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The Roman World Review. Crossed the Alps to attack Italy Hannibal Hannibal.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roman World Review. Crossed the Alps to attack Italy Hannibal Hannibal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roman World Review

2 Crossed the Alps to attack Italy Hannibal Hannibal

3 Commanded Armies & oversaw the legal system Praetors Praetors

4 People who were put to death for their beliefs Martyrs Martyrs

5 General who created a powerful volunteer army Gaius Marius Gaius Marius

6 Rise in prices due to devalued money Inflation Inflation

7 Controlled public funds & managed foreign policy Senate Senate

8 time of peace beginning with the reign of Augustus Pax Romana Pax Romana

9 Supported Christianity Constantine Constantine

10 Made up most of the population plebeians plebeians

11 Bridge like structures that carried water from the mountains Aqueducts Aqueducts

12 Italy is cut of from the rest of Europe by the… Alps Alps

13 The Consuls… 1. H ad veto power 2. O versaw the moral conduct of the citizens 3. C ommanded armies 4. O versaw the legal system

14 The engraving of Roman laws on the Twelve Tables was prompted by the 1. P atricians 2. F orums 3. R epublicans 4. p lebeians

15 Scipio defeated Hannibal in the 1. 1 st Punic War 2. 2 nd Punic War 3. 3 rd Punic war 4. T he Social War

16 People who came under the rule of Rome after the Punic Wars became 1. C itizens of Rome 2. S laves of Rome 3. S ubjects of Rome 4. P artial citizens of Rome

17 The expanding Roman empire created a class of business people known as 1. T ribunes 2. N obles 3. E quites 4. p rovincials

18 Roman allies fought the Social War to 1. S ecure religious freedom 2. H ave the right to participate in government 3. A cquire property rights 4. L ower taxes

19 Caesar’s government 1. I ncreased the power of the senate 2. D ecreased the power of the senate 3. D ecreased the power of the Emperor 4. I ncreased the role of the citizen

20 The Pax Romana kept Rome stable, but reduced the power of 1. T he government 2. T he emperor 3. R ome 4. t he army

21 Hadrian & Marcus Aurelius were part of a group known as the 1. T hird Triumvirate 2. P ax Emperors 3. F ive Good Emperors 4. J uilo-Claudian Emperors

22 Roman engineers used all of the following EXCEPT 1. C oncrete 2. T he arch and dome 3. G ladiators 4. a queducts

23 Roman lifestyles were criticized in the work of 1. H orace 2. O vid 3. T actius 4. V irgil

24 The Romans put Jesus to death because 1. H e led the rebellion of Jews in Judea 2. H e criticized the emperor 3. H e led a slave rebellion 4. T hey feared he would lead an uprising

25 The Goths were tribes from 1. F rance 2. S pain 3. G reece 4. G ermany

26 The western half of the Roman empire suffered from 1. A ggression from the eastern empire 2. R eligious discontent 3. L ack of a navy 4. R apid and abundant growth

27 True or False The Roman Policy of granting partial citizenship to some conquered peoples created discontent and disloyalty The Roman Policy of granting partial citizenship to some conquered peoples created discontent and disloyalty FALSE

28 True or False The Punic Wars increased the size of Rome, but decreased the power of the Senate The Punic Wars increased the size of Rome, but decreased the power of the Senate FALSE

29 True or False Caesar was named dictator for life by the Senate Caesar was named dictator for life by the Senate TRUE TRUE

30 True or False Octavian tried to expand the Roman empire as far as Germany Octavian tried to expand the Roman empire as far as Germany TRUE Angela Merkel Chancellor

31 True or False Julio-Claudian emperors were also known as the Five Good Emperors Julio-Claudian emperors were also known as the Five Good Emperors TRUE

32 True or False The Roman government helped keep the empire together by strictly enforcing the Twelve Tables The Roman government helped keep the empire together by strictly enforcing the Twelve Tables FALSE

33 True or False Romans of all social classes were able to live comfortably during the height of the empire Romans of all social classes were able to live comfortably during the height of the empire FALSE

34 True or False Roman women could own property Roman women could own property TRUE

35 True or False The Roman empire produced great scientific works, but little in the way of art or literature The Roman empire produced great scientific works, but little in the way of art or literature FALSE

36 True or False Zealots believed in the establishment of an independent state Zealots believed in the establishment of an independent state TRUE

37 True or False Hadrian allowed all the defeated Jews to live in Jerusalem under Roman rule Hadrian allowed all the defeated Jews to live in Jerusalem under Roman rule FALSE

38 True or False The success of the Christian church was partly because of its ability to organize The success of the Christian church was partly because of its ability to organize TRUE

39 True or False When invaders attacked the western empire, city workers fled to the country for safety When invaders attacked the western empire, city workers fled to the country for safety FALSE

40 True or False The eastern empire declined rapidly after the fall of the west The eastern empire declined rapidly after the fall of the west FALSE

41 True or False Economic slowdowns and constant invasions contributed to the decline of the western empire Economic slowdowns and constant invasions contributed to the decline of the western empire TRUE

42 Early Rome was a ____________ in which voters elected public officials REPUBLIC

43 _____________ could refuse to approve actions of the senate that were not in the best interest of the empire Tribunes

44 _____________ helped Romans capture Carthaginian ships during the First Punic War Boarding bridges

45 The Gracchi were assassinated by the senators because they both _________________________ Tried to pass reforms in the senate

46 The popularity of ______________ led to his assassination Julius Caesar

47 Although they were not all great leaders, the ____________________ Emperors were able to maintain the Pax Romana Julio-Claudian

48 The Roman Empire created a system of _________ to unify the empire through trade and communication roads

49 The council at Nicaea claimed the Christian belief in the ____________ Trinity

50 Diocletian’s reforms led to the creation of the _________ Roman Empire eastern

51 Constant invasions, political weakness, an________________, and social disconnection all contributed to the downfall of the western empire economic slowdown

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