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Chapter Three Objectives Identification of Keys Application of primary and foreign keys Converting a database design to Relational DB. What is a good DBMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Three Objectives Identification of Keys Application of primary and foreign keys Converting a database design to Relational DB. What is a good DBMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Three Objectives Identification of Keys Application of primary and foreign keys Converting a database design to Relational DB. What is a good DBMS

2 2 Keys: (Constraints) A set of attributes whose values uniquely identify each entity in an entity set.

3 3 Keys: (Constraints) Primary key: A key selected by the Database Administrator Characteristics of primary key: a.Uniqueness: At any given time, no two tuples can have the same value for a given primary key Example :

4 4 Keys: (Constraints) b.Minimally: None of the attributes in primary key can be discarded without distorting the uniqueness property Example:

5 5 Keys: (Constraints) Foreign key: An attribute(s) in an entity set (relation) which is the primary key of other entity set (relation) Example: Department(Name, Dept_Id, ….) Faculty(Name, Id, Dept_Id,…)

6 6 Practice: Identify the primary keys and foreign keys in your video store project.

7 7 Normal Forms (Guidelines for RD design) How do we know this design is good? If it is not a good design, What should we do? Modify our design ??.

8 8 Normal Forms (Guidelines for RD design) First Normal Form (1NF) Deals with the shape of the records A relation is in 1NF if the values of domain is atomic for each attribute.

9 9 First Normal Form: 1NF Example: R (A, B, C, …) R ( A B )R ( AB ) a1b1, b2=>a1b1 a1b2

10 10 First Normal Form: 1NF Example: Person (NameAgeChildren) Smith42John, Lori, Mark Person (NameAgeChildren) Smith42John Smith42Lori Smith42Mark

11 11 First Normal Form: 1NF Example: Student (NameBirthday) S1Feb 2,91 S2March 8,88 Student (Name, D_Birth, M_Birth, Y_Birth) Note: 2NF and 3NF Deal with the relationship between non-key and key

12 12 Second Normal Form: 2NF A relation is in 2NF if it is in 1NF and every attribute is Fully dependent on the entire key in this relation. Fact: 2NF is violated when a non-key is a fact about a subset of a key

13 13 Second Normal Form: 2NF Example: R(A,B,C,D) D partially depends on A,B C fully depends on A,B A&B are prime (part of key) If A is primary key. Is this in 2NF? If A&B is primary key. Is this in 2NF? A, B ---> C, D A ---> D

14 14 Second Normal Form: 2NF What should we do with a relation which is not in 2NF? Example: R(A,B,C,D) A, B ---> C, D A ---> D R1 (A,B,C) R2(A,D)

15 15 Second Normal Form: 2NF Example: R(PartWarehouseAddressQuantity P1W1Frostburg25 P2W1Frostburg30 P3W2Cumberland32 P4W4Frostburg25 P4W1 What is the primary key? Part, Warehouse ---> Quantity Warehouse ---> Address

16 16 Second Normal Form: 2NF Problems: 1. Repetition of information: Changing the address W! 2. Unable to present information: Warehouse with no part So … R1 (Warehouse, Address) R2 (Part, Warehouse, Quantity)

17 17 Second Normal Form: 2NF Example: R(Professor,Student,Course,Degree) P1S1C1Ph.D. P2S2C2M.S. P3S2C4M.S. P4S3C4Pg.D. Professor ---> Course Student ---> Degree Professor ---> Student Key? Not in 2NF R1(Student, Degree) R2(Professor, Course, Student)

18 18  A relation is 3NF if it is in 2NF and every non-key attribute non transitively depends on the Primary Key. Example: R(A,B,C,D) A, B --->D D ---> C Fact: 3NF is violated when a non-key is a fact about another non-key Third Normal Form (3NF): R1(A,B,D) R2(D,C)

19 19 Third Normal Form (3NF): Example: R(Employee, Dept, Location) Employee ---> Dept Dept ---> Location EmployeeDeptLocation E1D1Frostburg E2D2Frostburg E3D3Frostburg Problems? R1(Employee, Dept) R2(Dept, Location)

20 20 Third Normal Form (3NF): Example: R(A,B,C,D) A,B ---> C A,C ---> D So A,B is the Primary Key Not in 3NF R1(A,B,C) R2(A,C,D)

21 21 Practice: Check the relations in your video project for 1NF, 2NF and 3NF. If they are not in normal forms, redesign your database model.

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