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Essays & Assignments: Critical Analysis Study Skills Workshops 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Essays & Assignments: Critical Analysis Study Skills Workshops 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essays & Assignments: Critical Analysis Study Skills Workshops 2014

2 What is critical analysis and why is it important? What’s the difference between descriptive and critical/analytical writing? How do you write critically? Top tips and useful resources Session Outline

3 Being negative and over opinionated Weighing up the arguments for and against Trying to find fault Forming your own judgement Carefully and objectively considering the evidence Describing a problem Showing an element of original thought What does the term 'critical analysis' mean?

4 Critical analysis: why is it important? Not just regurgitating facts Advancing boundaries of knowledge Provides work with academic rigour Your opportunity to offer your own perspective

5 Developing Critical Thinking When you read: What is the main argument? Where is the evidence? Is there a hidden agenda? Are referenced sources reliable? Is there any bias? What are the conclusions?

6 What is the difference between descriptive writing and critical/analytical writing?

7 How to think and write critically...

8 Critical Writing Checklist Have you reproduced your lecturer’s words or examples? Have you copied information from a textbook? Have you used too many quotes? (More than three per A4 page, for example) Have you allowed a quote to make your point? If yes to any of the above: Use your own words to paraphrase rather than over quote Expand on the idea that the quote provides (discuss, link, question, compare, provide examples) Make sure your own voice can be heard throughout your writing Gillett, A., Hammond, A. and Martala, M. (2009). Successful Academic Writing. Harlow: Pearson Education, p 99

9 Top Tips for Critical Analysis Check out the University of Reading’s study skills website for top tips on critical analysis: tudyResources/Essays/sta-developessay.aspx tudyResources/Essays/sta-developessay.aspx Avoid unnecessary description Interpret your evidence Be specific Use counter-arguments to your advantage

10 References ASK website: Learn Higher website: thinking-and-reflection.html thinking-and-reflection.html University of Reading website: Gillett, A., Hammond, A. and Martala, M. (2009). Successful Academic Writing. Harlow: Pearson Education,

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