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Molecular Models. Methodology: Modify Wavefunction.

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Presentation on theme: "Molecular Models. Methodology: Modify Wavefunction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Molecular Models

2 Methodology: Modify Wavefunction

3 Theory: Wavefunction

4 Computation: Basis Set AO TypeFunctional Forms s e -ar 2 Px x e -ar 2 Py y e -ar 2 Pz z e -ar 2 dx2dx2 x 2 e -ar 2 dy2dy2 y 2 e -ar 2 dz2dz2 z 2 e -ar 2 d xyxy e -ar 2 d xzxz e -ar 2 d yzyz e -ar 2

5 Computation: Basis Set Basis set # functions Basis set # functions Basis set # functions STO-3G56-31G96-311G13 3-21G96-31G*156-311G*18* 4-31G96-31+G*196-311+G*22*

6 Computation: Electron Correlation

7 Configuration Interaction (CI) unoccupied occupied

8 Moller Plesset (MP) Hartree-Fock close to Full Hamiltonian Perturbation

9 Computation: Computation Time

10 Results: Geometry Basis Bond Length Error (Å) Bond Angle Error (deg.) STO-3G0.0542.3 3-21G0.0163.8 3-21G(*)0.0173.3 6-31G*0.0141.5 6-31G**0.0141.8 6-311G**0.013-- Mean Absolute Errors for A-H bond parameters Basis Bond Length Error (Å) (single bonds) Bond Length Error (Å) (multipe bonds) Bond Angle Error (deg.) STO-3G0.0490.0171.3 3-21G0.0290.0121.0 3-21G(*)0.0290.0120.9 6-31G*0.0440.023-- 6-31G**0.0460.021-- 6-311G**0.0390.025-- Mean Errors for A-B bond parameters

11 Results: Geometry MoleculeCoordinateHFMP2CCSDMP4CCSD(T) Error in Bond Length (Å) H2OH2OO-H-0.0060.0050.0040.005 NH 3 N-H-0.0110.0020.0030.004 CH 4 C-H-0.0010.0030.0050.006 C2H2C2H2 C-H C-C -0.002 -0.012 0.006 0.024 0.007 0.016 0.008 0.025 0.008 0.023 CH 2 O C-H C=O -0.005 -0.015 0.003 0.022 0.004 0.015 0.008 0.023 0.006 0.021 HCN C-H C-N -0.003 -0.017 0.004 0.032 0.005 0.019 0.006 0.030 0.006 0.024 HCN N-H C-N -0.008 -0.010 0.007 0.025 0.006 0.017 0.007 0.031 0.008 0.024 CO 2 C-O-0.0150.0220.0120.0280.018 Average Abs. Error ()-0.0090.0130.0090.0150.013 Error in Bond Angle (deg.) H2OH2OH-O-H2.1- NH 3 H-N-H1.50.0-0.2-0.3-0.4 CH 2 0H-C-O-0.3-0.2 -0.6-0.2 Average Error (deg.)1.3-0.1 -0.3-0.2

12 Results: Geometry

13 Results: Energy

14 Methodsto-3g3-21Gd954-31G4-31g*4-31g**6-31G6-31G* 6- 31G** 6-311 G** 6-311 ++G** 6-311++ (3df,2p d) cc-pvdzcc-pvtzcc-pvqc # Basis fumctions: 713141319251319253036692458115 UHF 26.025.524.725.325.125.0 RHF 39.536.035.437.431.5 36.830.9 29.328.828.128.6 28.4 MP2 31.628.127.029.321.520.728.720.820.118.017.415.017.515.4314.3 MP3 28.725.824.727.018.918.126.418.317.515.314.812.614.712.912.1 MP4D 27.324.723.625.917.716.825.317.116.314.113.511.313.411.610.9 MP4DQ 27.324.923.826. MP4SDTQ 27.324.623.725.817.616.725. MP5 26.524. GVB/RO HF 23.823.223.024.514.7 24.014.314.412.612.310.511.910.810.5 CCSD 24.923.522.624.616.515.724. CCSD(T) 24.822.922.224.115.714.823.515.214.412.412.010.011.810.39.6 CID 26.224.723.725.918.117.525.317.517.015.014.612.714.313.012.4 CISD 26.124.723.825.918.017.425.317.516.915.014.612.914.313.212.6 QCISD 24.923.422.624.616.515.624.015.915.213.212.810.912.511.210.6 QCISD(T) 24.822.922.224.115.714.823.515.214.412.412.010.011.810.39.6 BLYP 17.015.817.217.512.712.517.012.312.211.310.79.910.910.410.1 ROBLYP Singlet-Triplet Splittings (kcal/mole): E exp = 9.2 kcal/mole

15 Results: Energy Reaction HF/6-31FG** //HF6- 31G* MP2/6-31G** //MP2/6-31G* MP3/6-31G** //MP3/6-31G* MP4/6-31G** //MP4/6-31G* Expt. H 2 ->H*+H* 85101105106109 Li->Li*+H* 3245484958 BeH->Be*+H* 52 494750,56 BH->B*+H* 6277798082 CH*->C+H*(2) 5573757684 CH*->C+H*(4-) 626866 67 NH->N*+H* 5071727379,<85 OH*->O+H* 6796 107 FH->F*+H* 93131127128141 BH 2 *->BH+H* 8488878599-130 CH 2 ->CH*+H*( 3 B 1 ) 101109108107105,106 CH 2 ->CH*+H*( 1 A 1 ) 7089909198 NH 2 *->NH+H* 6590 102 OH 2 ->OH*+H* 86119115116126 BH 3 ->BH 2 *+H* 9010610810957-107 CH 3 *->CH 2 +H* 88110112 117 NH 3 ->NH 2 *+H* 83110108109116 CH 4 ->CH 3 *+H* 87109110 113

16 Results: Energy

17 Results: Charge Example: Chlorine atomic charge in CH 3 Cl, HF Mulliken and NPA charges ; calculated with many basis sets (at the HF/6-31G* optimized geometry).

18 Problems: BSSE Basis Set Superposition Error MoleculesMethod BSSE kcal/mol HF+HF HF/6-31+G* MP2/6-31+G* 0.96 2.16 H 2 +NH 3 HF/DZP0.65 (CH 3 COOH) 2 HF/6-31G* MP2/6-31G* 2.5 5.6

19 Problems: Size Consistency

20 Problems: UHF Instability Method E relative (Anthracene- Phenanthrene) UHF/6-31G*1.42 RHF/6-31G*6.88 MP2/6-31G**7.09 MP3/6-31G6.17 MP4(SDQ)/6-31G6.48 CISD/DZ7.49 CCSD6.32 CCSD(T)5.98

21 Problems:Variational Principle

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