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MULTIMEDIA LODGEMENT Now a reality for Land Surveyors in the Northern Provinces.

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Presentation on theme: "MULTIMEDIA LODGEMENT Now a reality for Land Surveyors in the Northern Provinces."— Presentation transcript:

1 MULTIMEDIA LODGEMENT Now a reality for Land Surveyors in the Northern Provinces

2 So what is it?  A Tool that allows Land Surveyors the opportunity to lodge work via Email in.PDF format  Remember the office procedures are NO different to work lodged in paper format

3 Is this a new process?  Surveyor General’s office in Cape Town have been utilizing this process since March 2007  Approximately 20% of Land Surveyors are submitting their work using this process

4 E-Mail Lodgment Process  E-Mail lodgments are sent to an exclusive address (Pretoria) (Pretoria) (Nelspruit) (Nelspruit) (Polokwane) (Polokwane)   These E-Mail addresses are for Multimedia lodgments ONLY

5 Format of Your Work  It is recommended all work lodged via E- Mail to be in Adobe Acrobat.PDF format Adobe Acrobat.PDF format   Please do NOT zip the documents. Minimal benefit when using PDF format

6 PAPER SIZES   PRETORIA OFFICE o oPresently Email lodgment will be limited to A4 and A3 paper sizes only   NELSPRUIT & POLOKWANE o oBoth offices CAN accommodate all paper sizes (A4 to A0)

7 Procedure to Download ADOBE  

8 Further assistance with ADOBE

9 PDF995 There are a number of different downloads, the correct one to download is the printer driver with the free converter, it’s a 5MB file. Link The View Companion is the application that will allow you to View and Plot any HPGL (DOS plot file) to any Windows Printer (including the PDF Printer) The View Companion Standard is more than sufficient, here is a link

10 Desired requirements for PDF files  File names to be descriptive when naming the PDF file  Each Sheet to be in it’s own PDF format *  Resolution to be 600dpi when creating the PDF

11 Content of E-Mail  3 Parts to be included:  Part 1: Submission letter, Proof of Payment and the Consents  Part 2: All Cadastral Documents *  Part 3: Survey Records

12 Recommendations   Part 1:   Separate PDF for Submission Letter   Separate PDF for Proof of Payment   Separate PDF for Consent (Can be multiple page document)

13 Recommendations  Part 2  Separate PDF’s for each sheet with descriptive file name  Eg. Geluk X 65 Sheet 1, Geluk X 65 Sheet 2

14 Recommendations  Part 3  The entire Survey Record can be saved as a multiple page PDF (Subject to size 3.5 MB)  If more than 3.5 MB then split with Working Plan as separate PDF

15 Size of Content of E-Mail  The Maximum size of the E-Mail is 3.5 Mb  If larger than 3.5 Mb then split Part 2  Split lodged work MUST indicate in the Subject Mail 1 of 3, Mail 3 of 3 Mail 1 of 3, Mail 3 of 3

16 Recommended File when Splitting   Part 2: which contains the Cadastral documents is the MOST suited when splitting  Within the Subject indicate the Property lodged and also (If Split) Mail 2 of 3  Eg. Ptn 76 of RIETKUIL 54 JR (Mail 2 of 3)

17 A Typical example:-

18 Example of a Split Mail

19 Benefits  Paper & Printer saving for YOU our valued client  No Postage or Courier costs  Lodged work done from your office  Lodged work received by us within minutes of sending the E-Mail

20 Additional Benefits  Submitted work requiring corrections/amendments can be returned per Email  Amended work can be relodged per Email  Once again no travel or postage costs incurred

21 Further Benefits  Survey Records are saved directly to the system (no scanning necessary)  Only the relevant documents are printed  In the event of a return, no time delay due to postage or collection  Acknowledgement received twice: 1.Auto receipt of E-Mail 2.2 nd E-mail when batch lodged on our Registry & Movement System

22 Surveyor General Procedures  Same procedures are followed  Your E-Mail saved on a dedicated folder on the server.  Allows for immediate access by the staff processing the documents  Read and Write rights assigned to registry staff only  Read rights assigned to examining and approval staff

23 S G Procedures  At Registry  Prints made of:  Submission Letter and Proof Payment  Prints of Cadastral Document  Lodgement done on R & M with stamp on docket ”MULTIMEDIA LODGEMENT”  E-Mail saved to dedicated folder with Batch Number  SURVEY RECORDS are NOT printed  SR Envelope prepared and stamped accordingly

24 EXAMINATION & APPROVAL PROCEDURES  Survey Record data read from the saved document in relevant folder  Appropriate notes made on the printed Cadastral Document  Office References added prior to approval  Out Copies prepared in normal procedure  Registration copies placed in Hokkie or posted

25 DOCUMENTS returned for amendments  Document with Multiple corrections  Existing procedures will be followed:  Examination copy with appropriate notes returned to Land Surveyor per post or placed in Hokkie  Relodged work can be returned per E-Mail with the resubmission fees being payable

26 DOCUMENTS with Minor additions  The Professional Assistant will E-Mail you with appropriate notes for additions oEg. Sign the document, necessary consent required oEg. Amendment to Property Designation  Your returned E-Mail, to the PA, to be within 2 days (Proof of resubmission fees to be included)  Longer than 2 days will be treated as standard procedure relodge

27 Way Forward E-Mail your NEW work to the dedicated address Date Operational: Pretoria: 1 November 2008 Polokwane & Nelspruit: 1 January 2009 WE will take care of the Rest

28 2 SYSTEMS FOR LODGEMENT  Please note this (Multi Media Lodgement) is an OPTIONAL procedure for your submission of work  Current standard paper lodged documents WILL still be accommodated for

29 THANK YOU  This paradigm shift will work for both YOU, as our valued client, and US

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