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Collateral optimisation

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1 Collateral optimisation
Xuan Son Nguyen Breakout session Euroclear Collateral Conference Monday, 12 May 2014

2 Triparty collateral management Automating collateral management tasks
Collateral Giver Collateral Taker Exposure Securities

3 Why optimising collateral allocation?
Basel III: LCR & NSFR Dodd-Frank & EMIR: mandatory margining of OTC derivatives Sovereign downgrade higher haircuts limited velocity Increased need of quality-collateral Lower availability of quality-collateral Collateral shortfall?...

4 Euroclear collateral optimisation A comprehensive solution
Optimal Initial allocation Quality Credit usage Fail reduction Benefits: Early exposure coverage A reduction in fails Minimising overall cost of funding Minimised credit usage At no extra cost !

5 Euroclear collateral optimisation It starts at initial allocation...
AutoSelect the automatic triparty collateral allocation and monitoring module of Euroclear 1. Determine available collateral positions 2. Determine collateral operations to be processed 3. Collateral allocation algorithm 4. Generation and injection of settlement instructions

6 AutoSelect standard allocation order
Euroclear collateral optimisation It starts at initial allocation… AutoSelect the automatic triparty collateral allocation and monitoring module of Euroclear AutoSelect standard allocation order Same currency first (optional) Rating (lowest to highest) Position size (smallest to largest) Issuer type (other to supra to sovereign) Market type (international to domestic) Euroclear security code (highest to lowest Available collateral

7 Full flexibility at initial allocation
Euroclear collateral optimisation It starts at initial allocation… AutoSelect the automatic triparty collateral allocation and monitoring module of Euroclear Full flexibility at initial allocation You can define sub-pools of collateral and the order in which you wish to allocate them E.g. Small caps Secondary indices Primary indices

8 Euroclear collateral optimisation And beyond!
Fail-driven What if there is a mismatch between the time of the trade and time of availability of eligible collateral? Quality-driven What if the quality of the eligible collateral portfolio evolves during the life of the trade? Credit-driven What if the far leg of the repo settles early in the day, while you planned to roll it later on the same day?

9 Fail-driven  collateral swaps
Euroclear collateral optimisation And beyond! AutoSelect Fail-driven  collateral swaps What if there is a mismatch between the time of the trade and time of availability of eligible collateral? AAA A BBB FAIL ! C/P1 C/P2 CG New Trs New receipt (2) (1)

10 Quality-driven  collateral swaps
Euroclear collateral optimisation And beyond! AutoSelect Quality-driven  collateral swaps What if the quality of the eligible collateral portfolio evolves during the life of the trade? AAA A BBB C/P1 C/P2 CG Receipt

11 Credit-driven  synchronise DvP settlement
Euroclear collateral optimisation And beyond! AutoSelect Credit-driven  synchronise DvP settlement What if the far leg of the repo settles early in the day, while you planned to roll it later on the same day? Securities Settlement System S S-1 GIVER TAKER Cash Collateral CLOSING of OLD trades INITIATION of NEW trades

12 New quality-driven optimisation Fail-driven optimisation
Euroclear collateral optimisation Throughout the day 04:30 SET1 SET2 19:00 A U T O 07:00 08:00 09:00 11:00 13:30 14:25 15:30 16:30 06:00 10:00 12:45 17:45 SET 1 03:15 02:00 18:20 New quality-driven optimisation Fail-driven optimisation Rollover optimisation 12:00 Real-time settlement

13 Open Inventory Sourcing service
Consolidating fragmented pools Asset Manager CCP1 Central Bank CCP2 Bank 1 Pool of collateral Securities Fixed Income & Equities Repo – Set1 Repo – Set 3 Repo – Set 2 Liquidity – Set 4 Derivatives – Set 5 Lender Sec. Lending – Set n Domestic markets Open Inventory Sourcing Collateral Management & Optimisation


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