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World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 What is ETSI? Osservatorio Sicurezza Anfov Dionisio Zumerle Technical Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 What is ETSI? Osservatorio Sicurezza Anfov Dionisio Zumerle Technical Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 What is ETSI? Osservatorio Sicurezza Anfov Dionisio Zumerle Technical Officer - ETSI © ETSI 2007. All rights reserved

2 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 2 ETSI? European Telecommunications Standards Institute European Telecommunications Standards Institute

3 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 3 ETSI is  A Standards Development Organization  Setting globally-applicable standards for  Telecommunications  other Electronic Communications networks and services  Independent, not-for-profit, created in 1988  ISO 9001:2000 certified  Offering direct participation We have more than 18 000 publications - freely available!

4 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 4 We are the home of the GSM™ standards And a founding partner in

5 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 5 ETSI is not …  a REGULATORY body, but…  we provide technical specifications to support regulation  a CERTIFICATION body, but…  we provide specifications and other tools to assist certification  a FREQUENCY ALLOCATION body, but…  we collect, co-ordinate and contribute frequency requirements for the ICT community  part of the European Commission, nor part of CEPT, but…  we work closely with these and many other organisations

6 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 6 ETSI’s three primary roles ESO European Standards (EN) Harmonised Standards (HS) GSP Technical Specifications (TS) Technical Reports (TR) ETSI Standards (ES) ETSI Guides (EG) European Standards Organization Global Standards Producer SPO Service Providing Organization SPO GSP Interoperability service Forum hosting and secretariat services

7 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 7 Partnerships International ITU-T ITU-R JTC1 ITU-D CEN/ CLC CEN/ CLC Europe EC CEPT Inter regional GTSC GRSC ENISA CCSA OMA CITEL WIMAX forum DVB Project IEEE GCF IPv6 Forum The Parlay Group GSM LA AHCIET NENA TETRA MoU (70+ active) Partnerships

8 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 8 Global Standards Collaboration Australia ISACC Canada USA Japan Korea International China EU

9 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 9 Some of ETSI’s activities  UMTS  Next Generation Networks (NGN)  Ultra wideband (UWB)  Grid  RFID  Low Power Devices  Emergency communications  GSM on aircraft  Communications for Public Safety

10 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 10 ETSI members in Italy  AETHRA S.p.A  Alcatel-Lucent Italia SpA  ANIE  ANUIT  AREA Spa  CEFRIEL  CNIT  CTE International  DURATEL S.P.A.  Eurotel S.P.A.  Fondazione UGO BORDONI  H3G SpA  Iridium Italia s.r.l.  ISMB  ITALTEL SpA  M.B. INTERNATIONAL TELECOM  MINISTERO DELLE COMUNICAZIONI  Nokia Siemens Networks S.p.A  OTE SpA - a Finmeccanica Cie  PROD.EL Prodotti Elettronici  RFI SpA  Selex Communications S.p.A  SIAE Microelettronica SpA  SKYLOGIC SPA  ST Incard S.r.l.  STUDIO NOTARILE GENGHINI  TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A.  Telit Communications S.p.A  Uninfo Vodafone Omnitel N.V  WIND TELECOMUNICAZIONI SPA

11 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 11 Why ETSI believes in Security?  Security is not an additional feature that can be patched on after the adoption of a technology  it must be taken into account from the beginning of the design process  Security can be a winning driver that enables the overall success  Security failures are not just an embarrassment  they cause substantial financial loss  they directly affect the stock value of companies

12 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 12 The role of Security Standards  Information Security Standards are essential to ensure interoperability  Standardisation ensures compliance of products with  Adequate levels of security  Legislative action  Information Security Standardisation facilitates economic realization and cost reduction  ETSI has 20 years of experience in Security

13 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 13 Some examples of Security in ETSI  Standards for cryptographic algorithms and protocols  To prevent fraud and unauthorised access  To protect customers’ privacy  GSM, UMTS, DECT, GPRS, EDGE algorithms Integrity and confidentiality  ETSI Lawful Interception Handover Interface standards  Globally de jure and de facto standards for LI  ETSI GSM Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card  Perhaps the most widely deployed smart card ever

14 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 14 ETSI Committees per Security Areas Mobile/WirelessAlgorithms Information Technology Infrastructure Fixed and Convergent Networks 2G/3G Mobile 3GPP* Electronic Signatures (ESI) Next Generation Networks (TISPAN) Lawful Interception (LI) SmartCard Platform (SCP) Security Algorithms Group of Experts (SAGE) TETRA MESA* EMTEL Emergency Telecommunications Smart Cards Mobile Commerce** * ETSI is a founding partner for this partnership project ** Closed Committee DECT AT SES

15 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 15 Maggiori informazioni  ETSI Security Workshop:  15-16 January 2008  Participation free   ETSI website:  ETSI portal:

16 World Class Standards Osservatorio Sicurezza ANFOV - Milano, 14 Novembre 2007 Domande?

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