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Please Sign In.  Priories:Fair/Foul Catch/No Catch  Positioning + Timing = Good Judgment  Angle First, Then Distance If you have to, sacrifice distance.

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Presentation on theme: "Please Sign In.  Priories:Fair/Foul Catch/No Catch  Positioning + Timing = Good Judgment  Angle First, Then Distance If you have to, sacrifice distance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please Sign In


3  Priories:Fair/Foul Catch/No Catch  Positioning + Timing = Good Judgment  Angle First, Then Distance If you have to, sacrifice distance for angle  Get Set – Be stopped for all plays  Watch the ball, Glance at the Runners  Timing, timing, timing  Hustle, hustle, hustle

4  Don’t want 2 umpires covering the same play  1 Play / 1 Umpire  Plate Umpire – Home  Base Umpire – 1B and 2B  Runner from 1B to 3B – either Base/Plate Ump  Pre-game conference to discuss this situation K eep I t S imple, S tupid!

5  Leave your ego at home  Umpire out of position can get help if he asks  Ask for help before you make the call  Create credibility for yourself  Mistakes happen  Don’t rush to make a call

6  Did I arrive in time to prepare for the game?  Was I in position for every call?  Was I properly prepared for each play?  Working the plate:  Was my strike zone consistent?  How was my timing?  Were my signals clear and sharp?  Did I assist and communicate with my partner?  Did I keep my cool?  Is there any other part of my game that needs work?

7 Bill Klem The Father of Baseball Umpires "That guy in a twenty-five cent bleacher seat is as much entitled to know a call as the guy in the boxes. He can see my arm signal even if he can't hear my voice."



10  Positioning behind the catcher  Box stance (heel-to-toe)  Scissors  Kneeling

11  Positioning behind the catcher  Chin no lower than the top of the catcher’s head  Get into “The Slot”  Turn head toward the glove slightly



14 “The Thoughtful Pause”

15  See It  Say It (to yourself)  Call It

16 Working the plate

17 A strike is a legal pitch that is not struck at when any part of the ball passes through any part of the strike zone.


19 The strike zone is the space over home plate that is between the batter’s armpits and the top of the knees when the batter assumes a natural stance. The umpire shall determine the strike zone according to the batter’s usual stance when that batter swings at a pitch.


21 Rule 6.03 Which of the foot positions are legal?

22 Rule 6.03 The batter’s legal position shall be with both feet within the batter’s box.

23 Plate mechanics – Passed Balls and Wild Pitches

24  A foul tip is a batted ball that  Is sharp and direct from the bat to the catcher’s hand or mitt  Must be caught by the catcher  not a catch if it is caught on a rebound unless it first hits the catcher’s hand or mitt  Is a strike  Ball remains alive


26  Home plate umpire has responsibility for fly balls  Umpire takes off his mask  Walks into the infield  Signals for catch or no catch and verbalizes catch or no catch

27 Catch / No catch

28  Secure possession  Complete control of the ball  Voluntary release of the ball

29  CATCH – if the ball is dropped in the act of throwing  NO CATCH – if the ball is dropped as a result of a collision or falling  NO CATCH – if the ball touches an offensive player, the ground or fence, or an umpire


31 Fair / Foul

32  A fair ball is a batted ball that:  Settles or is touched on or over fair territory between home and 1B or home and 3B  Bounds past 1B or 3B on or over fair territory  While on or over fair territory touches the attached equipment or clothing of a player or umpire  While over fair territory, passes out of the playing field

33  A batted ball settles on home plate. What is your call? FAIR or FOUL

34  A batted ball settles on home plate. What is your call? FAIR

35  A batted ball first hits foul ground and without touching any foreign object, rolls into fair territory between 1B and home where it comes to rest. What is your call? FAIR or FOUL

36  A batted ball first hits foul ground and without touching any foreign object, rolls into fair territory between 1B and home where it comes to rest. What is your call? FAIR



39 Review – Plate umpire – catch/no catch, fair/foul


41  Positioning + Timing = Good Judgment  Angle First, Then Distance If you have to, sacrifice distance for angle  Get Set – Be stopped for all plays  Watch the ball, Glance at the Runners  Timing, timing, timing  Hustle, hustle, hustle

42  Position  Lower your seat; don’t just bend over  Place hands on knees or thighs  Keep your head up; don’t drop your chin  Getting Set  Set position assumed BEFORE every pitch  Set position assumed BEFORE calling most plays  May be situations that mandate a standing “set”


44 C A B

45 Base Umpire – working area

46 No Base Runner

47 U2 No Base Runner Groundball to 1st or bunt

48 U2 No Base Runner Working Area Groundball

49 Base Umpire – No Runner

50 U2 No Base Runner Working Area Fly ball to OF Working Area R

51 Runner on 1B R

52 Base Umpire – runner on 1B

53 Runner on 1B U2 R Working Area Hit to outfield

54 Runner on 2B R

55 U2 R Working Area Groundball Play at 1st

56 Runner on 2B U2 R Groundball Play at 3rd

57 Runner on 3B R

58 U2 R Working Area

59 Multiple Runners on Base R R

60 Multiple Runners U2 Working Area U2

61 Base Umpire – other runner

62 Review – Base umpire positioning


64 2010 Official Regulations and Playing Rules p.94

65 On deck position is NOT permitted plus an adult must be in the dugout at all times

66 Definitions of Terms


68  6.05b – when 3 rd strike is or is not caught by the catcher *  6.05e – when the batter attempts to hit a 3 rd strike and is touched by the ball  6.05f – when a fair ball touches the batter before touching a fielder *  6.05g – when the bat hits the ball a 2 nd time in fair territory  If the bat does the hitting, ball is dead  If the ball does the hitting, ball is still in play

69  6.05h – after hitting or bunting a foul ball, the batter intentionally deflects the course of the ball while running to first base  6.05i – after hitting a fair ball, the batter is tagged before touching first base  6.05j – if the runner runs outside of the three-foot line or inside the foul line interfering with the fielder taking the throw at first base  Ball must be thrown  Throw must be catchable

70  6.06a – when hitting the ball with one or both feet outside the batter’s box  6.06c – when the batter interferes with the catcher’s fielding or throwing  Ball is not automatically dead  If an out results from the catcher’s throw, then the interference penalty is not enforced and the play stands

71  How do you call / signal batter interference?  Signal and call “That’s Interference”  If the runner is declared out, no further signal is necessary  If the runner is safe, the following are required:  Call “Time”  Call “The Batter’s Out”  Any runner is returned back to his original base


73  Line Up  P1  P2  P3 – last out of previous inning  P4  P5  P6  P7  P8  P9

74  Expected Line Up  P4  P5  P6

75  P6 at the plate  2B / 2S  Appeal is made that P6 is not the proper batter BEFORE he completes his time at bat -or-  Offense manager realizes the mistake

76  P4 replaces P6 at the plate and assumes the count  2B / 2S

77  P6 at the plate  Singles into RF  Appeal is made that P6 is not the proper batter AFTER he completes his time at bat

78  P4 (the proper batter) is called out  Remove P6 from the base  Base runner’s advances due to the actions of the improper batter (P6) are nullified  Other advances are legal (steals)  Next batter is the batter whose name follows that of the proper batter (P5)

79  P1 leads off  Singles into RF  P5 steps up to the plate  2B / 2S  Appeal is made that P1 was not the proper batter AFTER P5 receives at least 1 pitch

80  The improper batter (P1) becomes “legalized” by the first pitch to P5  All base runners’ advances are now legal  The batting order picks up with the batter following the legalized improper batter

81  The improper batter (P1) becomes “legalized” by the first pitch to P5  All base runners’ advances are now legal  The batting order picks up with the batter following the legalized improper batter  P2 would replace P5 and assume the 2B / 2S count  P3 would follow

82  Creates a permanent line-up change


84  Rule is to protect the offensive team  But most often argued by the offensive manager  Must be less than 2 outs  Not a line drive or a bunt  Can be caught by any fielder by ordinary effort  Runners on 1B and 2B or bases loaded

85  Umpire declares batted ball to be an infield fly  Batter-runner is called out  Eliminates all force plays  Base protects the runner hit by an infield fly

86 Infield Fly Rule

87  Important Notes – Rule 7.08(f):  If a runner is touched by an Infield Fly when not touching a base, both runner and batter are out.  If a runner is touching a base when touched by an Infield Fly, that runner is not out, although the batter is out.

88  Important Notes – Rule 7.08(f):  A runner is out if touched by a fair ball in fair territory before the ball has touched or passed an infielder.  The base is not a safe haven for the runner when an Infield Fly is not called.


90  Offensive interference  batter  runner  Umpire interference  Catcher interference  Spectator interference

91  An act by a member of the team at bat which interferes with, obstructs, impedes, hinders, or confuses any fielder attempting to make a play  Running into a fielder trying to make a catch  Yelling at a fielder trying to make a catch

92  Only 2 ways  Interference with catcher’s throw - Rule 5.09(b)  delayed dead ball  benefits the defensive team  Umpire hit by a batted ball before passing a fielder – Rule 5.09(f) and 6.08(d)  immediately call a dead ball  benefits the offensive team

93  The catcher or any fielder interferes with the batter  No interference call when the batter reaches first base AND all other runners advance at least one base  delayed call by umpire

94  Steve Bartman Incident


96  No interference shall be called when a fielder reaches over a fence, railing, or rope or into the stands to catch a ball. They do so at their own risk  Should a spectator reach out into the playing field and plainly prevent the fielder from catching the ball, then the batter should be called out


98  Type A  If the play is being made on the obstructed runner or batter-runner is obstructed before touching 1B  Ball is immediately called dead  Runner’s shall advance to the base they would have reached if there had been no obstruction

99  Type B  If no play is being made on the obstructed runner, the play shall proceed until no further action is possible.  Delayed dead ball  Includes a fake tag


101  Runner’s return  1 base awarded  2 bases awarded  from time of pitch  from time of throw


103  Foul ball not caught – Rule 5.09(e)  Illegally batted ball – Rule 5.09(d)  foot out of the batter’s box at the point of contact  batter is out  Plate umpire interference unless runner is thrown out – Rule 5.09(b)  Batter interference unless runner is thrown out – Rule 6.06(c)  if base runner is safe, return to the previous base  batter is out  Batter called out for batting out of turn – Rule 6.07(b)


105  Balk called not followed by a pitch or play – Rule 5.09(c) and 7.04(a)  Runner attempting to steal when catcher’s interference occurs – Rule 7.04(c)  batter also is award 1B  Pitched ball lodges in umpire’s mask or equipment – Rule 5.09(g) and 7.05(h)  Pitched or thrown ball by the pitcher from the rubber goes into dead territory – Rule 7.05(g)  pickoff – ball goes into bleachers  ball stuck in backstop or fence  ball goes into the dugout

106  After catching a fly ball, the fielder falls into dead territory – Rule 7.04(b)  dugout  stands  over a fence into dead territory  Hit batsman – Rule 5.09(a)  Pitched ball touches a runner trying to score – Rule 5.09(h) and 6.05(m)  Fair batted ball strikes an umpire or player – Rule 5.09(f)


108  Thrown ball into dead territory on first play by an infielder – Rule 7.05(g)  Fielder deflects a wild pitch into dead territory while retrieving it – Rule 7.05(f)  Fair ball bounces over the fence – Rule 7.05(f)  Fair ball is deflected into dead territory


110  Thrown ball into dead territory on 2 nd play by an infielder  attempting a double play  Thrown ball into dead territory by an outfielder  Any relay throw into dead territory by any fielder


112  If a fielder deliberately touches a fair ball with a cap, mask or any part of that fielder’s uniform detached from its proper place on the person of said fielder, three bases are awarded and the ball is in play. – Rule 7.05(b)  Each runner including the batter-runner may advance three bases if a fielder deliberately throws a glove at and touches a fair ball; the ball remains in play. – Rule 7.05(c)

113  Catcher’s interference followed by a batted ball – Rule 6.08(c)  Batter’s interference followed by a play or throw – Rule 6.06(c)  Plate umpire interference followed by a play or throw – Rule 5.09(b)  Illegal pitch or balk followed by a batted ball - Rule 8.01(d) and 8.05(a)


115  Actions that can cause an illegal pitch  Pitching with foot not in contact with the rubber  Pitcher fails to step directly toward a base before throwing to that base  Pitches when the catcher is not in the catcher’s box  Quick return pitch or Quick pitch  Pitcher delays the game  Pitcher drops the ball

116  Called a BALL if bases are unoccupied – Rule 8.01(d)*  Called a BALK if bases are occupied – Rule 8.05(k) *  no pitch  runners advance  Manager of the offense may decline the illegal pitch penalty and accept the play.


118  If there is reasonable doubt that any umpire’s decision may be in conflict with the rules, the manager may appeal the decision and ask that a correct ruling be made.  Such appeal shall be made only to the umpire who made the protested decision.

119  Must be made before the next pitch, play or attempted play  Must be a live ball for appeals to be made  Must be made before the defensive team leaves the field

120  Failure to retouch properly – Rule 7.10(a)  Missed base – Rule 7.10(b)  Batting out of order – Rule 6.07

121 Umpire Evaluation Managers: Please only evaluate the umpire from the opposing team. Date of Game Evaluation Of Umpire (Name) Division * Team Umpire For * Plate or Field Umpire * Knowledge Of Rules (1-No Knowledge...5-Extremely Knowledgeable) * Control Of Game (1-No Control) * Position Of Umpire (1-Never In Position...5-Always In The Correct Position) * The Umpire Was Properly Dressed (Wearing Uniform) *

122   Cell – (513) 543-1483 

123  Click to Go to the Quiz Click to Go to the Quiz  If the above link does not work in your browser, cut and paste the following link: 

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