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SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Scalable Spectral Transforms at Petascale Dmitry Pekurovsky San Diego Supercomputer.

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1 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Scalable Spectral Transforms at Petascale Dmitry Pekurovsky San Diego Supercomputer Center UC San Diego XSEDE’13 Presented at XSEDE’13, July 22-25, San Diego

2 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Introduction: Fast Fourier Transforms and related spectral transforms Project scope: algorithms operating on structured grids in three dimensions that are computationally demanding, and process data in each dimension independently of others. Examples: Fourier, Chebyshev, finite difference high- order compact schemes Heavily used in many areas of computational science Computationally demanding Typically not a cache-friendly algorithm Memory bandwidth is stressed Communication intense All-to-all exchange is an expensive operation, stressing bisection bandwidth of the host’s network


4 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Algorithm scalability 1D decomposition: concurrency is limited to N (linear grid size). Not enough parallelism for O(10 4 )-O(10 5 ) cores This is the approach of most libraries to date (FFTW 3.3, PESSL) 2D decomposition: concurrency is up to N 2 Scaling to ultra-large core counts is possible The answer to the petascale challenge

5 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Need for general-purpose scalable library for spectral transforms Requirements for the library: 1.Scalable to large core counts on significantly large problem sizes (implies 2D decomposition) 2.Achieves performance and scalability reasonably close to upper hardware capability 3.Has a simple user interface 4.Is sufficiently versatile to be of use to many research groups

6 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO P3DFFT Open source library for efficient, highly scalable spectral transforms on parallel platforms Uses 2D decomposition Includes 1D option. Available at Historically grew out of a Teragrid Advanced User Support Project (now called ECSS)

7 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO P3DFFT 2.6.1: features Currently implements: 1.Real-to-complex (R2C) and complex-to-real (C2R) 3D FFT transforms 2.Complex-to-complex 3D FFT transforms 3.Cosine/sine/Chebyshev transforms in third dimension (FFT in first two dimensions) 4.Empty transform in the third dimension User can substitute their custom algorithm Fortran and C interfaces Single or double precision

8 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO P3DFFT 2.6.1 features (contd) Arbitrary dimensions Handles many uneven cases (N i does not have to be a factor of M j) Can do either in-place or out-of-place transform Can do pruned input/output (when only a subset of output or input modes is needed). This can save substantial time, as shown later. Includes installation instructions, extensive documentation, example programs in Fortran and C

9 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 3D FFT algorithm with 2D decomposition Y-Z plane exchange in column subgroups Z Y X X-Y plane exchange in row subgroups Perform 1D FFT in X Perform 1D FFT in YPerform 1D FFT in Z

10 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO P3DFFT implementation Baseline version implemented in Fortran90 with MPI 1D FFT: call FFTW or ESSL Transpose implementation in 2D decomposition: Set up 2D cartesian subcommunicators, using MPI_COMM_SPLIT (rows and columns) Two transposes are needed: 1. in rows 2. in columns Baseline version: exchange data using MPI_Alltoall or MPI_Alltoallv

11 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Computation performance 1D FFT, three times: 1. Stride-1 2. Small stride 3. Large stride (out of cache) Strategy: Use an established library (ESSL, FFTW) An option to keep data in original layout, or transpose so that the stride is always 1 The results are then laid out as (Z,Y,X) instead of (X,Y,Z) Use loop blocking to optimize cache use

12 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Communication performance A large portion of total time (up to 80%) is all-to-all Highly dependent on optimal implementation of MPI_Alltoall (varies with vendor) Buffers for exchange are close in size Good load balance, predictable pattern Performance can be sensitive to choice of 2D virtual processor grid (M 1,M 2 )

13 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Performance dependance on processor grid shape M 1 xM 2

14 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Communication scaling and networks All-to-all exchanges are directly affected by bisection bandwidth of the interconnect Increasing P decreases buffer size Expect 1/P scaling on fat-trees and other networks with full bisection bandwidth (until buffer size gets below the latency threshold). On torus topology (Cray XT5, XE6) bisection bandwidth scales as P 2/3 Expect P -2/3 scaling

15 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Strong scaling on Cray XT5 (Kraken) at NICS/ORNL 4096 3 grid, double precision, best M 1 /M 2 combination



18 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Applications of P3DFFT P3DFFT has already been applied in a number of codes, in science fields including the following: Turbulence Astrophysics Oceanography Other potential areas include Material Science Chemistry Aerospace engineering X-ray crystallography Medicine Atmospheric science

19 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO DNS turbulence Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) code from Georgia Tech (P.K.Yeung et al.) to simulate isotropic turbulence on a cubic periodic domain Characterized by disorderly, nonlinear fluctuations in 3D space and time that span a wide range of interacting scales DNS is an important tool for first-principles understanding of turbulence in great detail Vital for new concepts and models as well as improved engineering devices Areas of application include aeronautics, environment, combustion, meteorology, oceanography One of three Model Problems for NSF’s Track 1 solicitation

20 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO DNS algorithm It is crucial to simulate grids with high resolution to minimize discretization effects, and study a wide range of length scales. Uses Runge-Kutta 2 nd or 4 th order for time-stepping Uses pseudospectral method to solve Navier-Stokes eqs. 3D FFT is the most time-consuming part 2D decomposition based on P3DFFT framework has been implemented.


22 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO P3DFFT Development: Motivation 3D FFT is a very common algorithm. In pseudospectral algorithms simulating turbulence it is mostly used for cases with isotropic conditions and in homogeneous domains with periodic boundary conditions. In this case only real-to-complex and complex-to-real 3D FFT are needed. For many researchers it is more interesting to study inhomogeneous systems, for example wall-bounded flows (Dirichlet or other non-periodic boundary conditions in one dimension). Chebyshev transforms or finite difference higher- order compact schemes are more appropriate. In simulating compressible turbulence, again higher-order compact schemes are used. In other applications, a complex-to-complex transform may be needed; or a custom user transform.

23 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO P3DFFT Development: Motivation (cont’d) Many CFD/turbulence codes use 2/3 dealiasing technique, where only 2/3 of the modes in each dimension are kept after the forward Fourier Transform. Potential time- and memory- saving opportunity. Many codes have several independent arrays (variables) that need to be transformed. This can be implemented in a staggered fashion so as to overlap communication with computation. Some codes employ 3D rather than 2D domain decomposition. They need utilities to go between 2D and 3D. In some cases, usage scenario does not fall into the common fold, and the user might need access to isolated transposes.

24 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO P3DFFT - Ongoing and planned work Part 1: Interface and Flexibility 1.Added other types of transform (e.g. complex-to- complex, Chebyshev, empty) – DONE in P3DFFT 2.5.1 2.Added pruned input/output feature (allows to implement 2/3 dealiasing) – DONE in P3DFFT 2.6.1 3.Expanding the memory layout options, including 3D decomposition utilities. 4.Adding ability to isolate transposes so the user can design their own transform

25 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO P3DFFT 2.6.1 performance for a large problem (8192 3 )

26 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 1.One-sided/nonblocking communication MPI-2, MPI-3 OpenSHMEM Co-Array Fortran 2.Communication/computation overlap – requires RDMA 3.Hybrid MPI/OpenMP implementation P3DFFT - Ongoing and planned work Part 2: Performance improvements

27 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Default Comm. 1Comm. 4Comm. 3Comm. 2 Comp. 1Comp. 2Comp. 3Comp. 4 Overlap Comm. 1Comm. 4Comm. 3Comm. 2 Comp. 1 Comp. 2 Comp. 3 Comp. 4 Idle

28 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Coarse-grain overlap Suitable for computing several FFTs at once Independent variables, e.g. velocity components Overlap communication stage of one variable with computation stage of another variable Uses large send buffers due to message aggregation Uses pairwise exchange algorithm, implemented through either MPI-2, SHMEM or Co-Array Fortran Alternatively, as of recently, MPI-3 nonblocking collectives have become available

29 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Coarse-grain overlap, results on Mellanox ConnectX-2 cluster (64 and 128 cores) K.Kandalla, H.Subramoni, K.Tomko, D. Pekurovsky, S.Sur, D.Panda “High-Performance and Scalable Non-Blocking All-to-All with Collective Offload on InfiniBand Clusters: A Study with Parallel 3D FFT”, ISC’11, Germany. Computer Science – Research and Development, v. 26, i.3, 237-246 (2011)


31 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Conclusions P3DFFT is an efficient, scalable and versatile library (available as open source at Performance consistent with hardware capability is achieved on leading platforms Great potential for enabling petascale science An excellent testing tool for future platforms’ capabilities Bisection bandwidth MPI implementation One-sided protocols implementation MPI/OpenMP hybrid performance

32 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Conclusions (cont’d) An example of project that came out of an Advanced User Support Collaboration, now benefiting a wider community Incorporated into a number of codes (~25 citations as of today, hundreds of downloads) A future XSEDE community code Work under way to expand capability and improve parallel performance even further WHAT ARE YOUR PETASCALE ALGORITHMIC NEEDS? Send me an e-mail:

33 SAN DIEGO SUPERCOMPUTER CENTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Acknowledgements P.K.Yeung D.A.Donzis G. Chukkappalli J. Goebbert G. Brethouser N. Prigozhina K. Tomko K. Kandalla H. Subramoni S. Sur D. Panda Work supported by XSEDE, NSF grants OCI-0850684 and CCF-0833155 Benchmarks run on Teragrid resources Ranger (TACC), Kraken (NICS), and DOE resources Jaguar (NCSS/ORNL), Hopper(NERSC), Blue Waters (NCSA)

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