap (Automatic vs. Manual Line Breaks) – Borders & Background ● Merge Cells ● Format Rows/Columns ● Inserting Objects ● Auto-Format ● Conditional Formatting ● Exercise 11: page 19 ● Experiment with the various formatting tools and features!

19 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers19 Formulas ● Start with Exercise 12: page 22 ● lecture/hands-on – Exercise 13: page 22 ● Copying Formulas – Relative referencing – Absolute referencing ● PEMDAS ● Exercise 14: page 23 ● Exercise 15: pages 24- 26

20 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers20 Exercise 14 1.=A3+B2 2.=C4-C3 3.=A1*C3 4.=A1/C3 5.=A1+A4+B2/B4 6.=(A1+A4+B2)/B4 7.=(A1+A4+B2)/B4+C3 8.=B4-B2-C1 9.=A4-C3+A1 10.=A4*B1+A2 11.=A4*(B1+A2) 12.=C4*C1/B2-A1*A2

21 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers21 Functions ● built-in formulas in Calc designed to compute specific values – can be used as part of a Calc formula – follow syntax and corresponding set of arguments or components to work with. – use a semi-colon (;) to separate arguments in a function ● SUM ● AVERAGE ● PRODUCT, MOD ● MAX, MIN, MEDIAN, MODE ● ROUND ● COUNT, COUNTIF ● AND, OR ● IF

22 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers22 Exercise 16 (page 29) 1.=SUM(A1:A6) 2.=AVERAGE(A1:A6) 3.=MAX(A1:A6) 4.=MIN(A1:A6) 5.=MIN(A1:A6)+MAX(A1:A6)*5 6.=MEDIAN(A1:A6) 7.=MODE(A1:A6) 8.=COUNT(A1:C6) 9.=COUNTIF(A1:C6;"<0") 10.=MOD(A4;A5) 11.=PRODUCT(A4;B4:B5) 12.=ROUND(PRODUCT(A4;B4:B5)/3;2) 13.=IF(A4>C5;"greater than";"less than or equal to") 14.=IF(A4>C5;"greater than";IF(C5<A4;"less than"; "equal to")) 15.=IF(COUNTIF(A1:C6;"<0")=2; 10+MEDIAN(A1:A6);10- MEDIAN(A1:A6)) ● Exercise 17: refer to page 30

23 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers23 Freezing and Splitting ● To view different parts of a large worksheet at the same time ● Window menu ● Split Bar ● Use the current worksheet to experiment with freezing and splitting

24 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers24 Charts and Graphs ● Insert Chart ● Auto-Format Chart dialog box ● Chart Types ● Chart Variants ● Adding Text ● Formatting Charts ● Editing Charts – Chart Toolbar ● Exercise 18: page 32 – Use this as you go through the procedures in inserting, editing, and formatting charts and graphs

25 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers25 Printing ● Format > Page ● Print Range ● Page Preview ● Print (Row/Column) Breaks ● Print Scale (% or Fit-to- one page) ● Repeating Row/Column ● Check with the trainer if you have an available printer – Choose a sheet to print

26 iSchools ICT Literacy Training Program for Teachers26 REFLECTION/DISCUSSION ● Will you be able to integrate what you've learned about ICT in your admin tasks as well as in classroom teaching and learning? – What? How? When? Why? With whom? – Cite concrete examples: topics, strategies, output/product/performance ● What will you commit to (vis-a-vis monitoring) ? – Which will you use extensively? Why? ● What kind of support will you need? – From us? From others?

27 Commission on Information and Communications Technology Thank you END OF PRESENTATION

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