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3.2 Notes T HE F RENCH R EVOLUTION U NFOLDS. I. P OLITICAL C RISIS L EADS TO R EVOLT  National Assembly (1789-1791) the 1 st and moderate phase of the.

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Presentation on theme: "3.2 Notes T HE F RENCH R EVOLUTION U NFOLDS. I. P OLITICAL C RISIS L EADS TO R EVOLT  National Assembly (1789-1791) the 1 st and moderate phase of the."— Presentation transcript:


2 I. P OLITICAL C RISIS L EADS TO R EVOLT  National Assembly (1789-1791) the 1 st and moderate phase of the French Revolution  1789 there was a terrible famine in addition to the other problems  Great Fear- a time when rumors of attacks set off a panic and revolts  Peasants set fire to noble manor houses and stole grain

3 II. P ARIS C OMMUNE C OMES TO P OWER  Marquis de Lafayette “hero of two worlds” led a National Guard  Paris Commune- took over Paris, could mobilize people to protest or riots

4 Q UESTIONS  What caused French Peasants to revolt against the nobles? The Peasants revolted because…

5 III. T HE N ATIONAL A SSEMBLY A CTS  Some more reform minded clergy and nobles joined the National Assembly  Nobles vote to end their own special privileges  Felt they already had lost them because of revolts  Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen- based on the Dec. of Independence  All men equal under the law  Natural rights  Olympe de Gouges- resented women not being included

6 Q UESTIONS  Why did the nobles willingly vote to end their privileges?  The nobles ended their privileges because they thought it would end the __________ ______________.  How is the Dec. of Rights of Man an Enlightenment Idea?  It is an enlightenment idea because it achieves ____________ under the ______.

7 IV. W OMEN M ARCH ON V ERSAILLES  King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette, still led a life of luxury  Women upset with bread prices marched on the palace of Versailles to see the King  They demanded the King return with them to Paris

8 Q UESTIONS  Why were the women of Paris so angry?  The women of Paris were angry because …

9 V. T HE N ATIONAL A SSEMBLY P RESSES O NWARD  Church is placed under state control  Constitution of 1791-  Limited monarchy  Legislative assembly  Elected lawmakers  Louis and Marie try to escape in 1791  Made him look like a traitor to the revolution

10 VI. R ULERS S PREAD F EAR OF R EVOLUTION  Other European Nobles saw the revolution as the “French Plague”  Cut off borders  Emigres- nobles who had fled France  Declaration of Pilnitz- King of Prussia and Emperor of Austria threatened the French if they harmed the king or queen

11 Q UESTION  Why did other rulers see the French as having a “plague”  Other rulers saw the French as having a plague because they feared that it would…

12 VII. R ADICALS T AKE O VER  Legislative Assembly ruled for less than a year  Economic crisis  Food shortages  Sans-culottes- working men  They demanded a republic  Jacobins- middle class who also wanted a republic  These radical groups declare “war on tyranny”  Declare war on Austria and then later Prussia and Britain

13 Q UESTIONS  Why are the Sans-culottes and the Jacobins “radical”  They are radical because the both believe France should have a _____________, rather than the traditional ____________.

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