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Office of Central Integration and Engineering
Status of ITER 2nd RCM-FENDL-3 23rd March 2010 Michael Loughlin Office of Central Integration and Engineering ITER
Toward a Solution based on Tokamaks
ITER is the Next Step Toward a Solution based on Tokamaks
Four New Superconducting Tokamaks will Address Steady-State Advanced Tokamak Issues in Non-Burning Plasmas SST-1: R =1.1m, 0.22MA, 2008 EAST: R = 1.7m, 2MA, 2006 JT-60SA: R = 3m, 5.5 MA, 2014 KSTAR: R = 1.8m, 2MA, 2008
ITER – Key Facts Mega-Science Project among 7 Members: China, EU, India, Japan, Korea, Russia & US Designed to produce 500 MW of fusion power for an extended period of time with a Q of 10 10 years construction, 20 years operation Cost: ~5.4 billion Euros approved for construction, and ~5.5 billion for operation and decommissioning EU 5/11, other six parties 1/11 each. Overall reserve of 10% of total. European Union CN IN RF KO JP US
Procurement Sharing - A unique feature of ITER is that almost all of the machine will be constructed through in kind procurement from the Members with essentially every member involved in every component.
Overview of the Major Development of the ITER Project
May 2006 ITER Management Structure decided at IPC-8 Meeting in Goa, India 21 November 2006 The ITER Agreements signed in Paris Dec Dec. 2007 ITER Design Review 24 October 2007 ITER Organization formally established 7 November 2007 Headquarters Agreement signed between France and the IO 27-28 November 2007 The 1st meeting of the ITER Council (DG, PDDG and DDGs were appointed, etc.) 28 November 2007 First PA with Japan signed on TF Conductor 18 December 2007 First PA with EU signed on TF Conductor End January, 2008 Submission of DAC files including RPrS to Nuclear Safety Authority 12 February 2008 First PA with Russia signed on TF Conductor April 2008 Construction Permit for nuclear buildings was awarded
All DAs were established 19-20 November 2008
17-18 June 2008 The 2nd Meeting of the ITER Council in Aomori, Japan (Project Specification was approved, Reference Schedule was agreed for planning purposes and Briscoe Panel was set up, etc.) October 2008 All DAs were established 19-20 November 2008 The 3rd Meeting of the ITER Council in Cadarache (3 pilot IPTs were agreed, etc.) November 2008 Moving to the HQ Building on-site March 2009 ITER Site Platform completed 17-18 June 2009 The 4th Meeting of the ITER Council in Mito, Japan (Updated Schedule was endorsed as a working basis for further development of ITER Baseline, etc) October 2009 Briscoe Panel Review on the new cost estimates November 2009 5th ITER council could not accept 2018 First Plasma Schedule March 2010 MAC recommends 2019 FP schedule to be used for preparation of baseline and approval in June 2010 by Council
ITER Organization Structure
Tim Watson
Staffing Status By 31 December 2009, the ITER Organization had a total of 430 staff members, comprising 291 professional and 139 technical support staff members. In addition, as of end of 2009 there were around 330 external contractors. Professional staff Support staff Total CN 16 1 17 EU 175 106 281 IN 14 28 JA 22 6 KO 20 4 24 RU 21 2 23 US 29 291 139 430 9 9
ITER - a multicultural organization
25 nationalities 10
The ITER Organization and the ITER Domestic Agencies
ITER Organization Seven Members (Domestic Agencies, DA)
Integration between IO and DAs - Basic Roles and Responsibilities - ITER Organization Seven Members (Domestic Agencies, DA) Planning / Design* Integration / QA / Safety / Licensing / Schedule Installation Testing + Commissioning Operation Detailing / Designing* Procuring / Manufacturing Delivering Supporting installation Conformance * Depending on type of specification - Functional: Functional requirements by IO and design by DAs - Detail design: Conceptual design by IO and detailed design by DAs - Build-to-print: Detailed design by IO and fabrication/shop design by DAs
Main Buildings on the ITER Site Magnet power convertor
A facility licensed under the French Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ASN) PF Coils winding Tokamak Cryoplant Tritium Magnet power convertor Cooling towers Hot cell The Major Technical Systems: A ~50kW Cryogenics Plant. ~1 GVA electrical installation power in + out. A tritium plant to fuel the plasma and recover the tritium. ~3kg. A Neutral Beam (H-) system for ~40 MW. 2-3 RF systems ~50MHz, GHZ, and 3.5 GHz providing 20-40MW each. Full remote handling capability for the Tokamak including the “hot cell”. Waste stream management plan. Will cover an area of about 60 ha Large buildings up to 250m long Large number of systems Main Office Control
Status of ITER’s technical progress (highlights)
Fusion gain Q = 10, Fusion Power: ~500MW, Ohmic burn 300 to 500 sec Goal Q=5 for 3000 sec Central Solenoid (6) (Nb3Sn) Cryostat (29 m high x 28 m dia.) Thermal Shield (4 sub-assemblies) Toroidal Field Coils (18) (Nb3Sn) Vacuum Vessel (9 sectors) Poloidal Field Coils (6) (NbTi) In-Vessel Coils (2-VS & 27-ELM) Correction Coils (18) (NbTi) Blanket (440 modules) Divertor (54 cassettes) Feeders (31) (NbTi) Machine mass: t (cryostat + VV + magnets) - shielding, divertor and manifolds: 7945 t port plugs - magnet systems: t; cryostat: 820 t 14
Magnet Energy Comparison
Superconducting Magnet Energy: ~51 GJ Charles de Gaulle Energy: ~38000 t at ~150 km/hr
(Maximum Takeoff Weight)
TF Coil – Mass Comparison Boeing (Maximum Takeoff Weight) ~377 t Mass of (1) TF Coil: ~360 t 16 m Tall x 9 m Wide
TF and PF Jacketing in: CN JA US RF
ITER Procurement - a Worldwide Collaboration
Example: TF Coils
Overview of Schedule for 2019 First Plasma
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 ITER Construction TF Coils (EU) Tokamak Assembly Tokamak Basic Machine Assembly Ex Vessel Assembly In Vessel Assembly Start Install CS Start Cryostat Closure Pump Down & Integrated Commissioning Start Machine Assembly 2021 2022 ITER Operations Assembly Phase 2 Assembly Phase 3 Plasma Operations 2023 Buildings & Site CS Coil Case Winding Mockups Complete TF TF15 VV Fabrication Contract Award VV VV VV07 Vacuum Vessel (EU) CS Final Design Approved CS3L CS3U CS Ready for Machine Assembly Construction Contract Award Tokamak Bldg 11 RFE
34 signed Procurement Arrangements as of 16 March 2010
REFERENCE Signature date 1 1.1.P6A.JA.01 TF Conductors 28 November 2007 2 1.1.P6A.EU.01 TF Conductors 18 December 2007 3 1.1.P6A.RF.01 TF Conductors 12 February 2008 4 1.1.P6A.KO.01 TF Conductors 07 May 2008 5 1.1.P6A.CN.01 TF Conductors 16 June 2008 6 1.1.P1A.EU.01 TF Magnet Windings 20 June 2008 7 1.1.P6C.CN.01 PF Conductors 10 October 2008 8 1.1.P1B.JA.01 TF Magnet Windings 19 November 2008 9 1.1.P2B.JA.01 TF Magnet Structures 10 6.2.P2.EU.01 PF Coil Winding Facility 11 1.5.P1A.KO.01 Main Vessel 12 1.5.P2A.KO.01 Equatorial and Lower Ports 13 6.2.P2.EU.02 Architect Engineering Services 4 May 2009 14 6.2.P2.EU.03 Tokamak Pit Excavation and Drainage 15 6.2.P2.EU.04 Seismic Isolation Pads 16 5.3.P7A.IN.01 Diagnostic neutral Beam Power Supply 19 April 2009 17 1.1.P6C.EU.01 PF Conductors 18 1.7.P2C.RF.01 Divertor Dome 9 June 2009
(about 41% of the total in-kind PA value)
REFERENCE Signature date kIUA 19 1.5.P2B.RF.01 Upper Ports 9 June 2009 20 1.1.P6A.US.01 TF Conductors 18 June 2009 21 2.6.P1A-1B.US.01 Tokamak Cooling Water System 22 1.7.P2A. JA.01 Divertor Outer Vertical Target 17 June 2009 23 1.1.P3A-B.EU.01 PF Magnets 2,3,4,5,6 (EU) 19 June 2009 24 5.3.P6.EU.01 Power Supply for Heating Neutral Beam ( Low Voltage) 13 July 2009 25 2.2.P2A.KO.01 Machine Assembly Tooling 3 August 2009 26 1.5.P1B.IN.01.0 VV In-Wall Shielding Block Assemblies 24 September 09 27 1.1.P6C.RF.01 PF Conductors 2 October 09 28 4.1.P1A-P8B.EU.01 SSEPN and PPEN Detailed System Engineering Design 26 October 09 29 1.5.P1A.EU.01.0 VV Main Vessel 7 sectors 19 November 09 30 1.1.P6B.JA.01 Central Solenoid Conductor 8 December 09 31 5.1.P3.IN.01.0 IC H&CD RF Power Sources 4 February 2010 32 1.7. P2D.RF.01 PFC HHF Tests 23 February 2010 33 1.7.P2B.EU.01 Inner Vertical Targets 12 March 2010 34 1.1.P4A-B.US.01 CS Magnet Total Signed Value (about 41% of the total in-kind PA value) kIUA ( EUR 1,900 million)
Procurement Arrangements (PAs)
As of 18 March 2010, there are a total of 34 signed PAs, amounting to kIUA (approximately EUR 1,900 million), about 41% of the total in-kind PA value; 19 PAs are scheduled to be signed by August 2010 for a total of kIUA (an estimated EUR 1,186 million).
PAs to be signed by August 2010 according to the IPS
PA REFERENCE 2019 IPS DATE PROJECTION DATE 1 1.7.P2B.EU.01 Inner Vertical Targets 5-Jan-10 12-Mar-10 2 5.3.P7B.IN.01 Diagnostic Neutral Beam Line 14-Jan-10 22-Mar-10 3 5.1.P2.US.01 IC Transmission Lines 22-Jan-10 March 2010 4 6.2.P2.EU.05 Building Construction 29-Jan-10 April 2010 5 1.1.P4A-B.US.01 CS Magnet 19-Feb-10 6 5.3.P6.JA.01 NB H&CD Power Supply for Heating Neutral Beam 22-Feb-10 March 2010 7 1.1.P2C.CN.01 Magnet Supports 26-Feb-10 8 5.1.P4.IN.01 IC H&CD Radio Frequency Power Supply 31-Mar-10 9 1.1.P3C.CN.01 Correction Coils
PAs to be signed by August 2010 according to the IPS
PA REFERENCE 2019 IPS DATE PROJECTION DATE 10 2.7.P1.KO.01 Thermal Shield 12-Mar-10 April 2010 11 1.1.P6C.CN.02 Conductors for Correction Coils and Feeders 31-Mar-10 March 2010 12 1.1.P2A.EU.01 Pre Compression Rings 13 1.1.P3A.RF.01 PF Magnet 1 14 5.2.P2.US.01 EC Main Transmission 13-Apr-10 15 2.6.P2A.IN.01 Component Cooling Water System (CCWS) Chilled Water System (CHWS) and Heat Rejection System (HRS) 16-Apr-10 22-Mar-10 16 1.1.P5A.CN.01 Magnet Feeders September 2010 17 3.4.P2.IN.01 Lower Pipe Chase Cryolines 23-Apr-10
PAs to be signed by August 2010 according to the IPS
PA REFERENCE 2019 IPS DATE PROJECTION DATE 18 2.4.P1A.IN.01 Cryostat 25-Jun-10 October 2010 19 4.1.P2.CN.01 AC/DC Convertors 13-Jul-10 July 2010 20 4.1.P2.KO.01 AC/DC Convertors 21 4.1.P3.RF.01 Switching Network, Fast Discharge Units, DC Busbar & Instrumentation 19-Jul-10
ITER Schedule Following First Plasma: Path to DT in 2026
ITER Commissioning and Operations 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Hydrogen Operations & Coil Commissioning Shutdown First Plasma Commission Install In-Vessel Equipment, ECRH & ⅓ Diagnostics Hydrogen Operations Tritium Plant Full DT Throughput Install Blanket, Divertors,1st NBI, ICRH? & ⅓ Diagnostics Shutdown Install 2nd-NBI, & ⅓ Diagnostics Commission H & He Operations Tritium Plant Ready for Nuclear Operation Pre-Nuclear Shutdown All H&CD Fully Commissioned Neutron Diagnostic Calibration Hydrogen Operations DD & Trace DT Operations Full DT 500 MW Fusion Attempt
What is Next? The IO works towards finalizing a full set of baseline documents by the end April (scope, schedule, cost); Scope is set in Schedule agreed as working basis in March 2010; Resource loading of IPS for the IO is ongoing; The acceptance of the ITER baseline towards a commonly agreed upon schedule is a huge step forward, since every party is committed to a common plan. 27
Present ITER Construction Site
Future Tokamak Complex JWS 2 JWS 3 The creation and improvement of 106 kilometres of access roads from Fos harbour to Cadarache will be finished by February 1 28
Itinerary of ITER Components
ITER Site THE objectives set out for ITER are basically two: ONE: to obtain and study a plasma where the alpha particle heating is dominating all other forms of heating. ITER will operate with a value of capital Q greater than 10. The fusion power in ITER will be about 500MW, the input power about 50MW. And TWO: it has to integrate the technology required for future use of fusion as an energy source
The Roadmap Beyond ITER
upgrade, construction Operation Today’s expts. Des. Construction H D DT 2nd DT Op. Phase ITER Test/Optimise Blanket Design Construction Qualify DEMO Materials Optimise Materials IFMIF From present generation machine such as JET, in the roadmap to the fusion reactor, the ITER will be to demonstrate the physics base, however this will be done with a limited neutron fluence (about 3 dpa)., For the design and construction of the Demo, we must test and qualify materials up to 150 dpa. This will be done in the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility; ITER and IFMIF will provide the database for the construction of the DEMO reactor that will start producing electricity by 2035. Design Construction Initial Operation Reliability demo DEMO Concept Design Construction Op. Alternative Confinement Schemes Commercial Power Plants
Summary It took almost four years to re-baseline ITER and have a common understanding of the real cost of ITER. In the parties and for the IO. The baseline decision by Council in June 2010 will set the real trigger for all countries to now move at the same pace. We still have lots of things to improve, technically, managerially and also in interfacing with industry partners.
ITER Licensing Process
Accordance with French regulations ITER is a “basic nuclear facility” (Installation Nucléaire de Base, INB) e.g. labs, fuel plants, not fission reactors. Compliance with international standards of safety (IAEA) Licensing process: Safety options report submitted and reviewed 2002 Series of informal technical meetings with the authorities (ASN) and their technical advisors (IRSN), 2006 – 2008. License application documents were submitted January 2008 Request for authorisation (Demande d’Autorisation de Création, DAC), including Impact Study Preliminary Safety Report (Rapport Préliminaire de Sûreté, RPrS) Examination of files submitted in January 2008 Authorities (ASN & IRSN) reviewed our files for acceptability In July 2008, they requested detailed additional information in the files DAC and RPrS are now being updated, for re-submission in 2010 Next: Public Enquiry. Then examination by panel of independent experts (Groupe Permanent) to advise ASN.
Current status (October 2009)
All RPrS chapters and Impact Study are in first draft Some require completion with the outcome of safety analyses in progress, or design information from baseline documents to be fixed Many annexe documents completed Translation into French under way Reviews of RPrS to be held October – December, by technical ROs, Safety Control Division (“second level” check), and in review including external experts - English version to be finalized by end of 2009 Translation in French and final checking Submission expected end of February 2010 Should lead to issue of decree allowing “creation” of facility. Further processes will follow to obtain authorisation for commissioning and start-up.
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