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Glengormley Integrated Primary School The Northern Ireland Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "Glengormley Integrated Primary School The Northern Ireland Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glengormley Integrated Primary School The Northern Ireland Curriculum

2 Foundation Stage - P1 & P2 Key Stage 1 - P3 & P4 Key Stage 2 - P5, P6 & P7

3 Curriculum Aim: To empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives Objectives: To develop the young person as: An individual A contributor to society A contributor to the economy and the environment

4 Skills across the Curriculum Communication Using Mathematics ICT

5 Thinking Skills Personal Capabilities explaining predicting justifying recording analysing Problem solving collaborating negotiating exploring listening inventing questioning

6 Working with others Turn taking evaluating Co-operating collaborating discussing contributing Giving opinions sharing respecting Valuing others negotiating

7 Managing Self Personal targets Persisting with tasks Manage behaviour Organise Plan a task Focus Review learning Manage own time Seek advice Be aware of strengths

8 Revised Curriculum September 2007 Language & Literacy Mathematics & Numeracy The Arts Personal Development & Mutual Understanding The World Around Us P.E. English Mathematics Art, Music, Drama P.E. Science History Geography New Learning Area R.E.

9 Assessment for Learning We know what we are learning. + We know how we are learning

10 Involvement Enquiring Active Purposeful Enjoyable Investigative Relevant Challenging Engaging Supportive Environment Skills integrated Experiences

11 ConfidentCuriousFlexibleTolerant RespectfulDeterminedResourcefulIntegrity Take responsibilityOpen to new ideas Attitudes and Dispositions

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