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Period 3: Regional and Trans regional Interactions 600 CE-1450 Turn in Islam chart, keep women in Islamic societies out on your desk.

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1 Period 3: Regional and Trans regional Interactions 600 CE-1450 Turn in Islam chart, keep women in Islamic societies out on your desk

2 Post Classical period  Collapse of old empires, rise of city-states in Africa, Mesoamerica, Southeast Asia  Massive wars of conquest  Creating the Islamic world  Mongol Empire  Trade Routes  Africa and the Americas remained separate  Merchandise, ideas and culture spread between and connected the rest of the world  Systems of labor  Cities as the center of society (culture, language, trade, religion)

3 Islamic Caliphates  Abbasids: Established their capital in Baghdad (Iraq) differed from Umayyad in that they granted equal status to converts to Islam  Increased trade from the Western Med. World to china  Math: Refined fields of algebra, geometry, trigonometry  Study of astronomy  Created detailed maps of the world

4 Roman Empire

5 Byzantine Empire 565

6 780

7 1278

8 1453

9 Expansion of Empires-China  Tang (618-907)  Generally characterized by trade and agriculture  Controlled their empire through the use of diplomatic relations and the Great Wall  Continued use of the Civil Service exam  Government emphasized Confucianism, but Buddhism grew in popularity  Tang gov’t limited the power of Buddhism by putting restrictions on land and money grants  Decline:  Internal rebellion  Invasions by nomadic people

10 Song Dynasty (960-1279)  Emphasized Chinese tradition namely patriarchal family and Confucian teachings  Significant technological advances  Forced to pay tribute (bribes) to the Khitan, a nomadic group located in northern China  Heavy emphasis on civil service exams  Neo-Confucianism: a blend of Confucian and Buddhist ideas and values  Applied Confucian respect for authority and family to all aspects of chinese society  This way, Buddhism complemented the government instead of posing a threat

11 Achievements Tang  Increased contacts with the Islamic world  Improved ocean going ships-Chinese junks were among the worlds best ships  Use of flying money (letters of credit) to facilitate long distance trade  Canals and irrigation systems increased agricultural productivity Song  Continued overseas trade  Landscape paintings  Warfare advancements: Catapults, flame throwers and rocket launchers  Printing with moveable type  Use of the compass  Abacus  Foot binding started with wealthy, spread to the lower classes



14 Manorialism and feudalism  Labor and societal structure  Feudalism: political and social order of medieval Europe, a method of maintaining control of a society.  Serfs: people who were not slaves, yet not fully free. Produced the labor in this system. Worked the land in exchange for protection  Manor: main form of agricultural organization. Included land, crops, animals, tools and serfs. The lord acted as the government.

15 Middle Ages in Europe  11 th -15 th Centuries  Gothic Architecture  Increased urbanization-Europe in general had smaller cities than China  Rise of universities  Decline in serfs on the manor; many fled to towns to earn freedom  Centralized monarchies and growth of nation states  New warfare (gunpowder, cannons) made castles obsolete

16 Mongols  Began as nomads on the Asian steppes (grasslands in Northern China)  Migrated with herds of sheep, horses, cattle, goats and camels  Grew small crops, but mostly depended on animal products  Traded with other nomadic groups and along the silk roads  Nomadic women in Asia  Had status and autonomy  Raised to complete all chores, military service  Could own property and divorce  Polygamy was normal within the clans



19 Mongol Empires  1167-Temujin was born; allied himself with powerful clans. Used steppe diplomacy to unite the Mongols under a single confederation  Became known as Chingghis Khan  First attacked other nomadic groups in Asia but soon moved on to China and Persia  1220-conquered most of Northern China  Persia-ruling shah attacked Mongol ambassadors; The Mongols retaliated by destroying their irrigation systems and destroying cities

20 Decline of Mongol Rule  Mid 14 th century Mongol role weakened as they were more concerned with acquisition of territory and wealth than ruling effectively  The last years of the Yuan Dynasty were characterized by banditry, famine and peasant rebellion  Russia: failed attempts to conquer Eastern Europe in 1240; Mongols withdrew to their capital in Mongolia  Persia: rule ended in 1260; defeated by slaves of Egypt

21 Impact  Russia  Remained culturally isolated from Europe developments such as the Renaissance  Persia  Ottoman Turks replaced Mongols as ruling power in the 15 th century  Eurasia  Facilitation of trade between Europe and Asia  Mongols fostered peace and stability promoted the exchange of products and ideas  New trading posts encouraged people to invest in long distance exploration  Spread of the plague



24 Bantu Migrations  Began in 2000 BCE-likely due to overpopulation; moved south and east through sub-Saharan Africa  Migrated from present day Nigeria; escalated between 500 BCE-1000; up until 1500  Spread knowledge of agriculture techniques and iron working, adopted cattle raising  Banana arrived in 400 CE from Malay sailors (Indian Ocean trade)  Results: Spread of Bantu language, language blended with Islam to create Swahili

25 Bantu Society and Government  Stateless societies  Political organization based around the family and kinship group  Leader was a respected family member  Religion was animistic  Earliest Bantu groups did not have a written language  Society centered around the age grade- group of members of the same age who shared responsibilities appropriate to age group  Women: highly respected as child-bearers; shared in agricultural duties  Property was held in common; wealth was determined by acquisition of slaves

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