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Meet the Teacher Primary 4/3 Miss Bell/ Mrs Hardie.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Teacher Primary 4/3 Miss Bell/ Mrs Hardie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Teacher Primary 4/3 Miss Bell/ Mrs Hardie

2 Class P4/3 Curriculum Procedures What you can do

3 Subjects Language Maths Social Studies Expressive Arts PSD/RE French

4 Language Reading – New Horizons in Reading Class novel Literacy World novels and essential texts (fiction and non-fiction) Storyworld  Nelson Spelling  Key words and common words to learn and practise Writing – Big Writing Day Talking and Listening Homework

5 Maths Number  Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division  Tables  Mental strategies & Interactive Maths Time & Money Shape, Position and Movement Fractions Calculator Work & Handling Data ACTIVE LEARNING!

6 Social Studies P4/3 The Way Things Work Glasgow The Egyptians The Age of Invention ICT

7 Expressive Arts Art – Borders Art Pack P.E.  Gymnastics, Dance, Games and Athletics  Miss Bell and Mrs Clements  Tuesday and Thursday –Be Prepared! Drama Music – Mr Cairney

8 PSD/RE Personal and Social Development  Circle Time - assembly - anti-bullying, anti-racism, anti-sectarianism,  Golden Time Religious Education  Sacraments (P4) Confirmation and Holy Eucharist (P3) Reconciliation Alive -O

9 Procedures Entry  9.00 am - Supervised  12.10pm – 1.10pm Lunch  3 10pm Finish Lunch options and arrangements Homework Trips

10 What you can do Preparation  Bags, healthy snacks, lunches and P.E. days Homework Communicating

11 Thank you! If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

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