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The North Team Yukon History Rocky soil Small family farms Natural harbors Fast-flowing rivers.

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2 The North Team Yukon History

3 Rocky soil Small family farms Natural harbors Fast-flowing rivers

4 Northern cities grow! –Immigrants mostly from Germany and Ireland –Irish immigrants fled the potato famine of the 1840s

5 Immigrants come looking for work –Immigrants settled in Northern cities because unskilled jobs were available –Had trouble improving working conditions because they were easily replaced –Many Americans hated Irish because they were willing to work for low wages

6 A wide variety of industries –Textiles –Artisans –Shipping –Rise of factories

7 Downfalls of the factory system –Very few windows or heating systems –Dangerous machinery –Low pay and long hours

8 New inventions transformed Northern factories –Telegraph –Sewing Machine –Steam engine –Typewriter

9 Railroads Canals Turnpikes

10 Public Education Reform Movements –Abolition, Temperance, Women’s rights Small tight knit communities Many religions

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