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Kirkcaldy West Primary School P4-7 Assembly 26 th November 2010 Successful Learners Confident Individuals Effective Contributors Responsible Citizens Believe.

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Presentation on theme: "Kirkcaldy West Primary School P4-7 Assembly 26 th November 2010 Successful Learners Confident Individuals Effective Contributors Responsible Citizens Believe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kirkcaldy West Primary School P4-7 Assembly 26 th November 2010 Successful Learners Confident Individuals Effective Contributors Responsible Citizens Believe to Achieve

2 KIRKCALDY Greener Kirkcaldy is hosting a Greener Christmas Gathering on Thursday 9 th December at 7.00pm. The Fife Diet, a local recycling group and expert staff will all be on hand at the information centre on the High Street to give tips on a green Christmas. Fife Free Press

3 W acky World What words would I type in on a Google search to get 395,000,000 million results?


5 Go to: http://harrypotter.warner

6 E nough Already! Eco week Swap Shop - Feedback

7 S chool’s In  ‘Bring a £1 for a hound’  Family Points  Playground Bags  Cheer up Chico Winners – AC, SM, EC  Ardroy certificates  Celebrating Fife 2010 – Art Exhibition, Rothes Halls

8 T imes Past Finish this sentence 7 years ago today ………………………………

9 2015?

10 A thought for today …… Believe to Achieve Put some extra clothes on!

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