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Religious Reasons -Henry VIII begins the Anglican Church -Reformers want to rid the church of all Roman Catholic traditions -Puritans wanted to purify.

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2 Religious Reasons -Henry VIII begins the Anglican Church -Reformers want to rid the church of all Roman Catholic traditions -Puritans wanted to purify the Church of England individual and congregational control of religion

3 Pilgrims -Pilgrims also called Separatists because they wanted to practice their own religion -Plymouth Mass. 1620 -Mayflower Compact set up direct democracy for the colony -colony struggled but received Indian help to grow crops Thanksgiving Squanto -William Bradford Pilgrim leader “Of Plymouth Plantation”

4 Pilgrims -Pilgrims also called Separatists because they wanted to practice their own religion -Plymouth Mass. 1620 -Mayflower Compact set up direct democracy for the colony -colony struggled but received Indian help to grow crops Thanksgiving Squanto -William Bradford Pilgrim leader “Of Plymouth Plantation”

5 Pilgrims -Pilgrims also called Separatists because they wanted to practice their own religion -Plymouth Mass. 1620 -Mayflower Compact set up direct democracy for the colony -colony struggled but received Indian help to grow crops Thanksgiving Squanto -William Bradford Pilgrim leader “Of Plymouth Plantation”

6 Massachusetts Bay Company -Puritans -John Winthrop -City on a Hill be an example to the world -connection between church and state -strict adherence to Puritan rules

7 Puritan Dissent -Roger Williams Separation of Church and State exiled from the colony fled and founded Providence R.I. -Anne Hutchinson belief in individual worship banished in famous trial fled to R.I.

8 Puritan Dissent -Roger Williams Separation of Church and State exiled from the colony fled and founded Providence R.I. -Anne Hutchinson belief in individual worship banished in famous trial fled to R.I.

9 Indian Resistance -some cooperation but short lived -disease, land, and religion caused disputes -Pequot War, 1637 massacre of Indians -King Philip’s War lots of deaths on both sides but colonists win and Indian resistance fades

10 New Netherlands -Henry Hudson -Englishman sailing for the Dutch -Explored the Hudson R. and Hudson Bay areas -Dutch found colony at New Amsterdam -lots of different immigrants -religious freedom -English take colony in 1664 -renamed New York -Part of the region divided into the colony of New Jersey

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