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IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 José‘s View - What can the Users expect? Thomas Severiens Institute for Science Networking Department.

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Presentation on theme: "IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 José‘s View - What can the Users expect? Thomas Severiens Institute for Science Networking Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 José‘s View - What can the Users expect? Thomas Severiens Institute for Science Networking Department of Physics Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany

2 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 2 Content Analysis, Retrieval, and Metadata: Effective Networking

3 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 3 Pristine Intention of Global-Info  „... den effizienten Zugang zu den weltweit vorhandenen elektronischen und multimedialen Volltext-, Literaturhinweis-, Fakten- und Softwareinformationen vom Arbeitsplatzrechner aus zu eröffnen...“  „... to open the access effectively to the worldwide electronical resources in Multimedia, Fulltext-, Literature-, Fact-, and Software-Information from the desktop computer...“ Dr. Franz Walch, PTF Presentation on Dec. 4th 1997

4 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 4 CARMEN‘s part  The focus of CARMEN is on content analysis. It develops new tools in the subject with strong connection to retrieval:  MetaData  Treatment of (remaining) heterogeneity  Retrieval for structured documents and heterogeneous data types

5 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 5 CARMEN‘s parts  Digital signature and MetaMaker with upload facility for a distributed informationsystem  MetaData for terms & conditions and for archiving  Persistent identifiers and MetaData management in science  MetaData based indexing of scientific resources  A document referencing and linking system  Interdisciplinary information systems  Treatment of heterogeneity for textual information of different data types and content analysis tools  Concordances of classifications and thesauri

6 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 6 Usage? Usability?  „Information at your finger tips“  Object Structure  Retrieval and Authoring Tools  Networking & Integration of Services  Heterogeneity of Information Space  Information Access

7 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 7 Object Structure  Syntax:  file format: SGML, XML, HTML,...  Semantics:  Metadata  Dublin-Core  Open Archive OAi  Security:  Digital Signatures Several tools from CARMEN WP 1 MetaData for Terms & Condition CARMEN WP 2/5 RDF-Parser WP 6

8 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 8 Tools not Toys  Retrieval engine  Authoring Tools Retrieval Engine CARMEN WP 7 CURD: CARMEN WP 1

9 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 9 MAJOUR-Konverter CARMEN WP 6 Heterogeneity  Historically developed  Result of Networking Services  Result of unstructured Information Input  less educated users  sluggardly users Heterogeneity Modules CARMEN WP 11 Development of Concordances CARMEN WP 9 & WP 12

10 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 10 Heterogeneity

11 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 11 Information Access  Availability versus Access  Growing amount of available information  Shrinking amount of accessible / payable information  Long-term Archiving Persistent Identifiers: CARMEN WP 4

12 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 12 Information Access

13 IBLC-Forum Buchmesse, Frankfurt (M) October 15th 2001 13 Many Thanks Thomas Severiens

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