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5.3.10. 1. Drill – Is it okay to use torture during times of war? If so, what types of torture and for what reasons? If not, why not? 2. Article - waterboarding.

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Presentation on theme: "5.3.10. 1. Drill – Is it okay to use torture during times of war? If so, what types of torture and for what reasons? If not, why not? 2. Article - waterboarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 5.3.10

2 1. Drill – Is it okay to use torture during times of war? If so, what types of torture and for what reasons? If not, why not? 2. Article - waterboarding

3 I. Mao’s China  Civil War and Its Aftermath  1945 Mao Zedong’s Communists versus Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalists  Communists won, Nationalists fled to the island of Taiwan  1955, farms collectivized, industry nationalized.  Food production supposed to grow but did not. Population was 657 million b y 1957.

4  The Great Leap Forward (1958)  Program to speed up economic growth  700,000 collectivized farms combined into 26,000 communes. 30,000 people lived together in the communes.  HUGE disaster – nearly 15 million died from starvation.  1960, government gave up – back to collective farms

5  Korea was divided after WWII  North (industrial) = controlled by Soviet Union  South (rural) = controlled by America  By 1949, most Soviet AND US troops were out of Korea  Soviets thought US would not defend South Korea, so gave North Korea weapons etc to take over the peninsula

6  June 25, 1950, N. Korea invaded S. Korea  UN meets and authorizes troops to help S. Korea  15 nations try to push N. Korea back. Led by General Douglas MacArthur.  N. Koreans had almost taken over the whole peninsula when MacArthur launched a surprise attack


8  UN Army pushed N. Koreans out of S. Korea and up to the Korean border w/ China  Then China decided to help the N. Koreans. 300,000 joined the fight – UN forces greatly outnumbered.  Chinese and N. Koreans once again pushed into the South; 2 years later the Americans and UN forces had moved the N. Koreans back and a cease-fire agreement was reached.

9  Cease-fire signed July 1953, sets the boundary between N. and S. Korea at the 38 th parallel.  5 million soldiers and civilians killed and boundary is the same as it was before the war!  Relations b/w N. and S. Korea continue to be strained. N. = Communist and S. = Democratic.  N. = slow economic growth, S. = fast economic growth

10  The Korean War can be thought of as a see-saw war – the N. Koreans almost took over the whole peninsula, the S. Koreans pushed them back and almost reached China. Fighting goes on and on and eventually the border is exactly the same as it was BEFORE the War.

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